So call me part 3
"So, where did you meet Pat?" Angel stirred his drink while flicking through photos on his phone, occasionally saving pictures of make up brands he liked.
"His room mate screwed me over" Angel raised an eyebrow
"Gareth? I hate that guy" Logan frowned
"Why do you hate him?"
"Same reason as Pat and Ro. It's why we're not friends with Gareth anymore" Logan looked at him expectantly so Angel sighed "All right look. Gareth called me a bunch of stuff when i came out as transgender last year. Gareth called me..." Angel sighed and looked down "Freak, weirdo, faggot, take your pick he probably said all of them anyway" Logan reached out to comfort him as Patton smiled, mouthing
"Thank you" Logan shook his head to say it was nothing. Roman gripped his coffee cup so tightly it burst so Angel looked up.
"Ro?" Roman looked at the doorway
"Get out" Gareth smirked and just walked over to them so Roman shielded Angel protectively. Patton stood up.
"He said get out" Gareth ignored him
"By the way Logan, your parents just heard"
"Are you implying you outed him?"
"Not implying" Logan stared
"You... why?! Why would you do that to me?!" Angel placed an arm around his shoulder, swinging around to punch Gareth in the face. He caught his wrist and twisted so Angel yelled
"God you're not even a girl yet and you hit like one!" Angel yelled as the grip tightened while Patton got help.
"Ah - ah let go! ah! Ro...!" Roman had been taking off his shoes and rings.... He kicked Gareth in the painful spot and punched him.
"Get your fingertips away from my partner you...." The stream of words he used shouldn't be repeated here. Taking back his baby he kissed Angel's cheek "You ok Kitten?" Angel nodded but nursed his wrist while Logan whispered
"He outed me" Patton took his arm
"Hey, it's ok, you can hang out at mine if you don't want to face your parents. There's nothing wrong with it and they'll know that Lo" He squeezed his arm "Want to watch a movie to forget this?" Logan nodded as Angel stared, whispering to Roman
"You're sure they aren't dating?"
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