Interviews with 8 kids part 2
The guys had a great first interview and couldn't wait to do their second one in a few minutes
"Daddy can I ride my trike?" Sami asks him
"Yes you may but be careful though" Logan says to her as he puts Kyndal in the stroller while the other girls get in their stroller, so they could head to the local radio station for their interview that morning
"I'm surprised with how the girls have behaved so far" James says to Logan as they head to the next interview
"Me too Emily especially with her autism" Logan says as they continue to walk to the radio station for their interview
Carlos kept up with the ones who were riding their bikes and their trikes to the second interview that they band had that morning
"Sami sure can ride" Carlos says out of breathe after he had to catch up to her that morning
"Yeah she is extremely fast for her age" Logan says as he watches as she rides and catches up with her sisters
"Dada" Lakelyn says from inside the stroller
"What is it baby girl?" he asks as he gets her out of the stroller to hold her in his arms once more
Lakelyn was holding her arms out for him to hold her
"Okay I'll hold you baby girl" he says as he holds her in his arms while he pushes Mirabelle in the stroller
(Radio station)
"Are you getting sleepy Lakelyn?" Logan asked her
She nods
"Dada will give you your paci, and you can take a little snooze" he says as he gets her paci out
Lakelyn ended up falling alseep right on Logan
"Night baby girl I promise I will be quiet, so you can sleep" Logan says as he heads inwith the other girls to the radio station where the interview was going to take place at
During the interview Mirabelle started to get cranky as well
"I'm going to take the younger ones back for sleepy time" Logan says in a whisper
"Okay we will see you back at the bus Logan" the guys say to him as he leaves with the four younger girls of the bunch
"Okay Lakelyn dada will lay you down in your bed" he says as he gets on the bus with her
Lakely didn't wake as Logan laid her down for her nap that morning. He did the same with the other girls. Sami fell asleep as soon as her head hit her pillow
"Hopefully I can do the rest of the interviews on my phone while the girls are asleep" he says as he holds little Kyndal in his arms while she sleeps
All eight of the Henderson girls were special in their own little way and Logan couldn't wait to get them home and settled in their new life with him as their daddy. Logan was able to Skype the rest of the interviews from where he was at the venue
"Sorry if i had to do that guys Lakelyn was getting sleepy and the others started to follow suit a few minutes later" Logan says when Kendall comes back with the older four
"That's fine we know the girls are little and they need their sleep cause they are growing girls" Kendall says as the older ones come on board to play their games until lunch time that day
Once the younger ones were a wake Logan made lunch while Kendall ran to the store to do some grocery shopping before they went to the mall for their last appearance of the day
"Girls all of you are going to get your hair cut while we are at the mall" Logan says as he serves his group lunch
"Can we get our ears pierced?" Ireland asks him
"We can see sweetie, and maybe all of you girls can get your ears pierced" he says once he heard what he said to his kids
The older ones were excited to get their ears pierced after the mall that day
"Eight girls with pierced ears is going to be fun" Logan says to himself as he continues to make lunch for the girls that morning
The girls ate their lunch happily for daddy that lunch time, and they couldn't wait to go to the mall with daddy for his last interview that he needed to go to
(That afternoon)
"Daddy i need to go potty" Sami says from inside her stroller
"Okay sugar I'll take you girls to the restroom really quick and then I will take you to get your haircut before i do my last appearance" he says as he takes the girls to the restroom really quick
The girls who had to go were really quick going to the bathroom before they headed to where the band's last appearance was
"Girls we have time before the appearance, so come on let's get you girls hair cuts, so you girls look a little better" he says as he heads to the salon with the eight girls in tow
All of the girls got cute hair styles. Lakelyn and Mirabelle were scared, so Logan and Kendall held them as their hair was being cut and style to look adorable
Logan paid for the haircuts and went to where the rest of the band was they were going to perform and have a q/a questions from the fans
"Dada" Lakelyn says to him
"Okay I'll hold you Lakelyn" he says as he holds her as he goes on stage
"Guys welcome big time rush" the even coordinator says to the crowd
The crowd went nuts when the band was on stage
"Daddy can we get our ears pierced now?" Scarlett asks him
"Sure here is my signature stamp for you guys to used, so whoever does it can tell that I am busy right now to really sign the paper. If they need proof have them look at the stage okay sweetie" he says as the girls head to get their ears pierced
"Mirabelle do you want to be held as well?" Kendall asks the little girl
She nods
"Okay I'll hold you" he says as he holds her in his arms
"I hope the girls ain't getting sick is all" Logan says to Kendall before they do their interview and questions from the fans
Logan rocked Lakelyn in his arms during the interview
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