Loi chuc ngay 8/3 Hay
1. Moi thu lai bat dau khi nam moi dang den. Chuc ban nam moi day hanh phuc va nhung thang day trien vong va hanh phuc nhat.
Everything starts a new with the New Year coming. May your new year be filled with the happiest things and your days with the bring test promise.
2. Hy vong tam thiep nay se chuyen den nhung loi chuc chan thanh cua toi den voi ban. Ban se tran day hanh phuc trong tuong lai.
Hoping this card bring your my sincere greetings. You will be blessed through the coming year in fullest measure.
3. Anh la huan luyen vien em yeu quy nhat. Em gui anh loi chuc mung nhan ngay "Le Tinh Nhan".
You one my favorite instructor. I send you a Valentine greeting.
4. Chuc ban nam moi vui ve va phat tai.
Have a happy and profitable year.
5. Gui den ban nhung loi chuc hanh phuc trong ngay le Giang Sinh va nam moi.
Bringing your good wishes of happiness this Christmas and on the coming year.
6. Moi viec lai bat dau tot dep. Chuc ban thanh cong trong nam moi. Nhung loi chuc chan thanh cua toi den voi cuoc song huy hoang cua ban.
This is another good beginning. May you be richly blessed with a successfully new year? May my sincere blessing surround splendid travel of your life?
7. Nong nhiet chuc mung thanh cong lon cua ban la da hoan thanh khoa nghien cuu sinh va dat duoc bang Thac Si.
Hearty felicitations on you’re completing the post-graduate course acquiring the degree of Master of Sense.
8. Chung toi chuc mung hai ban nhan ngay dinh hon cua cac ban. Hy vong rang cac ban dat duoc nhung gi hang mong muon trong cuoc song chung.
Best wishes from us both on your engagement. We hope you will have everything you wish for in life together.
9. Loi chuc mung tan day long nhan dip le thanh hon cua ban.
Sincere congratulations from the bottom of my heart on your marriage.
10. Goi den ban mon qua nay voi ca tam long va mot loi chuc ban se hanh phuc tran day. Nhung dieu hanh phuc nhat luon den voi ban.
Sending you this present with my heart and with that you'll be happy in fullest measure. May the happiest things always happen to you?
11. Cho phep toi chuc mung ban nhan dip nam moi den va xin gui den ban nhung loi chuc tot dep: doi dao suc khoe va thinh vuong.
Allow me to congratulation you on arrival of the New Year and to extend to you all my good wishes for your perfect health and lasting prosperity.
12. Toi nhiet thanh chuc mung hanh phuc cuoc hon nhan cua ban. Mong rang su ket hop nay se mang lai hanh phuc mai mai cho gia dinh moi cua ban.
I congratulation you wholeheartedly on your blissful marriage. May the significant bond fruit everlasting felicity on your new family.
13. Cho toi gui loi chuc mung chan thanh nhat cua toi nhan dip ban co them mot cau con trai. Co the tuong tuong cau be em lai niem vui cho ban va gia dinh ban biet bao.
Let me offer you my sincerest congratulation upon the arrival of your son. I can well imagine the joy which it must afford yourself and your family.
14. Toi tin tuong rang cuoc hon nhan cua ban se la nguon vui va hanh phuc cho ca hai nguoi. Hay nhan mon qua nho nay voi loi chuc mung cua toi trong le cuoi dau hanh phuc cua ban.
I trust that your marriage will be a source of blessing and happiness of your both, please accept this little present with my congratulations upon your happy wedding.
15. Trong doi chung ta gap nhau de roi cuoi cung noi hai tieng "chia tay". Chuc tinh ban cua chung ta mai mai vuot qua thoi gian va khong gian.
We met get together to know each other but say "good-bye" at last in such a crowded world. May our friendship grow dearer in spite of time and space?
16. Gui nguoi than nhat trong ngay le Giang Sinh vui ve nay.
To my dearest love on this joyous Christmas.
17. Anh khong nghi rang anh co the co hanh phuc thuc su cho den ngay anh gap em. Chuc em "Ngay Tinh Nhan" hanh phuc.
I didn't think that I could ever trust happiness then I met you. Happy Valentine's Day.
18. Chuc em: Ngay “Tinh Nhan” hanh phuc. Hay theo duoi cong viec tot dep cua em!
Wishing you a Happy Valentine's Day. Keep up the good work!
19. Trong "Ngay Tinh Yeu" nay cung nhu moi ngay khac, tat ca nhung gi toi co la tinh yeu danh cho em.
On this Valentine's Day, just like every day, all I have is love for you.
20. Mong rang nam moi se mang su binh yen va phat dat den cho ban.
I hope that the coming year bring you peace and prosperity.
21. Du khong gian co phan cach chung ta va thoi gian co troi di moi ngay, toi van giu trong tim su quan tam va nhung loi chuc tot dep cho em.
Though distance separates us and time keeps us going on our own way, through each and every day I will hold in my heart the caring and blessing for you and never let you go.
22. Gui den em nhung loi chuc tot dep nhat, ngot ngao nhu nhung bong hoa nay, vi em da cung anh di den tan cung the gioi. Chuc sinh nhat hanh phuc.
Send you my beautiful blessing that is as sweet as a flower to be your companion till the end of the world. Happy birthday to you.
23. Trong ngay sinh nhat tot dep nay, chuc ban nhung ngay thuc su hanh phuc o trong tam tay cua ban. Va nhung uoc mo ruc ro nhat deu co the thuc hien duoc.
On such a day like your birthday, may you be in arm with a truly happy day bringing fulfillment of your favorite hope your brightest promise.
24. Hay de nhung loi chuc sau lang cua toi luon o ben canh cuoc song tuyet voi cua ban. Toi hy vong trong nam toi ban luon khoe manh va thuan buom xuoi gio trong cong viec.
Let my deep blessing always. Surround magnificent travel of your life. I hope in years to come you will have a good health and plain sailing.
25. Toi chuc ban ting yeu va hanh phuc nhan dip sinh nhat cua ban.
I want to wish you love and happiness on your birthday.
26. Uoc gi em co the bay to long biet on cua em doi voi thay, thay kinh men cua em, nhung that kho noi nen loi. Em mong rang tam thiep nay se bay to phan nao su biet on sau sac tu day long em.
I wish I knew some way to let you know the gratitude. I fell for you my dear teacher but just can't say. So I hope this little card will show, at least, in part the warmest appreciation that is come from the bottom of my heart.
27. Chung ta quen nhau da lau. Tam thiep nay de biet rang em luon o trong suy nghi cua toi.
It's been so long since we have gotten together. Here is a little card to let you know that you're in our thoughts often.
28. Cang o xa em cang nghi nhieu ve thay. Nhung loi thay day bao va su biet on cua em la vo cung. Chuc thay manh khoe, binh an va hanh phuc.
The further I am away from you the more I am thinking of you. There is no end to your instruction. There is no end to my gratitude. Wish you health, peaceful and happy.
29. Ban men,
Mot Giang Sinh vui ve va nam moi hanh phuc den voi ban. Toi va gia dinh toi xin gui loi chuc tot dep den gia dinh ban. Cau mong gia dinh ban khoe manh trong mua nghi le. Va mong moi nam tinh than cua chung ta cang gan bo.
A Merry Christmas and a happy New Year to you! Allow me to offer you Season's Greeting on the advent of what will surely be bring and prosperous New Year, I trust that you and your family are enjoying this holiday Season in excellent health. My family, who are well and happy, join me my good wishes. May every year unite our hearts more closely?
30. Me yeu dau,
Con xin goi nhung loi chuc tot dep nhan sinh nhat cua me. Con uoc gi minh co the co mat o day chia vui cung me nhung con khong the. Con goi cung mon qua nho nay la tinh yeu va long thanh kinh men cua con. Con hy vong me se thich mon qua do. hay giu gin suc khoe. Con trai cua me.
Dear Mom,
Warm wishes on your birthday, I wish that I could be there to celebrate it with you, but that is impossible. I send along my love and affection. I'm also sending a little gift. I hope you like it. Take care!
Your son.
31. Cuoc hua hon cua chau la mot tin trong dai! Co va chu lam cam nay xin goi den cho ca hai chau nhung loi chuc tot dep nhat. Chuc cho ca hai chau duoc huong moi hanh phuc va thanh dat trong cuoc song chung doi.
What great news about your engagement! Best wishes to you both from a doting aunt and uncle. May you enjoy every happiness and success in your life together?
32. Xin chuc mung hai ban nhan le ky niem hai muoi lam nam ngay hai ban ket hon. Hai ban da huong nhieu nam tuyet voi nhu the ben nhau. Toi chi co the chuc ban huong them nhieu nam tuong tu trong thoi gian toi. Chuc ngay ki niem hanh phuc.
Congratulation on your twenty-fifth wedding anniversary! You have had so many wonderful years’ together. I can only wish you more of same ahead. Happy anniversary.
33. Cau cho su Giang Sinh cua dang Cuu The trong thoi gian nay dem lai cho cac ban hanh phuc va suc khoe trong suot nam toi.
May this time of our savior's birth bring you joy good health throughout the coming year.
34. Day chi la la thu ngan de toi chuc hai ban mot le Hanukkah cuc ky vui ve va mot nam hanh phuc, an khang, thinh vuong. Chung ta dang cho don nhung thoi ky tot dep hon. Cau cho nam sap toi day la nam dep nhat tu truoc toi nay.
Just a note to say I wish you both a very Happy Hanukkah and a happy healthy, prosperous New Year. We are looking forward to better times. May this coming year be the best one ever.
35. Trong khi nam 2009 dang nhanh chong den gan, chung toi chuc cho hai ban nhung dieu tot dep nhat va mot nam moi cuc ky hanh phuc.Cau mong cho nam nay mang lai suc khoe, thinh vuong, va an binh cho tat ca chung ta.
With 2009 fast approaching, we wish you both all the best and a very Happy New Year. May this year bring health, prosperity, and peace to us all?
36. Minh viet thu nay chuc mung ngay ki niem dam cuoi bac cua hai ban. Minh chuc hai ban that nhieu, that nhieu nam hanh phuc.
I write to congratulate you on your silver wedding anniversary. I wish you many, many more years of wedded bliss.
37. Chuc ban khoe va hanh phuc trong nam moi.
Wishing you health and happiness in the year to come.
38. Chuc cho con duong anh di luon rong thenh thang. Anh co day niem tin va nghi luc de co dieu minh mong muon.
Wishing your path is very spacious, you will have full energy and confident to get desirable things.
39. Me yeu! Sinh nhat cua me con chuc me manh khoe va nhung may man, hanh phuc nhat se den voi me trong cuoc doi.
Mum! On occasion of your birthday, wishing you a good health and lucky, the most happiness will come to mum your life.
40. Anh yeu! Sinh nhat anh em chuc anh gat hai nhieu thanh cong. Mong anh mai yeu em nhu ngay dau va luon o ben em.
Darling! On occasion of you birthday, wishing you success more. Hoping that you will love me forever same as the first time and you are always besides me.
41. Mung sinh nhat co chung em chuc co luon tuoi tre manh khoe va hanh phuc. Mai mai la nguoi chung em yeu quy.
Congratulation your birthday, we wish you young and nice forever and happiness. You are teacher that we love and respect.
42. Nhan dip sinh nhat lan thu 20 cua em, chuc em luon tuoi khoe, tre dep. Cau mong nhung gi may man nhat, tot dep nhat va hanh phuc nhat se den voi em trong tuoi moi.
On occasion of your 20th birthday, wishing you happy and beautiful, younger. The best wishes to you with the luckiest, the best and most happiness will come to you in new age.
43. Nhan dip nam moi em xin chuc gia dinh anh chi mot nam moi that hanh phuc, van su nhu y!
On occasion of New Year, wishing your family the most happiness in New Year and everything is the best!
44. Chuc em mot sinh nhat xa nha nhung van hanh phuc. Hay co gang huong toi tuong lai.
Wishing you birthday far from house but still happy. Try to see to future.
45. Nhan ngay Chua ra doi anh chuc em va gia dinh tan huong mot mua Giang sinh vui ve.
On occasion God's birthday, I wish you and your family a Merry and happy Christmas.
46. Nhan dip nam moi ! Em xin chuc anh chi mot nam moi that hanh phuc. An khang thinh vuong.
On occasion of New Year, wishing your family the most happiness in New Year. Everything is OK.
47. Chuc em mot sinh nhat that nhieu y nghia va hanh phuc. Cau mong moi dieu may man se den voi em.
Wishing you a happy birthday. Praying you luckily.
48. Tang pham nay rieng no chang co y nghia gi ca, nhung ma ki niem o day la anh goi cho em tat ca nhung tinh cam tha thiet nhat. Sinh nhat vui ve.
This present is not valuable itself, but it is a souvenir hereto, it brings all most my warm sentiment. Happy birthday to you.
49. Nha ngheo, em chi tang cac thay co d dan dat em di con duong dung dan hai mom qua nho nhung y nghia lon: that nhieu diem 10 do choi, tam thiep don so cung loi chuc cac thay co manh khoe, gat hai doc nhieu thanh cong. Em hy vong cac thay co se hai long voi hai mon qua em dang tang voi am long thanh kinh.
Because of poor, I only present teachers who have instructed me step on proper way. Two present have great mean: more brilliant score 10, simple card with you healthy, get more achievement. I hope that you will pleasant for two presents which I present to you my respectful.
50. Thay oi! Khong phai chi co ngay 20-11 con moi nho den thay. Ma doi voi con, ngay nao cung deu la 20-11.Con kinh chuc thay mai vui tuoi hanh phuc va hanh dien ben nhung hoc sinh luon la con ngoan tro gioi cua minh.
Teachers! It is not November 20 I remember you. To me, every day is November 20. I wish you always happy forever and you are proud of with your students who are always your good and excellence children.
51. Xin cam ta thay co - la thay co cua chung em, da cho chung em mot loi noi, hinh anh y tuong de chung em xay dap cuoc doi.
Thanksgiving: You are teachers of us; you give us voice images, thought so that we build to our life.
52. Ngay lanh, nam moi, chau yeu quy! bang tat ca tam long minh co chuc chau duoc tang tien trong tinh thuong, trong le phai va nhieu suc khoe. Do la tai san quy gia nhat.
Nice day, New Year, my dears! By all my heart, I wish you will improve in love, in common sense and more healthy. May be these are most valuable properties.
53. Nhan ngay nha giao Viet Nam 20-11. Kinh chuc thay co va gia dinh duoc doi dao suc khoe, hanh phuc luon thanh dat trong cuoc song.
On occasion of Vietnam Teacher's Day. Wishing you and your family a good health, happiness and success in your life.
54. Kinh chuc cho ong ba mot ngay le ta on vui ve. Chau chi mong la chau co mat o do voi hao ong ba. Chau nho rat nhieu den nhung thoi gian hanh phuc tai nha cua ong ba vao ngay ta on.
Chau goi loi chao den tat ca ho hang va xin ong ba om hon giup chau dua chau gai moi nhat cua chau. Mong moi nguoi co mot ngay tuyet voi.
Wishing Grandfather a merry on Thanksgiving Day. I only hope that will be herewith grandfathered. I memory very much about happy time at grandfather's house on Thanksgiving Day. I send greeting to allmy relatives and hope that Grandfather will embrace and kiss my newest niece. Have a wonderful Day.
55. Nhan dip nam moi toi chuc cac ngai gap duoc nhieu su may man va hanh phuc.
On occasion of New Year, wishing you happiness and lucky.
56. Nhan dip nam moi toi kinh chuc toan the gia dinh ban mot nam moi gap duoc nhieu may man va hanh phuc.
On occasion of New Year, wishing all your family happiness and lucky.
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