What once was is now gone
Everything falls to time
Time is the thing that marches on when everything else stops, when war envelops the world and it is pushed to the brink, Time keeps moving. Time is impassive to our struggles, to our hardships and losses. Time continues on no matter what happens
Time didn't stop when the atrocities of the Great war occurred, time didn't stop when Tyrian callow killed the entire Schnne board, and time didn't stop when the Grimm reclaimed mount Glenn.
When hundreds of thousands of souls perished in one single event, when half of Vacuo was blown to hell from a freak reactor explosion, creating the glass deserts of Vacuo, Time kept moving.
Time marches on, with or without us.
We can not affect time, no human or faunas can, but it can affect us. It is untouchable, unreachable and cannot be comprehended.
Some lucky few have been able to stave off the affects of time, either by semblances or large aura pools, but time still claims them nevertheless. Another select few have embraced time, and only strive to be remembered through it, either for the acts of good or acts of evil. An Example of these people are General stone of atlas, who is known for allegedly creating the floating island the kingdom sits on.
But still, no matter how important the person, place, or idea was, it is still taken by time.
Time is inevitable
Jaune had decided he despised atlas.
At first, even when he was being boarded off to be imprisoned, he had thought atlas was facinsting. A floating island of a kingdom that separated the rich from the poor, a fascinating subject to review.
But now, as he made his way slowly through the dense forests and snow, it was much less fascinating. As far as the eye could see was the black bark of trees and the white of snowfall.
He hated it
Emotions usually had no place in his life, they hadn't for some time now. Yet he found a deep hatred of the eviroment around him.
No, hatred wasn't what it was, it was more annoyance. The area was Illogical, the time it took away was illogical, and the time it added to his journey was even more illogical. The sheer amount of illogical things this forest provided made Jaune despise it, or as close to despising something he could come.
Luckily, due it his semblance the Grimm were of no concern. The added hazard of the beasts of darkness would have made this journey take even longer, and tested Jaunes patience even more.
As if it hadn't been tested enough by this god forsaken kingdom.
Jaune glanced down at his scroll and it's mountain of information that he has stolen from white space, and checked his destination once again.
The coordinates were still a ways away from his location, but that was to be expected from his current pace. Jaune wasn't sure what compelled him forward to this place, other then the peculiar journey entry from Dr Maxis, someone who apparently didn't exist.
That alone could have several implications.
If someone didn't exist legally, but there was proof that they did or still existed than it usually means that Atlas wanted them gone. People in this category usually were off the rails soldiers, specialist, or even generals. But some scientists who found things that were never meant to be found are placed in this category.
That begs the question then, what did Maxis find that warranted this treatment?
What did Maxis find at this "crash" that scared the unshakable kingdom of atlas?
It seems Jaune would find out
This had to be the dumbest thing he had been assigned to do in awhile. Sure he was all for saving the world from outside forces and itself, but this was above him. He was the deceiver! Not some dog going to fetch a bone, yet here he was.
With the click of a lighter and a puff of smoke, Roman torchwick walked into the town of dormitory.
The town was quite at this time of night, with a few street lamps being the only thing illuminating Romans way forward. He pulled out his scroll from his dress coat, and checked his objective once again.
He had been tasked by Ozpin and the other members of the society to investigate the Arc case further. They had given him two names of people at the site where the boy committed the murders, and it was time to find out some answers.
At first Roman had suggested they give this job to their newest recruit, Winter schnne, who had been given the role Scout. In Roman's mind the action fit the name, apparently everyone else didn't agree.
Winter, unknown to Roman at the time, was actually recovering from internal burns and extreme electrocution. Thanks to that Arc kid, who somehow escaped the unescapable white space and severely injured the elder Schnne via injection of two electric dust crystals.
Thanks to Roman and his big mouth, he had been sent from his position in Vale by a almost unanimous vote from the society. Roman supposed it also had a large part to do with his semblance, but he was too pissed to think about that.
Roman wasn't even sure how the society functioned with so many aposing personalities within it, personally he hated nearly every member with a passion. But he hated the end of the world more, so he stuck around.
Back to the subject at hand
Ol Jimmy had shared the official report of the event, and it raised more then a few eyebrows. Even Roman himself could tell something was wrong. The report only brought up the fact that the boy was found with the bodies, and a still alive huntsman who he had tied up but unharmed.
Yet the report seemed, incomplete, like someone had tampered with it and removed key facts. For example, a call with one of the members of the arc Family, one Astrid arc, had revealed several inconsistencies.
Astrid had said they found the boy, Jaune was his name, testing the awake huntsman's aura as he read from a book. Yet the official report said that the alive huntsman had been found unconscious and unharmed.
A small inconsistency, even Oz had admitted that, but something worth looking into. On his scroll Two names stood out to Roman on the list, the only two non-arcs at the site.
Angelo Cortez and coral superstues
Roman placed his scroll away and twirled his cane around his hand
It was time to go hunting
It was glorious, something right out of a science fiction novel. A black mass of spikes and strange black metal that leaked a blue substance. It was otherworldly, something that no kingdom could replicate, it was alien, it was magnificent.
(I don't love using images but this should be helpful)
It was the crash Maxis had found, and now jaune knew why Maxis didn't exist. For something this, alien, to be discovered is truly outstanding. It could be a prototype atlas ship, but Jaune doubted it. Atlas was no captable of such a feat of technology, not even their warships could compare in scale.
The Grimm were collected around the structure in large numbers, larger then Jaune had ever even heard or read of. From nevermores to Goliaths, even Grimm that weren't known to dwell in the extreme cold were here, and they didn't seem bothered by it.
Grimm were attracted to negative emotions, that much was known, yet there was no living things as far as Jaune could tell at the crash. There could be another possibility however, one that is only a theory, but one that would explain the Grimm.
Items that have very very negative emotions surrounding them can attract Grimm aswell, or at least it is theorized that it is possible. A test was conducted using the Sword of king Francais of Vale, who led one of the largest recorded massacres of Fauneses to date, and all using his sword and army. The sword was placed in a lock box in the center of a peaceful town with little to no Grimm activity, then the activity was monitored for a month.
The results were, interesting, to say the least.
The Grimm swarmed the town within the first few days, in such intense numbers that the research team had to pull out of the town and leave the citizens to die for their mistake.
That would explain why the Grimm were here, this thing somehow participated or did itself something truly horrible. Something far far worse then King Francais and his massacre of the Faunes, nothing short of genocide would produce this many Grimm in one spot.
But what could one object have done such horrible things? Was jaune missing something?
Perhaps it was something inside the crash, a person perhaps? Jaune wasn't sure if he wanted to meet someone who could attract this much Grimm
Jaune made his way down the hill he had been observing from and made his way towards the crash, ignoring the Grimm around him as they did the same.
As he got closer he noticed a few defining features on the strange black metal, and something of even more importance towards the front of the crash
Three long spikes, longer then the rest, much larger, that pointed outwards. Between the three spikes were several openings in the metal that reflected Jaunes image back at him.
Dead blue eyes stared back at Jaune, his disheveled clothes that he wore the day he was taken away still clung to him. A single pair of Jeans, a golden shirt with a black hoodie.
'Glass' jaune thought to himself 'why is there glass?'
What could this thing have been used for? A vechike of some sorts? Then how would it move, Jaune saw no tires or engines
Jaune paxed to the back of the reckage to see four large thrusters staring right back at him, and that's when he figured it out
This was no land vexhile or mass of uncoordinated metal. The shape, glass and engines spoke of a different purpose.
This was a ship made for air travel, a very very large one.
Jaune placed a hand on the cold black metal, and felt a strange feeling of Deja-vu. He had felt this substance before, but when?
His hand scraped by a large emblem on the side of the ship as he walked, a large purple emblem of whatever faction this ship belonged to. It looked like a face, or a mask, that had four pointed horns coming out of its head.
Somehow, in the back of Jaunes mind, a single name came to mind.
The first target was not too hard for Roman to find. After checking the few spots the Man's file said he frequented, his home and a school, that left only one place.
Roman casually spun his cane around as he stepped into the towns cemintary.
The first person the fashionable criminal had decided to go for had been Angelo Cortez, the one he thought would be much easier to, question.
Roman knew the man wasn't up to par with a pro huntsman, he wasn't even fully one himself, being self trained and made one honorarily. If push came to shove Roman could defeat Angelo quite easily in a battle, but there was another reason as well.
A reason Roman had been sent on this mission, other then the sick humor of the society, is his semblance.
Of weaker minds is what he had named it, and it was a very handy one to have, for him and the society. It allowed him to control someone's mind and read through their thoughts and memory's, but the catch was that the person had to be weakened to an extent. Either physically or mentally the person he was trying to read had to be weak, and this Angelo fellow sounded real weak.
After all he had just lost his children at the hands of the Arc boy, no one besides a psychopath would be mentally strong after that.
Just as the report said, Roman saw a man crouched by a pair of graves. He wore a brown trench coat that reached his knees, and a matching pair of combat pants.
Roman cleared his throat to gain the man's attention, and angry brown eyes met amused green ones
"Who the hell are you?" Angelo asked with an edge to his voice, as he reached behind him for what Roman presumed to be a weapon
Roman only raised an eyebrow "you don't recognize me? Im offended, I've made quite the name for myself."
"I don't care who you are, leave me alone." Angelo responded with a scrowl
Roman took a step forward "now that's a bit rude."
Angelo said nothing as he drew his weapon, a basic great sword, and pointed it at Roman "listen buddy, just leave me be, I'm here to grieve."
"I just need a few moments of your time." Roman said as he silently placed his cane in his right hand "can't you spare that? I'm sure whoever your talking to isn't going anywhere."
That last comment didn't sit well with Angelo, if the growl that escaped his lips was anything to go by. Roman just smirked, but inside he sighed. Seems he couldn't just take the information, he would have to weaken the man further.
"What the hell do you want." The grieving man demanded
"Just some information." Roman replied with a grin "On the person who put those two down there, if it's not too much to ask."
Angelo tensed further, and his grip on his weapon tightened, but Roman continued "heard the kid put you down too, now that's just the icing on the cake." He taunted with his ever present smirk as Angelo began to shake with rage "couldn't even avenge your little boys, not that is just pathetic. But what else is to be expected from a nobody like you?"
Angelo shouted with rage and swung his large weapon at the well dressed man in front of him, who just side stepped the sloppy strike
"Ah come on now, surely you don't want all of vale seeing your strike coming?" Roman taunted further as he ducked from another strike
"Shut up and fight me!" Angelo demanded as he swung wildly at the man in front of him "I'll make you pay for what you said!"
"What if I had been a civilian? You could have killed me there." Roman asked as he effortlessly danced past the strikes of the large weapon
"No civilian dresses like you Torchwick!" Angelo said as he recovered from the dodge, before swinging clumsy again
"Ah you do recognize me!" Roman exclaimed before his smirk fell "But I'm getting rather bored of our charade, let me just end it."
Roman attached the crook of his cane onto the inside of the grip of Angelo's weapon, and pulled.
The sword was ripped from the Man's grip and onto the ground, Angelo attempted to throw a punch towards the criminal but was met with a cane to the head. The attack sent the man to the ground in a dazed state, much to the amusement of Roman
"No aura to save yourself? My my, What have you been doing?" Roman mockingly asked as he kneeled down by the man and placed a hand on his head "Now, it's time for my information, if you would be so kind."
Romans eyes began to glow a dark green, as his normal bright eyes became a murky green, akin to poison. They swirled with power as he forced Angelo to look him in the eyes
"Would you kindly tell me what happened in the cave, spare no detail." Roman commanded as Angelo's eyes began to glow in tangent with his.
There was a few moments of struggle, but Roman stamped those down quickly.
As Angelo began to speak, Roman allowed a small smile to grace his lips.
One down, one to go
Jaune wasn't one for superstition
Everything he had encountered so far in his short life could be explained by Logic, everything conformed to the code of reason.
How could it not? The world was logical, so everything within it must be as well.
But, Jaune had finally found something to challenge that mindset.
This crash, this thing, this ship had been messing with him mentally ever since he had arrived.
It has started with a few intrusive thoughts, like the erge to come closer to the downed ship and inspect the props and front. Or the sense of Deja-vu at the touch of the strange metal.
But then it had divulged into Jaune somehow knowing what the emblem on the side of the ship meant, and the name for it.
Deceptions is the word that had came to mind, and even just the name spoke volumes.
Breaking the word down gave Jaune, Deception-cons, which was illogical. A con is usually used in conjunction with man to make the title Con man. But Con by itself to persuade someone.
So depiction persuading? It was illogical, though Jaune supposed most titles for factions were.
Back to the object of his confusion, the Ship itself.
There was no Visible entrance to the vessel, other than trying to break in which was highly illogical given the integrity of the hull. If it had survived a fall from low orbit, as Jaune suspected, than it was powerful enough to resists anything Jaune could possibly throw at it.
There had to be a way into the object, how could it function if it had no entrance?
A small seed of doubt formed in the back of Jaunes mind, could his diagnosis of the crashes origin be incorrect? No, he couldn't have made such a miscalculation, it was too large.
Jaune wasn't perfect, it was illogical for him to be, he could make mistakes just like any other human or faunes. But not to this magnitude, he had never made one like it, and that wouldn't start today
There had to be an entrance to this ship, all he had to do was find it.
And so, his search began
Angelo had been a, beneficial, source of information. Roman was tempted to just take what he got and leave, but a small part of him compelled him to finish his given job.
So Roman moved to his next target, Coral superstues, a fully trained and licensed huntsman.
The man not only was a Shade academy graduate, but had years of experience in the field beyond the kingdoms walls.
Settlements went and came like the sun and moon, and those that remained only did so due to a large huntsman population and natural barriers.
Roma himself had been at one such settlement as it fell, it was a small town called Tear and it was ravanged completely by Grimm. Not a single settler survived. It was one of the major turning points of moving him away from the path of a huntsman, and where he was today.
It still haunted Roman, even 3 years later.
Being beyond the walls hardened a man, it had to if they were still alive. Constant Grimm and bandit raids, rouge huntsman and the occasional warlord who had a few weapons and thought themselves a great conqueror.
What a joke.
Though dormitory was one of the safest outside of the walls, in no small part thanks to the Arc family and their immense power. But that was helpful to Roman.
Because this meant Coral had gone soft.
He had been in safety for years, if his file was to be believed. And even though his experience is extensive, it didn't matter if he'd been living in luxury for the last few years.
Speaking of his file, it was also going to aid Roman in the fight that was sure to come. Coral wielded a quart staff with a firing option that came out the end of it, that also came attached with blades that could be retracted into the two ends. His semblance was advanced reflexes, nothing special but still useful nonetheless.
Roman strolled up to a small cottage near the edge of town, and as he approached he tightened his gloves and twirled his cane in a practiced fashion. If he was going to fight this man, he had to look good doing it.
Roman gently knocked on the door three times, then got his cane and pointed it at the door. A small grin came to his face as he heard footsteps slowly approach the door, along with the clinking of what Roman could only assume was Corals weapon and armor.
Tired blue eyes met bright green ones as Corals eyes widened
"Hey there buddy." Roman said with a smirk
The thief fired his cane directly at the huntsman, meeting him in the chest and sending him flying. Coral flew out of the house and into the field behind.
Roman casually walked through the destroyed cottage as he counted his barrage of explosive flare shots at the man in blue
Corals semblance began to kick in as he flipped away from the shots and dove for cover behind a nearby rock.
"Come out and play!" Roman taunted
Coral launched himself up using his staff's Gun portion and sent himself towards Roman, catching the thief by surprise and kicking him down
Roman rebounded quickly and jumped back to his feet
"What do you want from me torchwick?" Coral asked as he got into a stance "I've got no quarrel with you."
"Your asking the wrong question my friend." Roman said as he aimed his cane once again "too bad you'll never learn to ask the right ones!"
He fired at the man in front of him, who struck the attack out of the air with his staff
Coral activated the blades on the ends of his Staff and engaged Roman in a dance of death with their weapons. Roman was put on the defensive by the Hunstman who used his duel blades to his advantage.
Roman just laughed as he parried one of the man's attacks and returned with one of his own, slamming coral on the head, then a jab to the chest, and ending with a direct hit with his cannon.
Coral was sent spiraling to the floor as he aura dissipated like a blue mist.
Roman grinned and kneeled down next to the fallen huntsman "you have spirit, I'll give you that."
Roman forced the man to look up at him, and their eyes glowed green together.
"Would you kindly tell me what happened in the cave, spare no detail."
Coral began to speak, and Roman grinned
But as coral continued, Roman grin faded fast as a look of fear crossed the man's face.
Jaune had found it, the entrance to the ship that was rapidly testing his patience.
The answer had surprisingly been at the underside of the vessel, where he found two giant doors far larger then any human on remnant. Further sementing Jaune theory of this thing being otherworldly.
It also seemed that the ship had been flipped when it landed, or the entrance was on the bottom of it which was Highly illogical.
Now only one question remained, how was he too use the entrance for its purpose?
Once again Jaune felt a calling towards the doors, Similar to the one he had felt when he thought of the name for the emblem. He tentatively reached his hand out towards the door, letting his strange instincts to guide him for once.
He laid his hand on the cold metal, and it seemed to react to his touch. The door lit up a bright purple, causing Jaune to raise his hands to block the bright light.
Why was this happening? Why was he called to this place? Why had he known the emblems name? And how had the ship reacted to his touch?
A lesser man would have attributed this to luck, coincidence or something even more bizare.
Jaune was not a lesser man, despite what his age might convey.
Regardless, he stepped into the unknown. He had to explore this peculiar site, even if it perplexed him.
It was only logical
At least that's what Jaune told himself
That's a wrap! Chapter 4 of logic dictates life, wow that was a hard one to write
Wasn't really sure where to go for a bit, and it seemed a bit boring just to have jaune inspecting the ship for a chapter. I also wanted to use Roman, so there we go!
Explanations out of the way, to clear up any confusion
1-the ship in the picture is now the nemesis, but the ship Jaune finds is the Nemesis. The picture is just a visual aid
2-the ship is belly up as it's crashed, so the entrance is down facing the ground.
3-Jaune and the ship will be explained later, stay tuned
4- Romans semblance was inspired by a similar one in a story where Jaune is the Arkham knight, check it out
That's all, epsilon logging off
"Although we try to control it in a million different ways, the only thing to do with time is enjoy it or waste it, that's it." A.J Compton
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