Quest Pt. 1
This is a VERY LONG oneshot and it's also VERY silly, so get ready.
"Guys, guys, guys!" Patton ran into the room, screaming over and over again while scaring Virgil and Roman into falling off the couch.
Virgil ended up falling on top of Roman. He blushed and scrambled onto his feet, brushing himself off. Roman's eyes were wide as he slowly got up and looked at Patton.
"What is it, padre?" Roman asked.
"I found an article-!" Patton was cut off by Virgil groaning.
"Come on, dad... you can't believe stuff on the internet..." Virgil muttered.
"But- but- but- this article said that there is a legendary cookie that tastes magical out in the jungle somewhere! We have to find it...!" Patton cried.
"Wait, really?" Roman's eyes shined.
"Yes, really!" Patton giggled.
"Ugh, you seriously can't believe that article, can you?" Virgil rolled his eyes, "There is no such thing as a 'legendary' cookie."
"Actually," A voice spoke up. The trio looked over and saw Logan, "There is such thing as a cookie out in the jungle."
"...You can't be serious." Virgil muttered.
"Oh, but I am serious. Necktie." Logan pointed at his necktie.
Patton gasped, "Then we MUST find this cookie!"
"I'm in!" Roman shouted.
"I am also in," Logan said.
Everyone looked at Virgil. The emo glanced around at them. He sighed, "Fine... I'm in."
"Yes!" Patton and Roman yelled.
Logan was leading the way as the four Sides were in the jungle, looking for this mysterious cookie.
Patton was in awe at every creature he saw. Roman warned Patton about some that were dangerous and would tear your face off if you got close.
Logan was reading his book all about the legendary cookie and where it resided in. He mentioned that it would take about a day to get to the cookie on foot, so Patton was a little sad about that.
Virgil was reluctant to come along, but as long as it made his dad happy, he was happy.
Patton had also brought along his nunchucks and ninja stars just in case, but the others didn't know about them. Patton kept them in his backpack that he brought with him.
"What's in the bad, Patton?" Virgil spoke up.
"Just some necessities, such as sleeping bags, food, and bug spray-" Patton got cut off by Roman laughing.
"Bug spray? Seriously? Do you think that bug spray will keep these bugs away?" Roman asked, "What you should've brought was pepper spray."
"I did bring pepper spray, but you cut me off before I could say I brought it as well." Patton frowned.
"Oh, sorry..." Roman muttered.
"It's okay, kiddo." Patton smiled and walked up to Logan as Logan read his book, trying to find out where to go, "Watcha doing, Lo?"
"Just seeing where we need to go. It says to find a trail with... trail mix on it...?" Logan mumbled.
"Why would there be trail mix on a trail?" Patton giggled a bit and looked around.
"This book is making no sense... I mean, we did pass a unicorn march and a leprechaun... so I guess this jungle makes no sense either." Logan sighed.
"Uh... do you even know what this jungle is called? It's called the Mytho Jungle for a reason, know-it-all!" Roman said.
"Oh. Huh." Logan looked around.
"Found the trail mix trail!" Patton pointed at a trail a few feet away.
"Great, let's continue." Logan smiled a bit and walked along the trail.
"Ooo, trail mix...!" Roman picked up a peanut and ate it. Everyone looked on, disgusted. Roman frowned, "What? It's not even bad or anything. It's actually delicious."
Patton picked up an M&M and ate it. His eyes widened, "Huh... Roman's right, it is delicious!"
"See? Nothing here is poisonous, except for the poison ivy trail." Roman crossed his arms, smiling heroically.
"It says we have to cross that trail as well," Logan said.
"...Welp, I hope you all have long socks on, cause it's about to get itchy!" Roman said.
Patton's eyes widened. He wore his short kitty and puppy socks, he didn't even think about poison ivy-
"Patton, you coming?" Virgil called. Patton looked over and saw that the three of them were walking into the poison ivy with their long socks.
"U-Uh... I'm not wearing long socks..." Patton muttered.
Virgil and Roman looked at each other and pushed Logan forward. Logan huffed and walked in front of Patton. He turned and kneeled down.
"Get on my back," Logan said, simply.
"O-Okay..." Patton blushed. Getting on his crush's back? Now that was a dream come true for Patton.
Patton got onto Logan's back. Logan carried Patton through the poison ivy as Roman and Virgil followed behind.
Once they got out of the poison ivy, Logan helped Patton down. Logan looked up at the sky.
"It's getting dark, let's camp out here," Logan said. Patton smiled and took his bag off his back. He opened it, pulling out four sleeping bags.
"Here are the sleeping bags!" Patton said. He also got out the snacks.
"Now we just need a fire," Logan said.
"I'll get sticks!" Roman was already in the jungle, gathering up some dry sticks.
"I guess I'll get rocks..." Virgil muttered, gathering up dry rocks.
Once the things were together. Logan made a campfire and lit the sticks up by using two rocks.
"Alright, now who wants snacks?" Patton grinned as he handed out snacks and drinks.
"Thanks, Dad," Virgil said.
"Gracias, Padre!" Roman smiled.
"Thank you, Patton," Logan said.
Patton sat down at the campfire and hummed the Campfire Song song from Spongebob. Logan unconsciously smiled at the father-figure's humming as he read the book. Virgil and Roman looked at each other, knowingly.
After the four slept, Virgil splashed water onto the fire, wiping it out. The four set off to continue their adventure.
Logan said they just needed to cross the roaring river and go through a few bushes, then they would find the cookie.
Once they got to the roaring river, they stopped and looked around.
"Huh... that river really does roar," Logan muttered as he heard the water hitting the rocks, causing the river to sound like it roars.
"Hey, look! A vine!" Roman shouted and pointed at a vine that was hanging down from a branch.
"Is it even safe to use that...?" Virgil asked, getting kind of anxious.
"Oh, come on, emo nightmare, it can't be that bad," Roman said. He took a few steps back and ran forward, jumping on the vine, and swinging to the other side, "See? It's safe!"
Patton was next to cross it. He giggled as he jumped down from it to the other side.
After Logan went, Virgil was the last one.
"Come on, Virgil... you can do it!" Roman called.
"N-No, I can't!" Virgil called back, "You know I'm scared of bodies of water, especially ones that can hurt you!"
"Look, just imagine you're with something you love and it's on the other side of the river. And depending on how much you love the item, you will always love it, so you cross the river anyway, not thinking that you can get injured." Roman said.
Virgil looked at Roman and took a few steps back. He hummed, nearly squeaking. He ran forward, jumped onto the vine, and swung to the other side, jumping down and crashing into Roman. They both fell onto the ground and they sat up.
"See? That wasn't so hard, now was it?" Roman asked, gently.
"Y-Yeah... thank you, Ro." Virgil blushed and smiled a bit.
"No problem, emo nightmare." Roman grinned.
"Let's go, lovebirds," Logan called as he and Patton were in the bushes.
"Logan... you ruined the moment." Patton huffed. Logan just rolled his eyes and headed further into the bushes, Patton slowly following.
Once the four were on the other side, they saw it.
The legendary cookie.
Patton grinned and ran forward. The cookie was sitting on a pedestal. Patton reached out to it, but a knife flew through the area and cut Patton's hand. Patton yelped and pulled his hand away, holding it.
"Hold it! No one gets the legendary cookie." A voice echoed throughout the area. Patton backed away.
A figure emerged from the bushes wearing a pink cape. The figure took down their hood.
Patton gasped, "Ronin!?"
"That would be correct, brother." Ronin said and bowed, "I am the keeper and guard of the legendary cookie, I protect the legendary cookie from danger."
"Well, this is interesting- wait, did he say 'brother'!?" Roman exclaimed.
Patton smiled, "Then... I guess it is a battle you seek, correct?"
"Correct." Ronin said as he pulled out his white spear that had pink carvings on it.
Patton giggled, "If it's a battle you are after, then let's battle."
Patton pulled out his nunchucks and ninja stars, getting into a stance.
~After a long battle cause I'm lazy~
Patton threw a ninja star at Ronin's arm. Ronin yelped as his arm was cut. He held it and kneeled down.
"I-I can see... that this wasn't a battle I should've gone into... you have won, big brother. And for coming all the way here and battling me... you have gained the special powers of the legendary cookie." Ronin said.
Patton smiled and bowed, "Thank you, little bro."
Patton took the cookie and tore some pieces off, giving them to the others. He tore off a piece for Ronin, "Here ya go, Ronin."
Gratitude smiled, "Thank you, Pat."
They all ate the cookie pieces and regained their strength.
"Now to get out of here," Patton said.
"Ah, there is a portal to the Mindpalace. Use it to get out of here." Ronin pointed behind the pedestal.
"Why don't you come with us, Ronin?" Patton asked.
"I cannot, this jungle needs me. I need to make sure it stays strong and healthy, but thank you for the offer, brother."
"Alright, thank you, Ronin." Patton nodded his head.
Ronin looked at Logan, "I'm watching you, smart guy."
Logan raised his eyebrow and followed the others onto the portal.
The others got to the Mindpalace.
Patton stretched and smiled, "What a journey, am I right?"
He looked at the others as they nodded.
"Yeah, we should do it again sometime," Roman said.
"Yeah... it was fun after all." Virgil chuckled a bit.
"Indeed, even if we almost got killed," Logan said.
"Yep!" Patton giggled. He then looked at Logan, "Thank you, Logan."
"For what?" Logan asked.
"For helping us find our way." Patton blushed.
"Oh, you are most certainly welcome," Logan said.
Patton kissed Logan on the cheek, "I hope there will be other adventures just like this... anyway, I'm going to my room, bye guys."
Logan blushed. Roman nudged Logan on the shoulder, "So... you and Padre, huh?"
Logan snapped out of it and glared at Roman, "So, you and Virgil, huh?"
"Wait, what?" Virgil muttered.
This was very fun to write... I told you it was silly.
1874 words.
P.S. Part 2 will be in another Oneshots book. It will either be in this book, my Prinxiety Oneshots 2 book, or my Remile Oneshots book.
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