Texas children's
Once Carlos had the camera set up. The guys set to work recording the video for their fans, so they could put it up on the website for the fans to view later on in the day.
"Hey guys this is big time rush. The reason for this last minute video is we are in Texas at Texas Children's hospital. Cause all eight of Logan's girls ended up getting sick, so we can't continue the tour with them being in the hospital. Until all eight of Logan's daughters is better we will continue the rest of the tour, so we can continue to perform for you guys. Until then pray that the girls get better quickly cause right now it doe not look good for them" the guys say into the camera for the fans
"Okay guys I will take this to the bus edit it and upload it to our website" Carlos says to the guys as he heads out to the bus to get the video ready for the fans to see that night or whenever they have the time
"I am going to have something on our Twitter about this" Kendall says as he gets on Twitter to tweet to the fans about the reason why they ain't performing for the fans
"Good idea I'm going to see where we can stay at while we are here in Texas with the girls" James says as he starts to looking at the real estate listings to see what was there to rent at the moment while the girls are getting better cause the girls might be in the hospital for a couple of days to get whatever they have out of their system with antibiotics and rest and everything else that goes in to making the girls feel better
Logan decided he was going to stay right here with all eight of the girls while the guys were doing what they need to do at the moment
"I hope you guys go back soon" Logan says as he waits for the nurses to call the girls back, so they could be seen by the doctor and to see if they were going to be admitted for a while to get better cause this was killing him with all of the girls cause he wanted the girls to get better fast for his sake cause he hated to see the girls like this at all
"Dada" the one year old twins say to him as they approach him together cause they were never separated at all
"Yes my sweet girls" he says as he looks at them with the eyes who could show that the girls were not feeling very well at the moment
"Are we going to be seen soon?" the twins asks him
"Yes my sweet adorable girls all of you are going to be seen soon" he says as he picks them up to hold them in his arms cause he hated having the younger ones like this
"Henderson" the nurse says to the waiting room
Logan gets up with all of the girls and takes them back to be looked at. As the girls walked some of them passed out cause they were weak as could be, so the nurses picked up the girls who passed out and brought them back, so they could go through triage with their sisters
"Does this mean that the girls are going to be staying here?" he asks the nurse as the girls start to go through triage at the moment
"Yes once the doctor's check them out, and get them admitted they will be staying here to get stronger" the nurses say as she hands him eight hospital gown for him to put on the girls so they could get comfortable in the hospital where they are going to be for a couple of days until they got better
Once all of the girls were on the hospital beds they all fell asleep cause they were dowsy as could be
"Logan are you okay?" James asks as he comes into the hallway where all eight of the girls were at since they were asleep so Logan was going to leave them be at the moment
"No James I am not okay all eight of my girls are sick and it is all my fault that they are sick. I am a bad dad James" Logan says as he continues to cry it out cause this was too much for him to take at the moment since all eight were sick
"Logan it is not your fault that the girls are sick right now. You are a great dad you were the one that wanted to bring them here so they could get treatment, so they could get better and could go back on the road with us" James says as he hugs his best friend that he knew since the start of big time rush
Soon Kendall comes in cause Carlos and Alexa went to the movies
"What is wrong with Logan?" Kendall asks James
'Logan thinks it is his fault that the girls are here and that he is the bad dad that they are in the hospital" James says to Kendall
"Logan that is not true. I think i hear the younger ones wake up from their slumber and they want their daddy to make it all better" Kendall says when he hears the younger ones cry from their room
Logan gets up and goes to the the twins room to see what was going on with them
Logan sees that the nurses are trying to put an I.V in their hand, so they could have fluids in them, so they don't get dehydrated at the moment
"Girls it's okay daddy is right here, and he is going to make it all better i promise" he says as he tries to comfort them as the nurses try to put their I.V's in their small hand as they didn't like it
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