For All Time And Beyond.
Logic sat down on their bed and felt his wrist while the memory flashed before his eyes. taunting.
"Give me your wallet!"
"I don't carry it with me in case of people like yourself..." SMACK.
"Don't get smart! All right then let's have... this!"
"No!" He was already running as Logic nursed his wrist and cheek. A student ran up to him
"Professor Sanders are you ok?"
"I'm fine." Physically.
A knock on the door brought him back
"Cookie you have to wake up now! We're doing another video!" Stand up. Breathe. bite your lip, bite your tongue, bite your cheek. just hold yourself together for Patt. Do it.
Logic sat down as soon as they were summoned, unusually quiet considering he'd been on a roll recently with helping his host. Morality moved over to him as he covered one hand, only moving to adjust his glasses as Thomas frowned
"Logic are you ok?" He bit his lip and breathed to calm himself. He couldn't talk... he cried. No sobs, just silent yet visible tears running down his cheeks. Patton hugged him quickly, rubbing circles on his back gently
"Cookie what's wrong?" He blinked back more tears
"I got mugged on the way to the school and..." He held up his left hand to show them, looking at Patton as the tears started again "They took my ring"
"Oh Cookie! I don't care if you wear a ring or even my name on you! you'll always be my husband, but if it means that much... here Cookie. I love you and I will love you" He turned Logic's head to give him an eskimo kiss. He summoned a new ring. It was an exact replica. "For all time...". Patton smiled and slid it onto his husband's finger so he smiled and completed their wedding vow.
"And beyond"
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