Chapter 19
You spent the next month in even more lessons than usual. It was a nightmare. You had school, magic lessons with Loki, magic lessons with Doctor Strange, dancing lessons with Thor and Nat and occasionally Tony and Pepper, plus actual combat lessons. You passed out on the couch over your homework more than one night from overwork. "Witchling, you have got to learn to pace yourself and say 'no' occasionally," Loki scolded gently one night as he carried you to your bed after you'd passed out on the couch trying to finish your calculus homework.
"I can say no," you murmured, only half-awoken by his words.
"Sure you can, witchling," he chuckled. "I have yet to hear you say that you cannot take on an additional training or lesson,"
"That's cuz I can," you replied. He sighed in loving exasperation.
"You do not have to keep proving yourself. You are already part of the team, and they need to learn to respect your limits," he reminded you gently.
"I love you too," you murmured, cuddling yourself more comfortably in his arms and dozing back off.
One of these days one of the two of you might say the words while you were awake...
Your respite came the next morning. You hadn't even realized the date at first, but knew as soon as you went down to breakfast the something was wrong. Everything felt wrong and you could smell the magic in the air. On a hunch you asked. "Jarvis, what's today's date?"
"It is April the first, miss,"
"Shit," you mumbled. You cursed again when the elevator doors open and you spotted the rest of the team. You should not have come downstairs today.
"Y/N! What's going on?!" Cap demanded when 'he' spotted you. The trouble was that all of the team was currently the opposite gender. They all looked pissed, except Thor who was just shoving your poptarts in his currently female face.
You shrugged as you stepped into the room and onto the battlefield. You hadn't been affected by this spell. "No idea. It wasn't me," you replied, actually innocently. You had nothing to do with this. You tried so very hard not to laugh at Tony playing with his boobs.
"You're the only one not affected," Bruce said logically.
You shrugged again and stole some of the poptarts from Thor. Thor growled at you, but the effect was diminished out of a female throat. You kissed him on the cheek in reply, enjoying annoying your adopted older brother. "Thanks for sharing," you grinned. "I didn't know anything about this until I walked off the elevator. And before you ask, I haven't seen Loki this morning and don't know where he is. He's probably laughing at all of the chaos,"
"You're supposed to keep a leash on him," Tony grumbled, finally looking up from his new boobs.
"Even if it were my job to keep a leash on him, which it's not, since he's my boyfriend, not my prisoner; today is April Fool's Day. Even I'm not stupid enough to try to think I have any control over anything he does today. My advice is try to stay in his good graces so the pranks don't get worse," you told them as you sat with Thor to eat poptarts. "At least you're all still pretty," you added, earning you more glares and curses from the team.
"And why are you unaffected?" Clint asked.
"It is unwise to upset one's kærasta," Loki's voice came from the elevator, but it wasn't quite right. You turned with everyone else to watch the beautiful woman with long black hair step out of the elevator. You grinned and got to your feet to rush over to Loki.
"Morning Loki. Decided to join in the fun?" you asked her. She was still taller than you, but not as much so as usual. She looked hesitant, worried, unsure of your reaction. So you leaned up and kissed her, just like you would have on any other day. You saw the relief in her eyes and smile.
"It seemed like such fun. Would you care to join us?"
"No, thank you. Not my cup of tea," you replied. You took Loki's hand and led her to the dining room table where you stole more poptarts from Thor.
"How come she gets a choice?" Tony demanded like a petulant child.
"Kærasta," Loki repeated pleasantly.
"Care to explain that word, love? You keep using it and I'd like to know what it means,"
"It means 'darling'" Loki started
"Or 'beloved'" Thor added. You nodded and stored that piece of information away.
"An emergency has come in with a group of enhanced," Jarvis announced.
"Show us," Cap and Tony ordered at the same time. Footage came up on the screen of people blowing up buildings.
"Suit up," Cap ordered. "Loki, lift your spell!"
"I cannot. The spell ends at midnight. Not a moment sooner," Loki replied with a grin, enjoying the chaos. It wasn't really hurting anything, since everyone still had their powers and skills, just the wrong body parts.
"Um...Cap. None of our suits will fit," Nat reminded everyone.
"Sure they will," Loki said pleasantly. "I am not a heathen." Everyone had to have clothes that would fit, and look nice, or Loki would've been sad.
"You and Y/N are coming too. This looks bad and we need everyone's help. Meet us on the flight deck. You have five minutes," Cap addressed that last part to everyone. You and Loki used magic to change into your battle costumes. Loki's was changed for being female today, but she still had the golden horned helmet. Yours was just a plain black SHIELD uniform. It looked nearly identical to Nat's. You tied your hair back carefully.
"Need one?" You asked offering Loki a hair-tie. She laughed and shook her head.
"My hair will not misbehave during a mission." You slipped the hairtie back on your wrist among its friends.
"We better get upstairs," you said a bit nervously. You weren't usually brought along on missions. Cap must've thought this would be bad.
"We will be fine, darling," Loki reassured you as you rode the elevator upstairs. Thor was next to join you. The others took longer getting ready, except Nat, who didn't seem as affected by the body-change as everyone else. She started setting up the jet you were all going to take. Everyone else rushed into the jet and took their seats. You watched excitedly as the plane took off. Loki giggled at your reaction.
"I've never flown before," you explained. "Well, except once, but that was by Thor and not by airplane, so it doesn't count,"
"When did Thor fly you?"
"After he saw what my foster father did to my face. He decided to take me to the Avengers tower that instant," you explained as you watched the world out the window of the jet. It was fascinating and terrifying at the same time.
It wasn't long before you reached your destination. "Y/N, stay under cover and out of the direct fight. We don't want to lose our healer. Don't be stupid," Cap ordered to you as your part of the directions. "Protect the healer," Cap ordered the others. You tried not to roll your eyes. You could protect yourself.
You and Loki stuck together for the beginning of the battle. You both fought very similarly, using magic and illusions and being out of the line of fire instead of trying to take the hits. "Kid, Clint's been shot!" Tony's voice came over the device in your ear.
"Again?" You grumbled. "Where is he? Set a flare and I'll teleport there," The flare appeared and you teleported to the spot. Tony was standing over Clint, defending him. "I've got this," you told Tony as you knelt beside Clint and got to work, throwing a shield around the two of you for protection until the healing was complete. Tony jetted off to go fight other things. You got Clint healed and he jumped back up to get back to the attack.
After that, you had to teleport all around the battlefield, healing your friends and throwing magic and daggers at the enemies.
"There's a healer!" one of the bad guys called when they caught you healing Cap. Cap shielded the two of you with his shield the next instant when the enemies converged on you. You grabbed Cap and teleported both of you behind the line of the bad guys. Thor dropped from the sky and hit Cap's shield with his hammer, knocking out that entire group.
"Y/N, get to Nat!" Clint's voice was frantic in your ear.
"Where is she?" you demanded. Stark sent up another flare. You teleported over there and knelt beside Nat to get to work healing her. "Stark, guard us. I can't keep teleporting all over, making shields, and healing." Your magic was strong, but even you had limits and this fight was going to test them.
It took a lot more magic and a ton more healing during battle before the battle was done. Everyone was drained by the time you finally defeated the enhanced and bound them for SHIELD to come collect.
You still had one more job and had to use more magic to calm the Hulk so he could change back into Bruce. It took awhile to get Hulk to recognize you. He was still so battle hazed. You finally had to rip your hairtie out with a bloody hand so Hulk could see your hair. "It's me, Hulk. The healer," you said softly, gently, using soothing magic as soon as you got close enough. You placed a hand on Hulk's arm when he finally calmed enough and shoved more soothing magic into him, until he stumbled away a few steps to change back into Bruce. You summoned a cape to wrap around Bruce, since Loki's spell was still in effect and you were sure that Bruce didn't want everyone to see him without a shirt when he was a girl.
Loki pulled you to your feet while Nat helped Bruce to his. "Are you ok?" you asked Loki. You hadn't seen her for most of the battle and your healer instincts took priority to everything else.
"I'm fine, witchling. The battle is over. We can all go home now," Loki wrapped an arm around you to support you on the walk back to the jet. Thor came up and wrapped an arm around your other side.
"Good work today, healer," he said jovially.
"Thanks, Thor," even your voice sounded tired.
The flight home was uneventful, everyone slept and Jarvis flew the plane home. They praised your work again, knowing full well that your battlefield healing was the only reason that fight wasn't a thousand times worse. The group passed out in the livingroom after drinks for their nerves. You were excluded from that due to your age and the fact that Cap was in the room. You passed out curled on the couch with Loki regardless.
You stole an image of everyone passed out in the wrong genders from Jarvis' footage later to tape up in your locker and add to your collection.
Loki's spell was nearly over when the group woke again. You somehow convinced them to take a group picture in costume before the spell ended. That picture was definitely going up in your locker. Hell, it was on Facebook thirty seconds after it was taken. The internet loved the April Fool's joke.
You walked upstairs with Loki after the team had raided the fridge so you could get some proper sleep. Your hand was in Loki's and you were chatting as you walked, like nothing had changed. "It does not disturb you to see me like this?" Loki asked, her voice worried and scared.
"Love, what is it going to take to convince you that I don't care what you look like? You're my Loki no matter what form you're in. It doesn't matter if you're male or female, Jotun, Asgardian, human. I love you no matter what," you told her firmly. You felt the thousand shades of red your face turned when you realized what you said.
"I love you too, witchling," Loki replied and leaned down to kiss you. You met her halfway. The clock chimed midnight while you were kissing.
"The spell didn't end?" you asked when the kiss broke and you saw that Loki was still female.
"This was not part of the spell. I just wished to be female," Loki replied with a grin.
You shrugged. "Fair enough,"
"The rest of the team is back to normal," she added.
"That's good. Tony's a whiny baby when he has boobs," you laughed, getting a giggle out of Loki too.
"Tony is always a whiny baby. Just because he suffered defenestration once he forever does not like me," Loki mock-whined.
"Poor baby," you laughed, but your laugh was punctuated by a yawn. "I should get some real sleep. The team can't survive a minute in the fight without someone needing healed. Night Loki,"
"Goodnight, witchling," she replied. You gave her one last kiss before entering your own suite to get some sleep.
A few days later you had to go hunting Loki in the building. He wasn't at breakfast and hadn't been in his room when you went looking for him that morning. You'd braved downstairs with the largest dagger you'd found hidden in Loki's room and without your powers. "Jarvis, do you know where Loki is?" You had to ask when Loki wasn't at breakfast.
"He is downstairs training with Thor," Jarvis replied.
"Thank you, Jarvis," you replied and headed back to the elevator to go find your wayward boyfriend. He was in one of the training rooms with Thor, where they were sparring shirtless. You took a minute to take some pictures and enjoy the view before you entered the room and drew attention to yourself.
They both turned and greeted you at the same time. Loki rushed over to you, concern in his expression. "Witchling, you should be in bed," he said gently. You nodded, sure he could feel that you were without your powers.
"I was going to go curl back up with a book, but this seems like way more fun to watch." You'd rather spend the morning with him than hiding alone in your room. They both chuckled at that.
"You can stay and watch if you would like," Loki told you with a smile. Thor nodded agreement. "But that cannot be the reason you came down here?"
"No, I came to see if you had any tea?"
He gave you a warm smile. "Of course, darling," he replied. He summoned you a comfortable chair with a throw blanket and got you settled there with a cup of his healing tea. You watched them spar, enjoying both the view of the two very handsome men shirtless, and their very different fighting styles. The fear was still there in the back of your mind, but you knew you were safe in Loki's company, and by extension, Thor's. You didn't know how long they worked, they both had more stamina than humans and could and did fight for hours. The tea cup refilled itself and the saucer floated next to you so you didn't need a table.
"Witchling, how asleep are you?" Loki asked softly a long while later.
"'m awake," you murmured, trying to open your eyes. It didn't work so you gave up. Your head was pillowed on your arms, on the arm of the chair, curled up like a kitten under the throw blanket.
"I see that," he replied dryly. "Thor and I are done down here. Time to finish your nap in your own bed." He lifted you carefully into his strong arms, cradled against his cool, still shirtless, chest. You didn't wake any further. You were safe with him, even without your powers.
"You love her, brother," Thor commented. "I have never seen you like this in all of our years,"
"I believe the Earth term is 'duh'," Loki replied defensively. "She is my girlfriend. It would be a bad sign indeed if I did not love her,"
"You have had girlfriends and flirtations before. This is not that,"
"What is your point, Thor?" Loki grumbled, still defensive.
"My point, darling brother, is that you tend to poke at things until they break and do stupid things for attention. She could be your eiginkona if you do not to something stupid to mess it up or scare her away,"
"She has not been scared away by my Jotun form or my desire to occasionally be female; I doubt anything could scare her," Loki's voice was full of pride and joy.
"That may be true. It is obvious how much she loves you, brother. She just spent an entire morning without her powers in the company of two fighting men. I think only Lady Sif would have done anything like that at home,"
"Sif would have joined in to kick both of our asses for being male in her presence. We should be glad that Y/N just wanted to watch."
Thor chuckled. "The point is, that your darling braved her fear just to spend time with you this morning, and trusted you enough to fall asleep while we were sparring and she is vulnerable. Do not be stupid now that you finally have what you have always been looking for, brother,"
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