Sammy first night part 2
The concert was a blast, and the guys loved performing and seeing their fans. They were really glad when they were allowed to go back to their bus to go shower, get something to eat and go to sleep
"Man that was a rush" James says after they got done performing that night
"Yeah and now to go back to see Alexa" Carlos says after he gets his ear piece out of his ear, so he could go to the tour bus that him, James and Alexa was sharing this tour
"I'll be there soon after I get my ear piece out" James says to him
Kendall was getting his ear piece out as well
"Guys where Logan?" The manager asks them
"I'll get him, so he can get his pieces out too" Kendall says as his last ear piece comes out
"Thanks Kendall" the manager tells him
"Logan you got to get your ear pieces out" Kendall says as he comes on the tour bus
"Sorry Kendall little Sammy here woke up soaking wet, so I had to give her another bath. As well as put her in a different pair of pajamas" Logan says from inside the bathroom where Sammy cries could be heard from
"Logan go I can finish her up, and I can get cleaned up as well" Kendall says to him
"Thanks buddy I owe you" Logan says as he leaves to get his ear pieces out of his ears
"Don't mention it" Kendall says to him as he goes in to tend to Sammy who still was crying her eyes out still
"Sammy it's okay Logan isn't mad at you these things happen, and we will take care of you" Kendall says as he gets in with her cause he could tell she was scared out of her mind right now
Logan returns a short time later to finish giving Sammy her bath
"Sami it's alright" Logsn says as he washes her hair cause her pretty hair was all wet
Logan gets her out and dries her off once more
"There we go all clean again" he says as he dries her off really good as the bus moves
Logan put her in a nightgown since it might help that night, and he makes sure he has her diaper on right. To prevent this from happening again throughout the night
"Do you want to cuddle with Logan in the front of the bus?" He asks as he gets ready for bed himself
She nods as she rubs her eyes
"I'll be right out let me get a quick shower so I don't smell stinky for you" he says to her
Kendall takes her to the front of the bus, so she could see the fans that came to see the band that night
"Now we are going to head to the next town to perform there, and maybe we can spend some more time with you" Kendall says as he gives her a kiss on her cheek
"How is she?" Logan asks as he comes out in his night attire
"She is a little better, but she is still whimpering a little bit" Kendall says as he hands Sami over to Logan
"Maybe a little snack willl help" Logan suggest to Kendall
"Yeah I'll fix us something while you read to her maybe she might want a bedtime story" Kendall suggest to Logan
"I think i will read to her to help get comfortable to this lifestyle" Logan says as he goes and gets one of the books that he got for the little one
Sammy snuggles close to Logan as he read her a story
"Okay you two can eat" Kendall says after he fixed the group something to eat
Logan put her in the booth, so she could eat her snack
"Is your snack good?" Logan asks her
She nods as she continues to eat her snack that night for him
"That good?" he asks her
She nods as she contiues to eat her snack that Uncle Kendall made her
"Baby?" she asks Logan
"Sweetie I don't have no baby dolls on the bus for you to play with maybe when we get to the next town I can get you some baby dolls to play with" Logan says as he contiues to eat the snack that Kendall made for the group
"She could be refering to a real baby?" Kendall suggest to him
"Maybe I can get you a baby sister or brother" Logan says as he cleans her up from the snack that they had that night
"Are you ready to handle two kids Logan?" Kendall asks him
"Yeah I guess if Sami wants a sibling" Logan says as he takes Sami back to her bunk to sleep that night
"At least you will be able to put your pack n play to good use" Kendall says with a chuckle as he goes and gets ready for bed
"Yeah there's that" Logan says as he lays Sami on her bunk, so he could have her go to sleep cause Mr. Sandman is coming back for her
Logan rubs her back as she starts to drift off to sleep
"I know you are tired sweetie" he says as he continues to rub her back as Kendall plays his guitar that he keeps on the bus
"Sleep with me?" she asks Logan
"Of course I can" Logan says as he gets her out, so he could sleep with her
Once inside the bunk Logan covers the both of them, so they wouldn't get chilled
"Are you going to sleep with me too?" she asks Kendall
"Hang on let me fix the back lounge, so we can sleep together just like one big family" Kendall says to her as he gets up to go pull down the couches into a bed for him, Logan and Sammy to lay on that night
Sammy was excited to be sleeping next to Logan and her Uncle Kendall
"It's ready for us, and I even started a fun movie that we can watch" Kendall says as he comes in to get Samantha and Logan
Samantha was happy about this set-up
Samantha was tossing and turning in her sleep causing Kendall and Logan to wake-up
"Sammy it's okay you are safe with us" Kendall says as Logan holds her in his arms
"Bad dream" she says to them
"Oh princess" Logan says as he hugs her tight to make it all better for her
"Logan we are stopped why don't we get out with her and maybe the night air might calm her down" Kendall suggest cause they were at a gas station
Logan gets up and wraps a blanket around her as they head out with her. They walked cause the bus driver had to empty one tank and fill the other tank
"Sammy do you see stars?" Logan asks her as they stop to look at the night sky
She nods as they made pictures out of the stars that were in the sky
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