"Why're you so smiley today? I have never seen you so excited about coming to school."
"What? I'm very happy about coming all the time." Yoongi grinned.
"What happened at that party? Like for real? Did you only talk to Hoseok? Or was it something else?"
Yoongi cleared his throat, "Yeah. That's-that's it. Hoseok kind of flirted." He mumbled guilty. Not telling his best friend about what happened with Jimin was killing him inside.
Jungkook was his best friend. He needed to know, but where would he start? Would he be disappointed? Happy?
"I don't even want to go in. Seeing Taehyung makes me want to puke."
"That's right. His love confession has you fucked up."
"Damn right. Yoongi I can't even talk to my boyfriend without thinking about that night."
"Jungkook, you didn't do anything wrong. It's not your fault Taehyung likes you. Don't feel bad about it. It's totally okay."
"But I liked it." He whispered ashamed.
Yoongi pressed his lips together. He reached over to rub his friends back for support. "Remember what you told me? That you felt like things were different with him?"
"Yeah." He responded looking ah his lap.
"Maybe it's time you talk to him about it. Wether you say it or not you feel something for Taehyung. Even if you don't confess it to him you can't escape your thoughts. He's always going to be in the back of your head."
Jungkook groaned laying his head back on the seat. "I'm done with love and it's confusing shit. You know what? Let's just get to class. Maybe that will distract me."
He opened the door getting out. Before closing it behind he reached behind his seat to pull out his book bag.
"Hey! Hey! Wait up. I'm not that fast." Yoongi said quickly following him behind.
Jungkook chuckled turning to look at him. His smile disappeared once he saw Taehyung's car. The door opened and he panicked grabbing Yoongi's arm.
"That's him. Holy shit. Come on." He hurriedly told.
Yoongi looked back in hopes that Jimin would be with him. Unfortunately, he wasn't. They hadn't talked since that night.
"Wait," Yoongi said in between soft breaths. He stopped unzipping his jeans making direct eye contact.
"Yes?" Jimin responded with a red face. He was needy and wanted to tell him to continue, but he kept quiet.
"Maybe we shouldn't do this. I don't want you to regret this tomorrow."
Jimin sighed stepping away from him. He rested against the wall. His breathing has heavy and there was sweat dripping from his temples.
Yoongi stood next to him looking in his direction. He thought about holding his hand and confessing everything right then and there.
They laughed at each other for speaking up at the same time. It's like they were still in sync. Yoongi extended his hand out to him.
"Go ahead."
"No, no, you go."
"Come on. It's your birthday. You go first."
"Okay. Umm...I was going to say that you're right. We shouldn't—this—I—"
"I know." Yoongi told.
Jimin nodded his head. He kept staring at him in hopes that whatever it was he felt went away.
"Maybe we should kiss goodbye." He suggested.
"What? What do you mean?" Yoongi asked confused.
"Yeah. Like...like...uhh."
Yoongi gulped down nervously. He knew this would end up bad. This would hurt his feelings. It would.
"Hey! Are you listening to me?" Jungkook asked nudging him.
"Huh? What? Yeah. I—I'm here. I'm listening.
"Did you just really let me blab for five minutes straight?"
"You were talking that long?" He asked feeling bad. Not only was he a liar but a terrible listener too.
"Okay, okay, maybe not five minutes. Pretty close though."
Yoongi sighed relieved. He waited until a few people went by before turning his full attention to him.
"I lied."
"No shit. You clearly weren't listening even though you said you were."
"No. Not about that. About the party."
"What happened?"
Yoongi started walking motioning him to follow. "Come on. Let's keep moving to not seem suspicious." He whispered.
"Okay. So what happened?" He whispered back.
"Maybe we shouldn't whisper. That's pretty suspicious. Let's just talk in our quiet voice."
"Alright, alright, you're trying to avoid the conversation."
Yoongi huffed, "I made out with Jimin."
"What?" He shrieked.
Yoongi quickly pressed his finger against his lips. "Shhh! Dammit Jungkook. What happened to our quiet voices?"
"Are you fucking serious? You drop the juicy bomb that you...." he made sure no one was too close to them to hear. "That you made out with Park fucking Jimin and you expect me to take it like nothing? He's been on our 'guys-we-would-like-to-fuck list' ever since we started high school! He's been on our top three for a while!"
"Oh my gosh. No. Don't remind me of that list." He blushed embarrassed.
"It's true. I can't believe you didn't tell me. I would've flipped shit that night."
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you. He...he asked me to not tell anyone. I know you're my best friend and you're my other half. So, technically I'm not telling anyone about it."
At first Jungkook was very upset at the fact that he hadn't told him. But after seeing how happy he looked he couldn't stay mad.
"Holy shit. You made out with him!" He squealed.
"Yeah. I did. Holy shit." He laughed.
"What are you going to tell him when you see him?"
"Umm...I don't know. He said we wouldn't talk about it."
"How do you make out with someone and not talk about it later?"
"I don't know. Maybe he said that because he was tipsy?" He told himself.
"Let's hope so. Otherwise he's a dick."
Yoongi shrugged following his friend behind. As they kept walking he kept looking for Jimin. He wasn't around.
Was he hiding from him?
"Are you sure you don't mind waiting?" Jungkook asked looking down at him. Yoongi was currently sitting on the steps outside of school.
"Yes. I'm fine. I'll wait right here."
"Okay. Thanks. I promise it will be quick." He said pulling out his book. He needed to return it or he'd have to pay the overdue fee. It was only a few cents, but he was a teenager and broke.
Any savings he could do did were appreciated. "Go on and go. I'll be fine." He smiled. Jungkook finally walked away.
He looked in the parking lot and spotted Namjoon getting in his car. He awkwardly waved from a distance.
Yoongi looked back to see if he was speaking to someone else. But then he waved back seconds later once he realized no one else was around.
Minutes after he had left he kept looking around. Hopefully Jimin would show up. As the time went by he gave up pulling out his phone scrolling through his Tumblr.
He went to the messages and stared at Jimin's last message. Which was sent that day they met for the second time.
He clicked on the message and he started typing. Seconds later he quickly erased it. The last thing he needed was to be labeled as "clingy" or "weird."
If Jimin didn't talk to him that would be just fine. In fact Yoongi didn't even want to talk to him ei—
Yoongi abruptly got up from the steps and walked into Jimin's direction. He had two Starbucks lemonades at hand and his sunglasses at the tip of his nose.
Gorgeous like usual.
"H-hi Jimin."
He pushed his shades up because he couldn't even look him in the eyes. Then he cleared his throat to speak. He didn't know why he was so nervous to be in front of him.
The only images coming to mind were the ones of him snogging off Yoongi's face. "What are you doing here?" He finally asked.
"I'm waiting for Jungkook. He's turning in a library book or something. And you?"
Jimin kept a smile on his face unable to say the truth. Going to see Sana. "Going to pick up Namjoon."
Why was he lying? Yoongi wanted to ask why, but he decided to ignore it. He probably meant to say Taheyung.
"So—so do you have a hangover?"
He laughed, "Oh no. I only got tipsy. Yeah."
"Cool. Umm...I didn't see you in lunch today." He causally said trying to play it off.
"I'm went out to eat with my friends. Taehyung wanted to stay here because he's crushing hardcore on your friend. By the way can you put in a good word for him?" He chuckled.
Yoongi felt his heart sink to his stomach. Jimin really hadn't lied about not talking about it.It still hurt to ignore the fact that they made out.
For fucks sake, they almost had sex. They were shirtless and exploring their bodies. How could he act like it was absolutely nothing?
"So?" He asked after a moment of silence. It was starting to get awkward and Jimin couldn't handle awkwardness.
"Yeah. Sure. I'll put in a good word."
"Nice. Well, I better get going." He said trying to get by.
Yoongi looked down at his hands, "Namjoon likes lemonades too?"
"Mhmm. He does."
"He doesn't seem like a Starbucks guy."
"I guess he's full surprises."
"I guess so. Umm...hey!" He screamed when he was by the door.
"About...about that night. Uhh...we don't...have to let it change what we have."
In his daydream, Jimin would tell him he didn't regret the kisses. That they could talk about it and didn't have to ignore it.
Jimin tensed up when that was brought up. He was in such denial about what had happened. When he told his friends he kissed another person that wasn't Sana he didn't even mention the person was a boy.
"Yeah. Agreed. It was just a few kisses either way. Ahh...bye. I'll talk to you later."
Yoongi took a seat on the step yet again. The air had been knocked out of him. It felt like a blow to the chest.
Just a few kisses.
That's all that it meant for him.
But when Jimin had kissed him he felt like he had took his soul with him.
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