"What are you doing?" Jimin wondered as he approached a stop sign.
"Umm leaving my DNA everywhere." Yoongi mumbled pulling out a hair from his head and throwing it on the floor.
"What the fuck? Why?"
"Umm just in case you kidnap me or kill me. That way there's evidence I was in here. Duh."
Jimin was about to speak up when a car behind him honked. "Shit." He groaned pressing the gas.
"I'm moving you fuck face!" He screamed sticking his middle finger up.
"Oop. Someone has road rage." He snickered biting his nail and spitting it out.
"You have it too. I know you do." He responded rolling his eyes.
"Anyways, why're you fucking spitting in my car and shit? I'm not going to kidnap you. We know each other now."
"I don't know. You never know nowadays. What if I piss you off and you try to kill me?"
"Holy shit. You think that of me?"
"I have seen you mad. You have big anger issues." He teased.
"Ha ha. You're so funny." He told pulling up into his driveway.
Yoongi immediately noted his moms car was gone and his dad was still at working. "Are your parents not home?" Jimin whispered also noticing.
"No. I guess not." He whispered back.
Jimin turned off the car and nodded. His heart was pounding so fast and loudly. The thought of being alone with him in the house was so nerve wrecking.
"Okay. So should we go?" He asked trying to play it cool.
Yoongi hummed in response opening up the door. He walked to the steps and took out a key from a flower por nearby.
"Now I know where you hide your key." He chuckled.
"Good thing I have left my DNA all over you." He smirked.
Jimin gulped scratching the back of his neck. Even though the comment wasn't meant to be dirty he took it that way.
Why're you thinking of those things Jimin?
"I think mother cooked. Do you want something to eat?"
"No, no, thank you. I'm good."
"Alright. Since you're still in a day of my life I should show you what I do next." He said motioning him over.
"Okay. Sounds exciting. Not nearly as exciting as my life though."
"Please, your life consists of drinking Starbucks, looking and dressing good. You basically got it good. Some of us aren't as lucky."
"Oh, enlighten me with your life. You basically make weird YouTube videos and write anonymous love letters on Tumblr." He pouted.
Yoongi laughed playfully smacking him. "Asshole." He snickered continuing to head down the hallway.
Jimin hadn't really paid much attention to his laugh before. It was very unique and almost sounded like he wa a whispering but laughing. And his teeth where also very eye catching. He had the cutest gummy smile he'd ever seen.
"Why don't you smile more?" Jimin wondered.
"Huh?" Yoongi said turning the lights on to his room.
Once again it was back to being clean. It smelled like pine cones and honey. A weirdly pleasant scent.
"You're always so serious in school."
"School fucking sucks."
"But aren't you like a genius?"
"Whoa. No. I'm just smart I suppose. My friend Jungkook he's the fucking genius. He skipped some grades because he's that smart. He's also super hot and is good at everything. Literally everything."
"Ugh. I know what you mean. That's my friends for you."
"What are you talking about? You're Jungkook. You're a Jungkook. You belong with them."
"So do you." Jimin said.
"I think I look pretty emo compared to you all."
"Uh huh. Say it like you mean if pussy."
"Pussies are strong. Jokes on you." Jimin told sticking his tongue out.
"You're fucking right. We need to break the habit of using the word as an offense."
"Totally agree. Is this what Yoongi does? Come to his room and talk about pussies?" He laughed.
"No. Apparently that's something you do. Can't relate. I'm pure." He shivered rubbing his arms.
"Right and I'm a virgin." He joked with a scoff.
"Enough with the jokes it's time to make a YouTube video!"
"Wow. That's the most hyped I've seen you like ever."
"I love creating. This is a fun hobby of mine. Come let us sit here on my fucked up kitchen chairs."
He took a seat and patted the chair next to him. Jimin took one as well. Then Yoongi pulled the small table closer to them where his laptop sat.
"I film videos every Wednesday,"
"I know."
"How do you know?"
"Uhhh...you've mentioned it before." He said hoping it hadn't sounded too fake.
"I have? My memory is shit. I guess my sucky lungs wasn't enough. Like I was saying, I film every Wednesday. I try out weird products or review movies. Whatever my followers want. I only have three hundred subscribes and I get like fifteen likes on my videos. Don't think it's like this huge channel."
"Why do you promote it on your Tumblr? You have much more followers there."
"Oh no. I don't want them to find out I write those things." He said typing his password. Next he pulled up his camera do record the video.
"Why not? If I had the talent to write and express myself with beautiful words I would want the world to know."
"I mean do I look like the soft mushy boy that writes about that?" He asked looking in his direction.
"No, but—"
"I don't want to be associate with being a soft boy. Ew."
"But I'm a soft boy."
Jimin frowned earning a smile from him. "I know you want to be just like me. What are we reviewing?"
"Well, I'm reviewing this ramen. It's super shitty and cheap. We don't actually have to record it. It's just to mess around."
"No, I mean we can. I need to see my reaction when trying this."
"Nice. I'll be right back then." He smiled grabbing the tray and running out.
Jimin waited patiently taking a look around the room. Every time he was here it felt unbelievable that this was the room he slept in.
Yoongi looked mysterious and shy, but he wasn't afraid to show who he truly was. Not to him either way. Jimin felt the same.
He always pretended to be tough and like he didn't care. The only people that knew him for real were his two best friends and now Yoongi.
It never crossed his mind that being himself around him would be so easy. Yoongi made everything feel easy. No pressure and no high expectations.
As he glanced around he spotted a hoodie on the bed close to him. He took it and being curios took a sniff.
It smelled like Yoongi's cologne. It wasn't too strong and definitely not overwhelming like some scents.
"I have the..."
Jimin quickly threw the hoodie across the room before he walked in. "It honestly smells like shit." Yoongi laughed.
When he saw Jimin's pale face he shrugged, "What's the matter?" He asked concerned.
"N-nothing. Let's try the ramen." He told.
Yoongi didn't pay much mind to it and took a seat next to him. "Okay, so I'm not actually going to upload this on YouTube. It's going to be a draft thing." He said pressing the record button.
"Wait! I wasn't even ready!" He exclaimed fixing his hair.
"Geez. Don't do that. You look great."
"Fine. You usually greet your followers or something?"
"Uh huh. This video is only for us two though. We don't have to do that."
"No. It has to be authentic."
"Fine. Okay," he said clearing his throat. "Hey guys! I'm here with Jimin AKA the white shoe stepper and we are going to try out this shitty ramen."
"Wait, wait, white shoe stepper?"
"That's not part of the script. You're suppose to introduce yourself now." He whispered.
"What do you mean by that though? We don't even have a script!"
"Do you want to discuss that in front of our audience?"
Jimin rolled his eyes, "Yes. We're the audience."
"Fine. You stepped on my white shoes once and I was going to beat your ass. I later punched you in the gut so that kind of makes up for it. Oh, and I also stepped on your shoe and my friend did too. I guess we're even now."
"What? I don't remember that." He said rubbing his forehead.
"Of course you don't. You didn't know me then."
"But you knew me then huh? Well, in front of our audience I would like to apologize for stepping on your shoes."
Yoongi shook his head no, "I thought I did. You're full of surprises. I didn't knew the real you like I do now." He smiled.
Jimin returned the sweet smile making his eyes squint. It was the purest thing in the entire universe.
"Shit. The video." Jimin told once he looked at the camera.
"Ah! Right. Now that we have established this, back to the ramen. It's soy sauce flavor." Yoongi told showing it to the camera.
It was so hot that it fogged it up. "Fuck me." Yoongi grunted wiping it with his sleeve. Jimin laughed covering his mouth.
"I brought two pairs of chopsticks for us to try it together."
Jimin took a pair and Yoongi slid the tray to him. "Guests go first."
He nodded and took a sniff. "Ooh. That's strong. Okay, here we go." He told.
Yoongi waited for the reaction and frowned when Jimin put his thumbs up. "This is great." He said with a mouthful.
"Isn't it good that it's edible?"
"No because I always try the nasty shit. How come it's your first time here and you get something good?"
"I guess that means you have to bring me more often. Am I right guys?" He smirked wiggling his eyebrows at the laptop.
"Stop stealing my audience. Get your own YouTube channel."
"Too late. I think your audience loves me already."
"Nope. Definitely not." He said trying some ramen himself.
"Told you it was good."
"Mhmm." He said satisfied.
They continued eating it until it was nearly gone. Yoongi looked up and saw he had something on the side of his lip.
He reached over to wipe it and Jimin moved back. "So-sorry. You had something there. It was bothering me."
"Oh. Okay." He quietly replied. He caught a glimpse of himself on camera and noted his face was dark red.
"Uhhh...we should probably cut this off. We're just eating now." He mumbled.
"Oh. Yeah. Yeah." Yoo to told pausing the video.
"Do you want some more? I bought extras."
"No I'm okay. Thank you though."
"Sure." He said pushing the tray to the side. He closed his laptop lightly moving the table away from them.
"Hey! I almost forgot to tell you Sana wrote me back."
"Oh," he said getting up. He couldn't even look at him. He was afraid the heartbreak would be seen through his eyes.
"I actually started writing her the letter. I know it's not perfect, but I really tried. If you could read over it I'd appreciate it."
"You...you wrote her...?" He whispered.
"Of course. I'd do anything for her."
"Mmm. Yeah. I see. That's so sweet. You...you deserve to be with her."
"Thanks. I'm trying."
"I'll help you with the letter." He said forcing himself.
"Yes!" He squealed happily.
Yoongi's chest tightened. Fuck. It was painful. This was so painful. And to pretend everything was okay only made it worse.
If only he knew what went though his mind.
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