Getting the last four settle into tour bus life
"Lakelyn, Mirabelle are you girls ready to see where you guys are going to be living at for a little while until I take all of you girls home with me?" Logan asks the girls who were in the stroller
"Loges they are fast asleep" Kendall says as he looks at the two girls who were fast asleep in the stroller
"Leave them sleep they have a big day coming up tomorrow" Logan says as he looks at the two girls who were fast asleep like little angels
"What are you girls names?" Kendall asks as they continue to head back to the venue where hopefully the other girls were fast asleep
"My name is Ireland" the one girl says to him
"My name is Scarlett the other girl said to him
"I'm Logan by the way" Logan says as they continue to head back to the venue
"I'm Kendall" Kendall says when they cross the street to go back to the venue
"You guys are in the band big time rush?" Scarlett asks them
"Yes we are and there are two others that are in the band too you guys will meet them when we get back to the venue" Logan says as they continue to head to the venue
"James and Carlos?" Ireland asks him
"Yes James and Carlos are back there, but they are back there with Samantha, Kyndal, Clarity, and Emily who will be your sisters after this tour cause after this tour I am going to adopt all eight of you as my girls. You girls will have a clean slate from here on out" Logan says as they stop at the toy store to get some toys for the new girls
Ireland and Scarlett wanted to get bikes for the tour, so they could ride backstage, and when the band had to go to interviews
"Would you girls want a gaming system to play with while you guys are on the bus?" Logan asks after they were done with the bikes
"Can we get a 3DS?" Ireland asks him
"I don't see why not" Logan says as he walks with them to get Lakelyn and Mirabelle some toys to play with as well, so they weren't so bored on the tour bus. Plus he was going to get the other girls 3DS as well to play with when they didn't want to play the Xbox, Wii U, or Playstation that was on the bus
"What other game systems do you have on the bus Ligan?" Ireland asks him
"We have ton of game systems and this stop and every stop from here on out you guys can pick out a game that you girls like to play on that gaming system. I have one rule and that is no violent games cause we have four other little ones back at the bus. Plus we have one that has autism" he says as they continued to shop
Ireland and Scarlett picked out toys for their baby sisters to play with before they headed to check out to pay with their own money that they earned from their paper route that they took after the house caught on fire
"Girls from here on out you guys won't have to worry about any of this cause it will be taken care of for you girls" Logan says as the girls paid for their games with their own money and everything
Ireland was grateful for that cause she wanted to be loved, and not have to pay for anything. Scarlett not so much she wanted her independence and pay for things that she wanted
"You girls want to ride back to the venue?" He asks after they left the toy store with their purchases
"Ya" Ireland and Scarlett said happily
"Okay I'll follow behind on my skateboard" he says after he got the skateboard out of the box that it was in
Logan gave the girls their gaming systems and games
"I'm putting mine in my basket" Scarlett says happily
"Me too" Ireland says as she puts hers away
Logan hanged onto the others as they headed back to the venue to get situated
"I'm going to beat you Ireland" Scarlett says as she races her sister back to the bus
"No way" Ireland says as she goes after her twin sister
"Girls can we keep it down the little ones are trying to sleep" Kendall says to them
Scarlett and Ireland obeyed and got off their bikes and headed into their new home
"Welcome aboard girls" Kendall says to them once they parked their bikes by the tour bus and came on with their games that they were going to play when they were on the road
"Don't worry girls we will go shopping tonight for what you girls want to eat. Plus we got to go shopping tonight anyways for pajamas, clothes and anything else that you girls will need" Logan says as he gets on the bus after looking at where the bikes could go under the bus
"Are you girls in school at the moment?" Kendall asks them
Both girls nod
"Well it looks like you girls are going to be home schooled for a while until I can get you girls enrolled in school back in California where I live" Logan says to the girls
"Where are we going to sleep at?" Scarlett asks Logan
"Back here I already made your guys bed, and your sisters are already settled in" Kendall says as he shows the girls their sleeping arrangements
"I call this bunk" Ireland says as she grabs the upper bunk above her sister
"I call the bunk across from you" Scarlett says as she gets comfortable in her bed
"Girls can we lower the voices please your sisters are trying to sleep" Logan says to the energetic eight year olds
Soon Kyndal woke from all of the noise that was outside
"It's okay Kyndal" Logan says as he picks her up and holds her
"Who is that?" Ireland asks
"Say hello to your baby sister Kyndal" he says showing the girls their baby sister
"Can i hold her?' Scarlett asks Logan
"Sure but be gentle with her" he says as he hands Kyndal over to Scarlett
"Hi Kyndal I'm Scarlett your big sister" Scarlett says as she rocks the baby in her arms
"Girls I couldn't hep but notice that all four of you girls wear glasses" Kendall says
"Yeah we do it helps us see cause we have bad eyesight" Ireland says as she kicks her legs on her bed
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