Kyndal comes home
"I need all of my girls down here please cause we are going to be going to the hospital to get Kyndal and bring her home then all of us can be a family" Logan says on the intercom cause all of the girls were spread out throughout the whole house, so he had to use it when they had to go somewhere. He was glad he had it installed in the house so he could call the girls so they could get going to the hospital and bring Kyndal home at last
All of the little girls come at him on their scooters and the twins come to him on the hover boards
"Girls what have i told you about riding those in the house?" he asks the girls as they were still on their boards riding around
"We could bump into the little kids and they could get hurt" the older girls say in unison to him cause he has told it to them over and over again
"Right and for that no phones for three days so hand them over now" he says as he opens his box that was for the electronics that the girls had and used on a daily basis, and if they misbehaved they didn't get them back until he said so
Scarlett and Ireland put their phones in the box
"Thank you now help me with the little ones cause we have to get to the hospital cause the last one Kyndal is coming home today, and all of us is going to be together once again" he says as he grabs the diaper bag and Kyndal's diaper bag cause it had her little outfit in as well as her bib
Scarlett and Ireland get their groups together and head out to the bus while Logan grabbed Kyndal's car seat cause she was still too little for her other car seat
"Okay Kyndal you are going to be behind daddy when you come home from the hospital" Logan says as he secures the car seat in the car seat base so he could help the older ones buckle the younger ones in so they could get to the hospital to get Kyndal cause she was the last one that was coming home. She was going to be on oxygen for a little bit to help her breathe cause she wasn't doing too good breathing on her own so she needed help breathing a little bit
Once Logan had all of the little ones buckled in they set off to the hospital to get Kyndal and bring her home
"I think I should park in front with all of you girls, so all we have to do is get on the bus with Kyndal and go home" he says as he parks in front of the hospital with the girls
The older ones get out with the group and makes sure each of the little ones has a ring so they don't go away from the group as they were heading into the hospital to get sissy
"Okay it looks like we have everyone" he says after he does a head count after he got the stroller out cause he was going to push Kyndal out of the hospital once she was released to go home
He lets the older ones go in with their group, and he was going to be behind with the stroller
"First things first we need to stop at the gift shop and pick up something Kyndal since she is getting released to come home today so she gets a coming home present" he says to the group as they approached the gift shop
The group headed in to get something for Kyndal since she was coming home from the hospital
(Much later)
"I think everyone is happy with what they have picked out for Kyndal and for themselves since we ain't coming back here for awhile until one of you girls get sick or something" he says as the group heads for the elevator after they stopped to see what room Kyndal was in, so he could make sure all of the kids could fit in the room without any problems at all cause since he had so many girls. He wanted to see if they were allowed in the room with Kyndal or were allowed to be on the floor where she was. Luckily all of the little kids were allowed to be on the floor with their sister
The group went in two elevators for the weight and everything
(Kyndal's room)
"Okay girls remember Kyndal is going to be a different baby since she has to have oxygen on her to help her breathe a little better, so she we have to be gentle with her for a little bit" he says as the group approached Kyndal's room
All of the girls nod cause this was their baby sister that they were going to bring home from the hospital
"Let's head in to see Kyndal cause I think she is ready for us" Logan says to the girls as they entered Kyndal's hospital room to see her for the first time
Logan let all of the girls go in one by one before he went in to see Kyndal
"Hi Kyndal" he says as he comes into the room to see Kyndal sitting up in her crib looking at daddy when he came into the room to see her
Kyndal squeals with delight when she saw daddy come into the room
"Today baby girl you get to come home, and be with daddy and all of your sisters" he says as he comes over to her crib to get her out, so he could hold her once again
Kyndal sill squeals with delight that she was finally coming home
"Okay sweetie let's get you dressed so you can come home with daddy and your sisters cause they miss you like crazy" he says as he lays her down so he could change her and get her ready to come home from the hospital
Logan was very gentle with the way he dressed her cause of her oxygen tube that she had in her nose
"Daddy can't wait to get you home sweet girl so he can get you settled in our new home" he says as he talks to her as he got her dressed so they could leave the hospital and go home
Kyndal loved when daddy gave her kisses
"Now we wait for the nurse to come in with what all we need for you sweetie, so you can go home" he says as he picks her up and holds her in his arms like she was a newborn
"Can we give her our presents now?" Ireland asks a little irritated
"Of course and for that Ireland your punishment is extended cause of your attitude" he says to her
Ireland didn't like that at all as she threw her gift at her sister
"You want to go longer?" he asks as he looks at her cause Ireland had an attitude right now
Ireland sits down and crosses her arms at Logan
"I take that as a yes" he says to her
All of the girls lined up to give Kyndal their present that they got for her to make her feel welcome
"Thank you girls Kyndal likes her presents, and once she is released we will go home and get her settled in" he says as the girls pick up their presents while they waited on the nurse to come in with the paperwork that was needed for Kyndal to go home
Soon a nurse comes in and Logan signs Kyndal out and secures her in her car seat to go home
"Okay girls it's time to head home and get Kyndal settled" Logan says to the girls
The girls got with their buddy so they could head out of the hospital and to the bus so they could go home
"Okay sweet little Kyndal you get to go home and we get to start our lives with you in the picture" he says as he pushes her out of the hospital and to the bus
Kyndal was cooing as they left the hospital to go hoe with daddy
"You sure are happy aren't you?" he asks as he gets her on the bus when they arrive at the bus
V & C
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