"Hey guys. So, I'm here today and I'm alive. I think. Hi. I'm going to be reviewing this...I don't even know what it is. This fucking baby product. I don't even have a baby. I don't know what the hell I'm doing. I would try it on Holly but I think he would hate me for that. I'm aware today is Thursday. I usually post Wednesday's. It's just been umm...difficult lately. I don't know."
"Jimin?" Namjoon nudged him. He was staring at his phone and with his earbuds in with the volume all the way up.
"Are you cool with pizza for lunch?"
"You're watching his videos again? I'm starting to think you're obsessed." Taehyung added.
"No. I'm just worried. He seems upset. He's not as upbeat on his videos like usual."
Namjoon looked away before his eyes told him away. He couldn't ever keep a secret. He hated the fact that he had been there to witness Yoongi's love confession.
Now he not only knew about that, but that Jin wasn't into guys. Which he should've already known because he was seen with that tall girl.
"You're overthinking it. It's just a video. Didn't you say he looked dead? Isn't he like that?"
"Yes, but...he's been more dead."
"Maybe he's going through a heartbreak." Namjoon said aggravated. They both talked about him like he wasn't allowed to be sad.
"How would you know that?" Jimin asked.
"I overheard him confess his feelings to Jin. He got rejected and I could tell he was embarrassed. I mean I felt bad for him."
"Holy shit. I wish I could've seen that. Did you record it?" Taehyung asked.
"Fuck no. I was taking a shit and happened to overhear."
Jimin remained quiet. Jin. The first one on the list. The one he told him not to go after. He knew this would happened. That's why he tried to warn him.
"Shit. I just got a notification from calculus. I forgot to fucking turn in my paper. I'll be right back." Taehyung said quickly stepping away.
Both Namjoon and Jimin stayed quiet. Jimin was looking down at the paused video in front of him. He didn't know why he cared so much.
If it would've been any other person he would've just let it go. So the fact that he was still thinking about it was worrisome.
At least for him it was.
Taehyung was running up the stairs bumping into people on the way. Who the fuck stood on the steps hugging and kissing? Could they not get a room for that shit?
Love was so irksome.
On the way to class he spotted Jungkook by the bulletin board. He had his hands stuck in his pockets and he was looking at it attentively.
Taehyung waited until he walked the opposite way. Being so nosy, he walked to where he was standing to see what was so important.
It was his tutoring advertisement paper. Someone had written the word "loser" across it in all capital letters.
Jungkook had taken a few steps and he stopped. He had to go back and take it down. Ignoring it wasn't going to make it go away.
When he did he spotted Taehyung who had snatched the paper off. He bawled it and put in his pocket.
Jungkook didn't know whether to be relieved or not. What if he was the one that wrote that mean word?
Jimin anxiously rung the doorbell and waited for an answer. If he didn't come talk to Yoongi he wouldn't be able to sleep at night.
Seconds later he heard footsteps. He immediately fixed his posture and held the pint of banana milk higher to impress him.
"Oh! Sorry. Hello! I'm Jimin. I'm Yoongi's...classmate." He giggled bringing the milk down.
A lady dressed in a flower dress with an apron opened the door. She smiled sweetly and leaned in for a kiss on the cheek.
Jimin's eyes widen and he awkwardly patted her back. Was he suppose to return the kiss? Or would that be too weird?
"Hey! Come on in. Yoongi's talked about you so much."
"He has?" He wondered amused following her inside.
"Well...not really. He's mentioned you once before. The name just stuck because I hadn't heard it before. The only friend I know of his is Jungkook."
"Great mother. Let the world know I'm a loner." Yoongi said with his arms crossed over his chest.
"None sense. I didn't say that. Anyways, nice to meet you Jimin. I will let you talk to grumpy here."
She excused herself and headed back to the kitchen. Jimin then turned to look at him with a grin.
"I brought you banana milk!" He beamed holding it up.
Yoongi brought his hands down so quick Jimin flinched. "Bitch. Get out of my house. How dare you pat my mothers back. Go pat your own fucking back and shove that milk up yo—"
"Whoa. What the hell? Why're you being so hostile right now? I came in peace. With a peace offering!" He exclaimed alarmed.
Yoongi walked closer ready to punch his gut. Jimin quickly stepped back, "I seriously came in peace!"
"In peace? Seriously? It doesn't matter. We're not even friends. Leave. Now. You got what you want. Your letters. Go run off to the sunset with Sana."
"I didn't use the letters." He said pulling out a pile of ripped paper.
"You fucking ripped them?" He asked offended. He would've rather him given them to Sana. At least she would've enjoyed them.
"Yes. I did. I did it for a good reason though."
Yoongi sighed disappointed and angry. All that hard work was now in fucking pieces. He had copies of it in his computer, but wasting the paper bothered him. He killed all those tress for pretty much nothing.
"What's the good reason?" He sarcastically asked.
"To stop myself from giving them to her. It felt wrong to do it without your permission. It's your work. I'm sorry. I feel like I took advantage of you. I brought you banana milk. I know it won't make up for that, but..."
Yoongi looked at the milk. Fuck. Why was he such a sucker for him? Why couldn't he stand his ground and tell him to leave?
"I'm lactose intolerant." He mumbled.
"Oh. I saw you..."
"I drink it either way. To be reckless and shit. I'll take it." He told snatching it from him.
"No, no, in that case—"
"You can't bring me a gift and take it back. It doesn't work that way Park Jimin. I don't know where you learned that but you need to get your shit together."
"Okay, yeah you're right. Are you sure though? I can always get you the lactose free milk?"
"I want the real shit. Not the fake one." He started walking to his room and turned to look at him. "Are you coming?"
Jimin nodded and stuffed the papers back in his pocket. This time his room was quite messy. Not like the first time he had come in.
"So, I guess we're good now?"
"Mmmm. Let's not get ahead of ourselves."
"I can still help you get a boyfriend." He said.
Yoongi sat in the bed and shook his head no. "I think you're right. My list was delusional. I have to stay away from that."
"You never know though. Maybe...maybe one will like you."
"Highly doubt it. I'm that weird kid that no one wants around. Whatever. I don't even need a boyfriend I'm totally fine by myself. I'm only eighteen. I don't need love. I have like years to find it. If I don't I'll be fine too." He said grabbing his computer and opening it up.
"How do you want me to repay you then? Money?"
"You can owe me a favor. Who knows. One day I'll need it. Have a seat."
Jimin took a seat next to him on the bed. He waited as Yoongi typed in his computer. He stuck his tongue out clicking the mouse.
He smiled finding it adorable. The first time he saw Yoongi he thought of him to be a scary boy. Lifeless.
However, every encounter they had only proved him wrong. There was so much to Min Yoongi that he didn't know existed.
He was full of color, gentleness, and vulnerability. He was only a frail boy searching for love.
Maybe that's why he wanted to make it right with him. They were just alike. Both very misjudged by society who had labeled them without even knowing them.
"I overheard Sana and you talking."
"You did?"
"Uh huh. She wants you to write her back. It's only fair that you give her what she wants right?"
"The letters...I..."
"I know. I have drafts."
"You're a life savior."
"Ehh. You have low standards."
"Why're you helping me?"
"I'm not sure. You're...likable. I guess." He said turning the screen to him.
"Thanks. You're likable too." He smiled.
Yoongi avoided eye contact to stop himself from feeling butterflies. It's not like he had a crush on him or anything. Jimin just made him nervous either way.
"So, what note do you want to leave her?"
"I liked the one where you talked about her being an angel from above."
"You read my letters? I thought you hated reading."
"I do. It's only fair that I read them when you worked so hard on them don't you think?"
"Hmm. Yeah. Well, I have a few that talk about angels. Ah! I think I found it."
"Why do you write so much about angels? Do you truly believe they exist?" He asked leaning closer.
Yoongi's imagination and way of thinking was quite fascinating. Jimin had never thought about it before.
"Yeah. I do."
"You mean metaphorically, right? There's no way a real person can be an angel." He laughed. Even saying out loud it sounded silly.
"There's real angels out there." Yoongi said seriously.
"Oh." Jimin mumbled slightly confused.
"Not all angels have wings. I fully believe that some people are sent into our lives to save us and be our support. Wouldn't you consider them angels?"
Jimin titled his head to the side. He smiled once again nodding. "I think I get what you're saying now."
If that was the case Jimin had found his angel. He happened to be the boy with the oversized sweatshirt.
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