Dinner date?
"There are three more guards in the next corridor" Patton glided round the corner while aiming the gun. "Shoot with the serum gun, we need them alive" Switching guns he fired before they could turn around.
"What else was in there? it's showing up red through their necks" The hacker in his earpiece answered casually
"I may have implanted tracking devices into the bullets" He wolf whistled
"Impressive Lo" He could tell he was smiling when Logan spoke again
"Thank you Patt. Three more corridors and you'll meet Roman outside with the target"
"Who is the target?"
"Stick to the wall here. there's cameras on the centre ceiling panels" Logan added to answer his question "The target's around nineteen, Aidan Sanders he's got some kind of connection with Sonia Varelsk the drug dealer we brought in last week. judging by bags under his eyes and the marks he tries to hide on his arms, as well as a certain irregular hyperactive twitch he has, i'd guess he was a client who found out too much" Patton grinned
"I love your Sherlock mode" The hacker was probably blushing
"Just head out here and be careful, there's two snipers on the roof" Patton swerved to avoid the bullets, turning around so his glasses got cracked.
"Ah dammit!" Logan sounded panicked
"Patton what's wrong can you hear me? your feed's cut out are you all right?"
"I'm fine Lo, they shot my glasses it's ok" He heard a sigh of relief and grinned
"Were you worried Logic?" The hacker laughed slightly at the nickname
"I'll be less worried when you're not getting fired at"
"Awe you're impatient for me to get back!"
"I'm impatient for your safety Patton. Now please focus" He was smiling when he said it. Two minutes later Patton was on the helicopter about to disconnect his feed.
"You did well Lo" Logan sounded surprised
"I did well?"
"Well i couldn't do what i do without you could I? i'd be dead seven times over without you"
"Well sorry Sherlock but it's true and you should know it"
"Patton people are staring at me blushing!" He grinned
"Awe! I affect you" He paused "Hey one thing before I question the target."
"Do you know a good pet sitter?" Logan was confused (understatement)
"Coincidentally I do. Why?"
"Why don't you call them? if you say yes to this" He breathed "Dinner tonight? anywhere you want" Logan smiled at his desk
"Like a date?"
"I was hoping" A slight pause
"I guess i'll call them"
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