"We meet again." Yoongi said a little too happy.
Jimin looked up and instantly smiled. "I guess so. No work today?"
"Nope. What are you doing here? Can I sit down with you?"
"Of course. Please do. I'm just stopping by. They have really good coffee."
That's what he told himself either way. A big part of coming here was seeing Yoongi. Either way he didn't mention this.
"I like your sweater." He added.
Yoongi looked down at his white sweater with orange polka dots. He grinned excited, "Really? Thank you! I like your—" he stared at his exposed chest.
"Your shirt." He finished.
How did he wear opened v neck shirts on a chilly day? Was he even human? Did he feel the cold?
"Thanks. What's that in your hand?"
"Oh it's homework and this stupid dance flyer."
Yoongi quickly realized what he had said, "By stupid I mean cool. I'm so excited."
"Yeah. I see. Are Hoseok and you going to match or something?"
We aren't even going together. He thought in his mind. Asking him out was part his plan. Not that he wanted to do it.
When he was harshly rejected by Jin it really fucked him over. Now having to ask Jin's best friend was terrifying. He'd just seem desperate.
The constant fear of being caught scared him more though. If Jimin asked Hoseok and he denied everything then it'd paint him as a liar.
Which he was lying, but it was a little white lie. Not that harmless. Unless, Hoseok was gay and not want to come out just yet. Or, he was straight and would be dragged into a gay scandal.
Yoongi got a nasty guilty gut feeling. He could feel the blood being drained from his face. He hadn't thought about that until now.
"Everything okay?" Jimin asked.
He shook his head no and then quickly nodded. He was even terrible at lying about this. If only he was cold hearted and didn't give a fuck.
"Yes or no?"
"Yes! Yeah. I'm fine. I just remembered I got a bad grade on my psychology exam and stuff. So, that's a bummer."
"Ahh. Sorry to hear that. I'm sure you'll do great next time. Guess what?"
You love me and want to spend the rest of your life with me? "You also got a bad grade?"
He scoffed, "That's all the time. No it's not that. I started tutoring again. My parents were really happy. My first session was two days ago actually. My tutor is very nice and patient. I'm pretty behind, but I feel like I got this."
"Wow! I'm so proud of you. Yeah, you totally got it. You shouldn't feel embarrassed about your learning disability. It's common and okay to have. We aren't meant to be perfect. If you have this it's for a reason. You have a purpose behind it. Just keep that in mind."
Jimin smiled with his cheeks turning a pink. He was so sweet. People would look at Yoongi and think otherwise.
He couldn't believe his first impression of him was that he looked dead. Emotionless was not a part of Yoongi.
Yoongi was full of emotion and of color. Even if his color was black it wouldn't stop him from shining through.
He hadn't lied when he said his favorite color was yellow because he was yellow. Full of color and of life.
Yellow was created for Min Yoongi himself.
"I'm really glad I got the courage to message you on Tumblr. I'm glad I came across you."
"Me too." He replied shyly.
"Do you know what inspired me to go back to tutoring?"
"No. What?"
"I opened one of your letters. They're very motivating. I'm afraid to open more because you're literally reading my mind. Are you secretly a mind reader?"
Yoongi curled his toes anxiously. He had actually read a letter. In all reality he didn't think he would since he despised reading.
"I—I'm not a mind reader I swear. I wish I were."
If he was one he would be reading his mind right now. He'd get answers about how he felt about him. It would be easier.
"Don't we all? Oh, by the way I remember seeing a yellow envelope. I can't find it anywhere. Do you know where it is?"
Yoongi bit the inside of his lip. Shit. He thought the mysterious yellow envelope wouldn't be brought up.
When their make out session was over Jimin had walked to the bathroom. Yoongi took advantage of that to grab the letter where he had confessed his feelings.
"I don't know. Maybe it got lost or something."
"I've checked everywhere and can't find it."
"I guess you weren't meant to read it." He nervously chuckled.
"What had you written on it?"
"Umm...no clue. Probably another encouragement letter."
"Hmm. You might have to write me another one to replace it." He grinned.
"I can if you want me to."
"No. You don't have to. I'm just messing. By the way you never answered my question? Are Hoseok and you going to match?"
"Oh no, no. We don't want to be cliche."
"Sana and I are matching." He said a bit embarrassed.
Yoongi bit his tongue back to not say a sarcastic comment. He really did like him. If he didn't he would've been brutally honest with him.
"I mean it's cute you know. Hoseok and I are just different. We aren't even dating so it'd be a little too early for that. This is our first uhh...dance."
Date was too strong of a word to use. If Hoseok found out about this at least he can said he could say he hadn't used the word 'date'.
"Right. Right." Jimin mumbled bitterly. No. It wasn't jealousy. It couldn't be. He had Sana who he liked and he didn't want a romance with Yoongi. They were friends.
"Are Sana and you dating?" He casually asked opening up his binder. He scanned through the page not even reading it.
It was only a distraction to prepare himself for the answer. If he said yes it would be over for good.
Yoongi sighed relieved. "Oh. Okay. Are you...are you planning to ask her out soon?" He whispered.
"Maybe." He mumbled looking down at his coffee.
Would he ask her out at the dance? Would they get together for good? The thought made Yoongi want to puke.
"I'm looking forward to the dance. It's going to be fun. Being all dressed up and stuff." Jimin said after a long pause of silence.
"Me too."
"Are you a dancer?"
"I can be when I feel like it. I know you are."
He chuckled, "Oh no. Not even. I actually get very self conscious when dancing in front of people. There has to be like a huge group for me to actually get up and dance. It's stupid I know."
"No. It's not. I get what you're saying. I'm the same way. You know what always helps me with that?"
Yoongi grinned motioning him to follow him. He left his stuff down on the table. Jimin shrugged getting up as well.
This place must be really trust worthy to leave his stuff here. Either way it was only papers. Yoongi walked outside and then to the back of the cafe.
He turned around confused, "Uhh...where are we going?"
"Right here." He told stopping.
Jimin looked at the empty space around them. "Alright. Cool. How's this suppose to help me with dancing?"
"Here." He instructed handing him one of his AirPods. Jimin took it then inserted it in his ear. Yoongi started looking for a song until he came across a soft melody.
He played it turning the volume up high. He didn't want his heavy breathing to scare Jimin away. What he was about to do was going to be insane.
"I always like to practice while listening to my own music. I can only hear it and it really helps me getting in the vibe."
"Okay. I see can see how." He said closing his eyes enjoying the music.
"We can practice dancing if you want." Yoongi suggested. Jimin opened both eyes gulping down nervously.
"Oh. Uhh...yeah. Why not?"
Yoongi smiled stepping closer to him. He put his arm on his waist and put his hand up. Jimin intertwined his fingers on his.
"I just move to the sound of my music playing. It relaxes me. It makes me feel like we're the only ones in the world." He said.
Jimin kept his other hand on his shoulder feeling his heart race out of his chest. As they kept moving his grip on his shoulder got tighter out of nerves.
"It's fine. We're only dancing." He reassured.
Jimin nodded slowly loosening his grip. "Okay. Yeah."
After doing that he felt much better. Yoongi grinned happily. He wanted him to feel comfortable and enjoy himself.
"This is pretty nice." Jimin commented.
"It is."
When the song was approaching to an end they both felt uneasy. Their chests were touching. Just a few nights before they were shirtless in his room about to have sex.
It was inevitable to not think about that scene when being in this position.
The song ended and everything went back to silence. They could only hear their beating hearts in their ears.
"Thanks for—for showing me this method." Jimin stuttered.
"Yeah. Anytime." He said enjoying every second of holding his hand.
Jimin's anxiety only got worse so he slowly let go. "I—I better get going. Uhh...I have finish some stuff. I've already paid for my coffee so don't worry about that. I'll see you around?"
Yoongi sadly nodded. Until when would he stop being in denial? Jimin also nodded taking a few steps back.
He turned around and saw Yoongi standing there looking at his feet. The sight made a pressure fall on his chest, but he kept walking.
It was terrifying enough to feel these emotions when being with him.
Yoongi's eyes flooded with tears. He was overwhelmed with so much love he didn't know what to do with it all.
He was a victim of his own imagination.
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