The guys meet the little girl
"What stop is this?" Carlos asks as he gets out with Alexa
"I don't know I lost count after New Mexico" James says as he gets out of the bus with fox who he brought on tour
"Guys quit bickering we are here for the fans remember that" Kendall says as he gets off the bus
"Really Logan you are getting the stroller out again?" James asks him
"Yes just in case there is an abandon child here I'm going to care for it" Logan says as he opens the stroller up
"What if there is a baby here?" Carlos asks him
"Simple I'll put them in the little car seat, and push them around" Logan says as he gets out the other stroller that he pushes, so the kids were separated from each other
"Makes sense" James says as they head into the venue, so they could do sound check and everything before the show starts that night
Logan grabs the diaper bag from the bus before going in
"Well Logan it looks like you are going to keep this little girl cause it looks like she has no parents with her" Kendall says as the little girl approaches them
"Hi sweetie" Carlos says as he picks her up to hold her in his arms
The little girl waves to the others. After she waved she put her little fist up, and Logan fist bumped
"Where your mommy or daddy?" James asks her
"They gone" the little girl says to the guys
"It's okay little one" Logan says as Carlos transfer the little girl over to him, so he could hold her
How old are you?" Kendall asks her
She puts up two fingers
"Something is very wrong with this picture" James says to the others
"Yes something is super wrong" Kendall says to him
Logan puts the little girl in the stroller for the time being until they got done with the meet and greets
"Not too much more okay there darling" he says as he sets her in the stroller
"Okay" the little girl says to him
"That's my girl" he says as he gives her a kiss on the forehead
The little girl played with the toys that were on the front of the stroller while Logan did his thing with the guys
"Okay sweetie pie do you want to go to the park.for a little bit?" He asks the little girl
She nods happily to him
"Come on then" he says as he leaves with her
As they headed to the park Logan stopped to see where the little girl came from, and to see if anyone put a missing child sign up for her
"Sorry sir she hasn't been reported missing" the officer tells Logan
"Can you guys stop at her house to see if a baby sitter was home?" He asks him
"Yes and we can report back with our findings" the officer tells him
Logan had mixed feelings about this cause he hated to have her wonder from her parents home
"It looks like you were well cared for princess" he says as he waits on the officers to come back from her house cause he found a tag on her with the information that the officers needed to see about her folks or her baby sitter
The little girl reached out to him
"I'll hold you sweetie" he says as he gets her out to hold her cause she wanted to be held
The little girl wanted to do the fist bump again
"We can bump it" he says as he bumps his fist with her fist
Logan knew this bond he was making with this little girl can't be broken at all
"We found her parents dead at the scene it appears that they overdosed on drugs" the officer says when the team returns
"Are her relatives going to pick her up?" Logan asks
"Once we figure out who her relatives are we will be in contact with you to arrange for her to be turned over" the officer tells Logan
"I'll keep her with me until then. I'll give you my phone number to give to her relatives" Logan says to the officer
"That will be best cause she is attached to you already" the officer says to him
"Let's go sweetie" Logan says as he leaves with her to take her to the park to play
The little girl loved the park, and being pushed by Logan on the swings
"Higher Logan higher" she says happily to him
"Okay sweetie I'll push you higher" he says as he pushes her a little higher
After being at the park the little girl fell asleep in her stroller
"Sweet dreams sweetie" he says as he puts the seat back, so she could sleep
Once back at the venue Logan changed her diaper, so she felt a little better
"Logan is going to put you in your bunk, so you can nap" he says as he covers her up and pulls the curtains closed, so she could sleep
"How is she?" Kendall asks Logan
"Right now she is sleeping like a little angel. Besides that she is a little scared" Logan says as he gets the utensils, and plates that he got just in case he found a toddler while on tour
"Do you think you will put you pack and play to good use?" Kendall asks him
"No she is too big for it, so I am going to have her sleep in the spare bunk under me the whole tour" Logan says as he gets the clothes that he bought for her out
"She is going to look so cute in those outfits" Kendall says when he sees the outfits that Logan had for her
"Yeah i know" Logan says as he puts them away
Logan hears her whimper from her bunk
"Oh it's okay sweetie Logan is right here" he says as he picks her up to comfort her to make it all better
"Does she have a name?" Kendall asks Logan
"Samantha" Logan says as he looks at the tag that she had on her
"That's a pretty name" Kendall says when she opens her eyes
"Yeah it will sound better with Henderson if none of her relatives come forward to claim her" Logan says as he rocks Sam in his arms
"Hey Logan" James says as he returns with a bag with items that Logan might need
"Thanks James I think she will help her cause she is a freightened right now" Logan says as he gives Sami a paci to suck on to help her go back to sleep
Soon she was fast asleep on him
"Night love" Logan says as he puts her back in her bunk to sleep
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