Performing with eight kids part 1
After the mall adventure with the eight kids Logan was glad that most of them fell asleep right afterwards
"Ireland, Scarlett thank you for watching your sisters for me" Logan says as he pushes the one set of twins back to the bus in the stroller
"You are welcome dad" Scarleet says as she stays close to Logan as they headed back to the bus cause she was quite sleepy as well that day was an advenure in itself and she was going to go straight to sleep as soon as she hit her pillow in the tour bus
"Ireland what kind of earrings did you pick out?" he asks her
"These dad" she says as she shows him the earrings that she had in her ears
"Who else got their ears pireced?" he asks her
"Scarlett, Clarity, Emily Sami, and we got Kyndal hers done as well" Ireland says to him
Logan was a little upset that Kyndal got her ears pierced, but he will recover from it
"Dada" Lakelyn says from inside the stroller where she was sleeping at with her sister
"What is it sweetie are you feeling okay?" he asks her as he gets her out of the stroller to hold her in his arms as they continue to walk to the bus
Lakelyn shakes her head no
"What hurts sweetie?" he asks as he feels her forehead
"My tummy" she says to him
"Okay we will get you to a trash can, so you can get sick there" he says as he runs to one of the local trash cans with her, so she could get sick
Lakelyn ended up getting sick a few minutes later
'It's okay Lakelyn daddy will hold yo when we get back to the bus" he says as he continues to head to the bus that him and Kendall shared
Kendall helped get the other girls in their beds, so they could have a bit of a nap
"I am going to hold Lakelyn cause she isn't feeling the best right now" Logan says as he gets on the bus with her
"She looks like she doesn't feel good" Kendall says when he sees how pale Lakelyn looked
"She has a bit of a temp as well" Logan says as he gets her into her jammies for the night
"The poor thing I hope she is better by tonight" Kendall says to Logan
"I don't think that is going to happen I think i will be performing with her in my arms cause I think she wants daddy right now" Logan says as he gets Lakelyn in her jammies and out of her clothes
Kendall went out to get medicine and anything else to make Lakelyn feel better since she was under the weather a little bit
'Do you want to watch a movie baby girl?" Logan asks Lakelyn after he got her in her jammies that afternoon
She nods
'Come on then daddy will grab a bucket for you just in case you get sick again" he says as he grabs a bucket for her just in case she ends up getting sick during the movie
Logan was going to stay with Lakelyn while the other girls go with Kendall and the guys to dinner that night
"Logan we are needed for sound check right now" Kendall says as he comes back on the bus with the medicine for Lakelyn
"I'll have Alexa stay with the other girls and I am going to bring Lakleyn with me on stage since she is a little sick" Logan says as he gets up with Lakelyn who didn't want daddy to leave her side at all
"Okay that's fine" Kendall says as he goes and asks Alexa to stay with the other girls who were asleep on the bus
Alexa was fine staying while the guys were in soundcheck
"Don't worry Lakelyn daddy is going to cover you up and you can sleep a little bit while he does sound check for the show tonight" Logan says as he leaves the bus with her covered up with her favorite blanket
She nods as he leaves the bus with her
Logan talked to her the whole time during sound check
"It's okay Lakelyn daddy is right here and we can go back to the bus to cuddle" he says as he heads back to the bus
The guys were able to get a shower and get ready for the show a little bit, and they were able to get their ear pieces in their ears. Logan got the girls bathed and ready for bed while the guys were getting their ear pieces in their ears that night for the show
"Dada" Lakelyn says as she calls out for Logan
"I'm here baby girl" he says as he picks her up and holds her once again after he got the other girls ready for bed after they had their bath, so during Worldwide if they fall asleep they fall asleep
"Are we going to eat now daddy?" Sami asks him
"Yes sweetie we are and then daddy has to do his show tonight and you girls will be watching him from the wings" he says as he walks with the girls to dinner that night
Sami was happy that she was going to get some food in her tummy that night, so she could play with her sisters while daddy was onstage doing his thing
"Is Lakelyn going to eat?" Scarlett asks Logan
"Right now I do not know if she is going to eat or not right now she is sick with an upset tummy" Logan says as he stands in line with his bunch to get food that night
During dinner Mirabelle started to come down with it as well
"Oh no" Logan says as Mirabelle gets sick
He picks her up and takes her back for new jammies as well cause she ruined her other pair that she had on
"Sweetie it's okay daddy isn't mad at you at all cause you got sick these things happen" he says as he takes her back to the bus to get her changed
Logan made himself something to eat at the bus since he was going to stay with the twins since they were down with the bug
"Logan I brought you your food" Kendall says as he returns with Logan's tray that he had with him when he was in line with the twins
"Thanks" Logan says as he stops the oven and puts back what he was going to heat up for himself to eat that night for dinner
Logan was able to get food in him before he went on stage
"Logan what are you going to do with the girls?" Kendall asks him
"Bring them with me tonight since they ain't feeling the best" Logan says to Kendall
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