Interviews with 8 kids part 1
Kendall and Logan were able to get a decent amount of sleep the night before for the interviews that they had that day to advertise the concert
"Morning Loges" Kendall says in a whisper when he sees Logan feeding little Kyndal her breakfast that morning
"Morning" Logan says with a yawn cause he wasn't fully awake yet
"I take it little peanut woke you up?" Kendall asks him
"Yeah she did off and on through the night. I hope she starts sleeping through the night very soon" Logan says as he sits the empty bottle down to burp Kyndal
"I'll get breakfast started while you go wake the girls up cause we got to get moving her very soon for our first interview that we have this morning" Kendall says as he starts breakfast
"Sounds like a plan this morning that way after the girls eat we can go" Logan says as he burps little Kyndal
Kybdal let out some good burps for daddy that morning
"Good girl" Logan says as he goes and gets the others up, and dressed, so they could head to their interviews that morning
The older ones were up, but Sami was a sleepy head that morning for some reason
"Sami come on sweetie rise and sun" he says as he rubs her back to get her up and adam that morning
Sami still buried herself under the covers
"Well i guess it is time for the tickle monster to wake you up" he says as he tickles her to wake her up
"Stop daddy" Sami says as she wakes up
"I am surprised by how many of you can fit into the bathroom" he says when he sees three out of four oldest girls in the bathroom getting ready for the day
The older girls just chuckle at daddy comment
"I'll get Emily ready cause Kendall has breakfast waiting for you girls" Logan says as he helps Sami get dressed, sos he can have breakfast that morning with her sisters
Once the girls heard those words they ran out to where Kendal had a healthy breakfast waiting for them, and Kyndal was in her bouncer bouning happily that morning
'Some is in a good mood" Kendall says to the baby as he talked to her as he got breakfast ready that morning for the girls
Kyndal coos up at him
"She should be" Logan calls from the bathroom where he was getting Emily ready for the day
The oldest girls helped themselves to their morning beverages of choice that morning before Kendall served them breakfast
"You girls must be hungry this morning" Kendall says when he sees the girls dive into breakfast
"They probably are" Logan says as he come sout ready for the day
Kendall and Logan ate on the couch and talked to themselves while the girls ate and talked in the booth that morning
"It looks like I am going to go to the store this morning and get a few things" Kendall says as he gets up and does the dishes from the girls while Logan takes care of little K that morning
"Yeah get healthy stuff, and a few sweet and junks but not too much for the girls" Logan says as he dresses Kyndal, so sthey could head to the interviews that morning
"Will do and maybe while we are out we can give the girls a trim up, so they look pretty" Kendall says when he sees how long some of the girls hair was, and how messy it was
"Yeah that sounds like a plan luckily we have an mall appearance and I can get the girls haircuts then" Logan says as he heads out to get the strollers ready to go
"Okay girls come out so daddy can get you giys in the strollers" Logan calls to the girls
In one stroller was Sami and Kyndal, and in the other strolller was Lakelyn and Mirabelle
"Clarity you can hang onto one of the stroller until we can get you another cane?" Logan asks her
"Yes daddy" she says happily
Logan puts Emily in her wheelchair, and comes in for the other girls, so they could head out
"Sami who do you want to push you and Kyndal?" Logan asks her
"Uncle Kendall" she says happily
"Okay munchkin you got me" Kendall says as he goes over to Sami's and Kyndal's stroller
Lakelyn & Mirabelle wanted daddy to push them, and Emily wanted James to push her
"I'll get the seven year olds" Carlos says as he keeps and eye on the seven year olds who got on their bikes to ride to the interviews that morning
"Me want trike" Sami says angrily
"Sami you are a bit little for a trike" Logan says as the group heads out of the venue and to their first interview at the local T.V station
"No me not" she says as she crosses her arms
"Logan you better watch it looks liek she is in a missle of a tantrum" James says to Logan in a whisper
"Yeah i better" Logan says as they presse on
"Me and the girls will catch up to you guys" Carlos says when he sees the seven year olds take off cause they loved riding their bikes
"Look Sami your sister game you your own trike to ride" Logan says when he sees the other set of twins with a trike for their sister, and a bike with training wheels for Clarity
"Can I ride my new bike daddy?" Clarity asks him
"Sure but be careful" Logan says as he watches as his other daught gets on
Soon Emily let out a protest
"Emily I promise as soon as your foot is better you may learn to ride a bike if you want" Logan says as he gets down to her level
Carlos puts helmets and safety gear on the new ones who were going to ride their new bike and trike to the interview
"At least the girls can be active" Logan says as he continues to walk with the band to the first interview
"Yeah they can be and they might go down for a nap earlier too" James says as he continues to push Emily to the TV station since it was a nice day outside
(Much later)
"Okay girls park the bikes right here, and Sami I need you to go back into the stroller for me please" Logan says as soon as they enter the studio for the first interview of the day
Sami does what she is told and get in the stroller for daddy cause the head had to go to hair and make-up as well
"I'm bringing the kids on with me" Logan says after they got done cause he could hear Kyndal crying in her stoller
"That's fine Logan" James says as he gets Emily from the wheelchair
The crew gets the guys and the kids situated on the couch for the interview. Kendall goes over and gets the Ipads for the younger ones to keep they occupied for a while, and Kyndal's pillow for her back
"Thanks Kendall' Logan says as Kendall hands Logan Kyndal's little pillow
"Don't mention it" Kendall says to Logan
Emily and Sami started playing a game on their IPad while Clarity drew on her IPad while Logan sat with the older ones and Lakelyn and Mirabelle and showed them how to operate their Ipad, so they were busy durng the interview
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