"Stupid ass book." Yoongi grunted pushing it in. He refused to carry a six hundred page book along with his binders, folders, and a pencil pouch.
Was his education truly worth a fucked up spine for the rest of his life?
"Shit. Come on. I know you fit in there."
"Your locker is only but so big." Hoseok grinned standing next to him.
Yoongi panicked letting go of the book and with that everything he had shoved in there fell out as well.
"Fuck. You fit all of that in there? That's talent. I can only fit like half of the shit in my locker." He said looking at the floor.
Yoongi remained frozen not sure of what to say. Hoseok kept a smile as he bent over to pick up his stuff.
"I—I can do it." He stuttered kneeling down in front of him.
"Now what kind of douche would I be if I didn't help you? I did startle you causing all of this."
"Thanks. You're so nice." He gushed.
They both reached to grab the book touching hands. Yoongi instantly pulled away to prevent him from feeling awkward.
Hoseok raised an eyebrow, "I don't have cooties I swear."
Yoongi laughed covering his mouth. "Cooties." He repeated unable to stop his laughter. This brought happiness to Hoseok.
"Did that tickle your soul?" He wondered.
"Yes it really did."
The bell rung indicating the class exchange. People started appearing in the hallway so they hurried up to clean the mess.
"Here you go. Are you really going to put that back in there?"
"Probably not. Maybe Jungkook will let me put it in his locker."
"Hopefully. I would let you use mine, but it's also stuffed." He chuckled.
"No worries. Thank you either way." Yoongi timidly replied.
"I'll see you around." Hoseok told and walked away.
Yoongi kept a smile on his face as he watched him walk. Soon, people going by blocked his view.
He stood on his tippy toes trying to peek some more. When the people finally moved out of the way Hoseok was gone.
He sighed turning the opposite way. Jungkook would probably be out of class by now. As soon as he headed to find him he spotted Jimin in the corner looking right at him.
He was with his friend Taehyung and although he was talking to him Jimin kept his gaze on Yoongi.
"So?" Taehyung asked.
"About the movie? Are you cool with it?"
"Sure. Yeah." He mumbled though he had no idea what the hell he was talking about.
"You can invite Sana if you want. I'm planning on inviting Jungkook. That's the sweet thing to do, right? Since I can't send him nudes and shit."
"Yeah. Don't fucking send him nudes. That's desperate. What if he's not into that?"
"Oh he'd be into this dick." He smirked.
Jimin wrinkled his nose grossed out. "Eww. Shut up. I don't want to picture that in my head."
"I'm just saying you know. It could win me extra points. What if I'm better than his boyfriend? If you know what I mean."
"You're such a dude sometimes. No. Let's just go with the first option. Invite him to the movies."
"I hope he says yes and doesn't frea..."
When Yoongi walked past them Jimin stopped listening. They looked at each other with so much intensity that their hearts skipped a beat.
Maybe suggesting for Yoongi to talk to Hoseok was starting to bite him in the ass.
"You're getting better at basketball." Jin said.
Namjoon closed the locker and looked at him. "Is that a joke?" He asked a bit defensive. He was still participating in practice since his teammate was not coming back anytime soon.
"No. I'm being serious."
"Ahh. Uhh...thanks for the compliment I guess." He awkwardly replied.
"Mhm." He mumbled.
"I'll see you around." Namjoon said about to walk by.
"You know you're right." He spoke making him stop.
"About what you said at the party."
Namjoon cleared his throat nervously. He was hoping it wouldn't be brought up. In fact this was the first time they had talked since then.
"I was clearly a bit tipsy and it was not my place to say that. I don't know about your relationship with her."
"There's no relationship." He quietly said.
This somehow made Namjoon happy inside. It was selfish to feel so content with this. Especially because he knew Jin was seeking a real relationship with her.
"Sorry things are that way." He whispered.
Jin shrugged, "It's fine. We were never nothing to begin with. I don't really want to be more than what we are."
"It's confusing I know. However, I do want someone like you said."
"Hmm." Namjoon hummed. He could feel the tips of his ears get red. The good thing was that they were both hot and sweaty so it wasn't too noticeable.
Jin nodded grabbing his stuff ready to leave. Namjoon looked at him in admiration. How was his side profile and off guard look so perfect?
"Who's your favorite artist right now?" He wondered.
Jin thought the question was random, but he responded either way. "Khalid."
Namjoon smiled, "I love him."
"You do?"
"I do. Want to know my favorite song from him?"
He nodded his head as Namjoon took a seat on the floor. He patted the space next to him and Jin once again set his stuff down to sit beside him.
Namjoon then took out his phone scrolling through his playlist until he found the song. He clicked on it letting it play out loud.
Jin smiled sheepishly. That was his favorite song too. Neither of them really spoke up. They just sat there enjoying the song while looking at each other.
They would both keep a mental photograph of this beautiful moment.
"Hey! Yoongi!" Jimin screamed.
Yoongi gasped looking back and seeing him run behind him. Holy shit. He didn't know why the fact that Jimin was close made him extremely nervous.
It was like he was seeing him for the first time again.
"Wait! Where are you going?" He screamed once Yoongi didn't stop running.
He caught up to him in no time. Yoongi had only been able to move a few feet before he had to stop.
"Shit. Are you okay?" Jimin asked.
Yoongi nodded inhaling the substance from his inhaler and taking deep shaky breaths. Damn my sucky lungs. He thought.
"Here try this." He said reaching over to grab his arms.
Yoongi started wheezing heavier so Jimin immediately stopped. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to scare you!"
He wasn't necessarily scared. More thrilled than scared if he was honest. "It's ok-okay." He gasped.
"I was going to suggest this." He said demonstrating the movement.
Yoongi put his arms behind his neck like Jimin and started stabilizing his breath. He could feel his lungs expand filling up.
"There you go. You're doing great." He said stepping closer.
Once again Yoongi started gasping. "St-stay away Jimin!" He quickly told. Jimin took more steps back horrified.
"I'm so sorry. I don't mean to scare you."
"You're taking my breath away. You fucking...you fucking thief." He shakily said.
"Okay, okay. I'll look stand right here." He said nervously.
Yoongi closed his eyes and felt himself breathing back to normal again. When he knew he was okay he reopened them to look at Jimin.
"Better?" He wondered.
"Better." He sighed bringing his arms down.
"Why were you running away from me?"
"The real question is what are you doing here?" Yoongi asked. He had stayed after school to practice running a mile.
Every semester in gym class he always finished the mile last. For the upcoming tortuous test he wanted to be prepared.
Of course Jimin would show up and interrupt the whole thing making his asthmatic attack worse.
"Uhh...I happened to be around."
"Around the track field? After school?"
"Okay fine. I might've followed you here. Not in a creepy way!"
"You...you...why?" He asked intrigued. The hope inside of him won't die.
"I just wanted to make sure you were okay." Now that Jimin was saying this out loud he realized how dumb it sounded.
"Umm...yeah. I—I guess I'm okay."
"It's because I saw you uhh...I saw you talk to Hoseok and stuff. You seemed startled." He told rubbing the back of his neck.
Yoongi raised both eyebrows shocked. He has actually paid attention to that? Why did he sound so...suspicious?
"Yeah. Uh, he was helping me pick up my books."
"Oh. Okay."
"Mhmm." He mumbled intertwining his hands together. The sweat under his arms was starting to get worse.
"I think you should stay away from him." Jimin said. He hadn't meant to sound so possessive, but it came out that way.
"What? Why?"
"I don't know. He gives me bad vibes. Just to be on the safe side. You know as your friend I'm trying to look out for you."
Every time that word left Jimin'a mouth it felt like a kick to the stomach. It was truly angering.
"You're the one that told me I should go for it and that we looked cute together. As your friend I'm following your advice."
"Well, since I'm your friend I'm suggesting you to reconsider." Jimin responded slightly aggravated.
"As my friend you should be happy for me."
Jimin groaned looking away. His face was started to get red from the anger. Fuck. There was so much anger inside of him. Where the hell was it coming from?
"Okay fine. Well, I'm glad you two are kicking it off."
Yoongi bit the inside of his lip to stop himself from smiling. Jealous? It sure seemed like it. Jimin noticed the smug look on his face.
Don't say it Yoongi. Don't say it. Don't—
"I asked him to the Halloween dance."
"You what?" Jimin exclaimed.
"Yeah. I did and he said yes."
Jimin forced a smile and patted his shoulder. "Great. I'm so happy for you."
"Me too."
"Well, I'll let you keep running then. I—I have to do some stuff."
"Yeah. Totally."
Jimin glanced at him one last time and turned around. Yoongi stayed behind smiling. Aspiring that one day everything he dreamed at night would come true.
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