First night with two kids
Logan took both Sami and Kyndal to the bus cause it was well passed their bedtime. Especially little Kyndal it was past her night feeding time
"Sorry baby doll" he says as he grabs a bottle from the fridge to warm it up for her cause he suspects that she is really hungry by now
Kendall comes on after he had his ear pieces taken out
"Logan are you going to keep your ear pieces in, or will you have then unscrewed from your ear?" Kendall asks as he gets himself something to eat
"I had the girls I totally forgot about it" Logan says as he gets the bottle out for little Kyndal who was really hungry by now
"Leave them in cause it is too late now" Kendall says to him
"Can you get them out cause don't we have a power drill on board the bus?" Logan asks hum
"Yeah hang on Logan" Kendall says as he gets the drill that was kept on the bus just in case somebody didn't take out their ear piece
Kendall gave Logan something to bite as he took them out
"Thanks Kendall" Logan says as he continues to feed Kyndal her bottle
"You're welcome Logie" Kendall says to his friend
"Sami I want you in bed" Logan calls to her
"Can I have a snack?" She asks him
"Sure sweetie" he says as he gets up to give her a snack
Sami was happy once she had her snack
"Thank you" Sami says happily to Logan
"You are quite welcome" he says as he figures out where little Kyndal was going to sleep at
"What's wrong Logan?" Kendall asks him
"The playpen is too big to fit on the bus, so I don't know where Kyndal is going to sleep cause I didn't have time to get a bassinet or something small to fit on the bus" Logan says as he burps Kyndal after she had her bottle
"I see your point maybe if one of the baby stores is opened still we can pick up a bassinet for little Kyndal" Kendall says as he fixes himself something to eat cause he was hungry after he did Logan's ear pieces
"Hopefully they are" Logan says as he lays Kyndal down, so he could change her
Kendall has the bus driver head for the nearest baby store, so they could go shopping a little bit
"There is a baby store not far from here, and we will stop for a bassinet for Kyndal" Kendall tells Logan
"Thanks" Logan says to his friend
"You are quite welcome" Kendall says to his friend
Logan took both girls in the store with him cause he wanted to make sure they were stocked up before moving onto the next town
"Daddy is going to put you right in here for the night" Logan says as he puts Kyndal in her little bassinet after he got it assembled
Logan covers her up, and tucks her in
"Night little one i love you" he says as he covers her up with a cute blanket
Logan goes and tucks Sami in her bed for the night cause it was way past her bedtime too
"Okay Sami it's bedtime sweetie" he says after he closes the door where Kyndal was sleeping
Sami goes to her bed and jumps under the covers that she picked out
"Night Sami I love you" he says as he gives her teddy bear
"Night Logan I love you too" Sami says as she closes her eyes and goes to sleep
Logan kisses her good night before he goes and gets ready for bed
"Kendall I am going to sleep with little Kyndal just in case she wakes up during the night" Logan says to Kendall
"Logan don't you have a monitor?" Kendall asks him
"Yeah" Logan says to him as he gets himself something to eat as well
"Put it with her, and if she cries you will be able to hear her on th montior" Kendall says to him
"I will I think she is going to be an easy baby" he says as he assembles the monitor and pts it in her
Logan sees that Kyndal is sound asleep and sucking her thumb
"You look so angelic" he says as he gives her a kiss on her little forehead as he goes to bed cause they had an early start the next day, and he needed his sleep
"Is she still asleep?' Kendall asks from his bed
"Yeah she looks so peaceful" Logan says as he checks on Sami to make sure she was asleep as well
"I could tell" Kendall says as he lays down for the night cause him and Logan were going to talk for a little bit after he checked on Sami
"Sami it's okay" Logan says when he hears her whimper in her sleep
Logan picks her up and holds her in his arms
"Sami I'm here" he says as he rocks her side to side
"Here I got her paci to suck on" Kendall says to Logan
"Here princess" Logan says as he gives her paci
Sami started to settle down after a while
"Night sweetie" Logan says as he tucks her in her bed once more
Logan stood beside her just in case she woke up once more
"Okay Kyndal I'm coming" Logan says when he hears her on the monitor
Kendall got out of bed and got down to stay with Sami since Logan had to get Kyndal
"What's wrong sweetie are you having a bad dream?" Logan asks as he picks Kyndal up from the bassinet to hold her in his arms
Logan takes her to where Sami was, so he was close to his girls
"Here daddy wil rock you while calming down your sister" he says as he rocks Kyndal in his arms
Soon Kyndal settles down, and goes to sleep once more
"There we go love" Logan says as he lays her back in her bassinet
"Sami just fell asleep, so we better go to bed for real Logan" Kendall says to him
"Yeah we better" Logan says as he goes to his bathroom to take his contacts out, so he could go to bed just in case Kyndal wakes back up
(Next morning)
Logan wakes up to check on the girls to see how they were that morning
"I heard little Kyndal wake up, so i am giving her bottle" Kendall says as he feeds little Kyndal her bottle
"Thanks Kendall" Logan says as he checks on Sami
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