Logan's parents meet the girls
Logan was enjoying his time with the girls on the bus at the moment when they pulled into his home state Texas
"Logan it looks like your parents and your family is right outside of the bus" Kendall says when he sees Logan's mom and dad
"Well it's time to face the music" Logan says as he gets up to get the girls into their dresses that he bought for them, so they looked like little girls in front of his parents
"Logan, Logan the girls are going to be just fine" Kendall says to him
"I am nervous about Emily the most cause she has autism, and I am afraid she is going to hit my parents" Logan says to Kendall
"Logan it's fine I'll help you with the girls and helping keep them under control" Kendall says to his friend
Once the girls were ready Logan brought them out of the bus in a single file line to meet his parents
"Logan who are these girls?" his mom asks him when the girls stepped out of the bus
"Mom I would like you to meet Lakelyn, Mirabelle, Samantha, Clarity, Emily, Scarlett, and Ireland" Logan says to his mom after he introduced the girls to his parents
Scarlett and Ireland greeted their elders properly
"Son is there something wrong with Clarity and Emily?" his dad asks him
"Clarity is blind in both eyes, and Emily has autism" Logan says as he adjust Kyndal in his arms
"Who is this little cutie pie?" his mom asks him
"Say hello to Kyndal your other granddaughter" Logan says as he hands Kyndal over to her grandmother
"Hi Kyndal" his mom says as she holds the baby in her arms
Kyndal started to cry as soon as she was being held by someone different
"Kyndal it's okay" Logan says as he takes back his baby girl
"How old are these girls son?" his dad asks him
"Lakelyn & Mirabelle is one year old, Samantha is two, Clarity & Emily is four going on five, Scarlett & Ireland is seven, and Kyndal here is going to be a a month old soon" Logan says as he settles down little Kyndal a little bit
"Are you going to have them baptized?" his dad asks him
"I probably will cause I am in the process of adopting all eight of these girls cause they have been abused and neglected" Logan says to his parents as he rocks Kyndal in his arms trying to calm her down a little bit better at the moment
"What are you going to do next Logan?" his mom asks him
"Take the girls to get their passports and I don't know" Logan says as Kyndal calms down a little bit
"I'll take a few days off work and go out to your place and get the rooms ready for the girls cause it looks like these girls will need bedrooms and their own space" his mom says to him
"I have plenty of rooms for the girls at the house I bought a big enough place just in case I wanted to settle down and have kids and these girls are perfect for me they need me and and I need them" he says as his dad picks up Samantha, and holds her since she wanted to be held by pappy
"What am I going to be called?" his mom asks him
'Whatever they feel comfortable with calling you" Logan says to her
"Hi Samantha I am your pappy" his dad says to the little girl
Samantha looks like him like what am i going to call you
"I am going to let her warm up to me before i do all those special grandad and granddaughter things with her" his dad says as he bonds with the older girls a little bit
"Where Presley?" Logan asks his mom
"She is at school, but you can go to the house with the girls and surprise her cause I got to get back to work and your dad has to get back to work as well" his mom says to him
"Okay come on girls do you girls want to see where daddy grew up at?" Logan asks his girls
"Ya" all seven of the girls say to him
'Come on then plus you will get to meet your aunt Presley who will spoil you girls rotten to the core" he says as he helps the girls into the limo that was brought for him, so he could take the girls to take him to his childhood home
(Henderson house)
"Here we are girls" he says as he helps each of the girls out of the car
"Is this where you grew up daddy?" Sami asks him
"Yes sweetie this is where daddy grew up at" he says as he takes the girls into the house to get settles in
Logan showed them his swingset and his bedroom
"Scarlett do you want to be batgirl?" he asks when Scarlett went to the batman bed sheets that was on his bed
She nods happily
"Okay I'll have nana do your room in girl super heroes for your room" he says to her
Logan asked the girls how they wanted their rooms done cause he told them that each of them is going to have their own rooms, and Scarlett and Ireland was very happy about that cause they were going to be separated a little bit
"Nana has her work cut out for your girls" Logan says to the girls as he does the girls designs for their beds cause his dad was going to make each bed for each of the girls the only bed that was going to be different is Kyndal's bed, and Lakelyn and Mirabelle cause they are too small for a big girl bed yet
"Daddy can we have a story?" the younger ones asks him
'Sure we can" he says as he grabs one of the stories that he brought with him to his house
The little ones were asleep when Presley walked into the house
"Hey big bro" she says when she sees him feeding a baby
"Presley I present to you Kyndal your niece" he says as he hands the baby over to Presley
"Do you have any other girls/" Presley asks as she continues to feed the baby
"Yes the older four are on the swing set outside, and the other three are upstairs napping" he says to her as he takes her up to see her nieces that afternoon
"Logie they are precious" Presley says when she saw the younger ones snuggled together like best friends sucking on their paci's
"I know they are" he says to her
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