"It happened just like that. I'm not kidding it felt like a scene out of a romantic movie. We made eye contact for ten seconds and when she handed me the letter. We-we fucking connected. Have you heard that rumor that she dumped her boyfriend?" Jimin asked with the biggest smile.
When his friends didn't respond he turned to look at them. Taehyung was eating a hot pocket and Namjoon reading a book.
"Hey! I thought you guys were listening."
"We were and then stopped once you started your Sana story yet again. By the way yes we have heard about the rumor. She's pretty popular around here." Taehyung rolled his eyes.
"It's true. Jimin that's all you talked about the whole weekend and here we are on Monday talking about the same shit."
"Ah! So you're saying my feelings for Sana are shit?" He asked offended.
"What Namjoon is saying is that you've been kind of rubbing in our faces the fact that you're getting the girl. I mean you always get the girl."
Namjoon nodded in agreement. Sometimes he wondered how it felt to be so lucky and always get who you want.
"What is that supposed to mean?"
"You know what. Anyways, did you ever leave that note in her locker?"
"Why not? Now that she's probably single this might win you some points."
"I feel bad for leaving her a note. Yoongi gave those to me when he was angry. Wouldn't it be wrong to use his work without his permission?"
Both of his friends disagreed within seconds. Namjoon nodded while Taehyung shook his head no.
"I'm a little confused. Yes or no?"
"It's so wrong! You didn't even repay him for helping you out."
"It's not wrong. Technically he's the one that gave them to you. If he didn't want you to use them he wouldn't have given them to you."
"I guess you're—"
"Wrong. Don't listen to Taehyung. This is the same guy that fractured my nose when we were five."
"You fucking took a bite off my sandwich dude. What was I suppose to do?"
"We were fucking five Taehyung. Now that this is brought up I'm angry. Do you know what would've happened if you would've screwed up my nose forever?"
"Yes, every time that you would've looked at yourself in the mirror you would've remembered how much I love you. It's tough love."
Jimin groaned pulling his shades closer to his face. "I'm walking away." He mumbled grabbing his book bag which was surprisingly light.
"Wait! No. Come back. Let us give you some advice." Namjoon told rushing behind him.
"I think I'm good." Jimin said shaking his head. Getting love advice from either would be a mess.
"I'm literally fucking cupid. I know everything about love." Taehyung added.
"Uh huh. When was the last time you were in a relationship?"
"Relationships are for losers." He said with a dead gaze. He truly meant it. Commitment and crushing on a single person wasn't for him.
"So I shouldn't ask Sana out then?"
"Nah. What for? So you can claim her as your girlfriend? That shit is so cringey."
"Once again, don't listen to him. You can always get to Sana by recommending her a good book!" Namjoon beamed.
"Oh yeah! Why don't you go ahead and let her pick out her flowers?" Taehyung asked sarcastically.
"Huh? Flowers for what?" Jimin asked confused. Namjoon was as curious as he was and he leaned closer for the answer. What if he followed the advice with Jin?
"For her funeral. Are you trying to kill her of boredom?"
"Fuck. Are you offending me right now? Say it to face." Namjoon told squinting his eyes at him.
"I did." Taehyung responded leaning closer. Jimin was now being squished between them both and he had to push them away.
"Goodness. You two bicker worse than little kids. The way to Sana's heart is through those letters that Yoongi wrote. I just have to talk to him again. Make it right."
They walked through the door and the people in the hallway stopped and stared. When the three walked in unison the whole world stopped to admire.
Yoongi and Jungkook happened to be on the way to class when all of this happened. The three boys kept talking like no big deal. They were so powerful and didn't even have the remote clue of their impact.
Well, maybe Jimin did. Because there he was removing his shades with a smirk plastered on his face. Being the center of attention never bothered him.
Yoongi sighed disgusted at his attractiveness. He wore black ripped skinny jeans, a light blue button up shirt and a jean jacket.
His skin mashed against the light blue looked so heavenly. Yoongi thought he was looking at an angel from heaven.
Then he had to remind himself that if Jimin were angel he'd be Lucifer.
"I'm tired of Jimin getting everything his way! What about me? What about my life?" Yoongi said frustrated.
Jungkook nodded, "Yeah. His friend Taehyung is a jerk too. Now that I officially told him off I don't feel as bad."
"Why does he get Sana? My letters? And to be good looking? Like how the hell is that fair? What do I have?"
Jungkook quickly smacked him making Yoongi wince. "I guess the only thing I have is an abusive best friend."
"You're handsome too. You're smart, funny, and sweet. You're super talented in so many levels. Don't degrade yourself like that."
Yoongi pressed the side button on his car seat and pushed it back. Soon, his friend did too. "I'm just angry he's getting everting his way. I suppose some people are just that lucky."
"You have to make your own luck. Can't sit around and wait for it to come find you."
Yoongi stopped and thought of Jungkook's statement. The thought had never crossed his mind until he said it.
"It's like saying you're going to get a doctorate degree without knowing the stuff first. It just doesn't work that—"
"You're right!" He screamed sitting up.
"Why thank you. I am correct over half of the time."
"I have to make my own luck. That's exactly what I'm going to do right now." He opened the car door and started sprinting back inside the school.
This caught Jungkook off guard. Yoongi never ran. Ever. Not even if he was being chased he wouldn't run.
"Yoongi! Wait!" He told getting out the car himself. "Where are you going?" He added perplex.
He didn't stop running to respond. Not that he was ignoring Jungkook. If he stopped to respond he wouldn't be able to start again.
It would be fine. Jungkook would catch up. He was a fast runner and in good shape. Unlike Yoongi.
"What the fuck? That scared me! I have never send you run that fast!" Jungkook said once he caught up to him.
Yoongi was bent over taking deep breaths. He felt like he was dying. Running was fucking torturous.
"I-I'm trying to-to-find my...fuck. Give me a second. Holy shit."
"There, there," Jungkook whispered tapping his back lightly. It took a few minutes for him to finally control himself.
"Okay. I'm good." He said taking a deep breath.
"So? Why are we in the gym hallway? I thought you despised this place with passion."
"Oh. I do. I'm here to confront Kim Seokjin." He grinned.
"Ahh-wait! What?"
"I'm going to confront him. Wait for me right here."
Jungkook had his doubts about this. Yoongi just looked so excited he couldn't burst his bubble of hope.
"Okay. I'll wait here." He nervously responded.
Yoongi smiled peeking through the gym door. He saw a couple of basketball players exiting through the back door.
He kept walking and came across the locker room. He shook his head and walked in. Of course he was nervous about seeing Jin.
He was also worried that other guys would be there as well. Luckily, it was empty so far. If he didn't talk to Jin today he wouldn't be able to talk to him again.
When he saw Jin's bare shoulders he nearly choked on his own saliva. He was so infatuated that he didn't even notice Namjoon feet in the bathroom stall.
"Jin." He said.
He turned around and held his breath. "I'm Yoongi." He added with an awkward wave. Holy fuck. He was doing it. Talking to him.
"Hey." Jin quietly said. He didn't know what to feel at the moment. He was a wondering mess for sure.
Sweat was dripping down his firm chest and he was breathing heavily. Yoongi could've melted right then and there.
"I know you read my message the other day. I'm here to tell you that I think you're pretty. You're gorgeous. I have a crush on you. You're so perfect on every way and sorry if I sound so dumb right know. My message was also embarrassing. I do apologize if I sounded so desperate. I just really needed to tell you how you make me feel."
Jin didn't know how to handle this. He was beyond intimidated. Even though Yoongi was much smaller and fragile Jin felt so overwhelmed.
Yoongi waited anxiously for an answer. He wished on everything that Jin would say he liked him too.
"I'm not into guys."
Yoongi felt his heart sink to the bottom of his stomach. It was not a pretty feeling at all. Immediately it made him nauseous.
"Sorry." He quietly mumbled.
Yoongi cleared his throat. Why was there a sudden lump there? Was he really expecting this to go any different? He should've known better.
"It's okay. Sorry for...bothering." He quickly turned the other way.
Jin stood behind unsure of what to do. He had thought about forgetting the text. Now it was pretty impossible with what just happened.
Yoongi rushed out. He froze for a second rubbing his forehead anxiously not wanting to go back to his friend. What would he say?
"You play basketball too?" A voice asked.
Yoongi looked up and saw Hoseok leaning against the lockers. "I've never seen you there. My friend plays. I'm waiting for him."
"I...don't play." He whispered.
"Ahh. Okay. Did you ever get your revenge?"
"Your white shoes." He pointed. He happened to be wearing them. Yoongi looked down and then back up.
"You remember me?" He asked astonished.
"Of course. Hard to forget a feisty personality like yours."
"Yeah...I got my revenge. I got my best friend to step on his shoe too."
Hoseok chuckled, "Nice. Bet he won't go around stepping on other peoples shoes."
"I guess so." He said.
Hoseok looked at his phone, "I think my friend is finally coming."
"Oh. I should get going. Uhh...bye."
Yoongi gulped and walked away. He was very surprised that Hoseok had spoken to him. He had also made him smile! What surprised him the most was that he remembered him.
It was nice be noticed.
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