Bringing Paige and Jazz home
"Dad when are we coming home?" Ireland asks him as he was still visiting the two newest members of the family who was coming home
"Soon sweetie you guys need to get better soon right now I'm going to take your sisters home and get them settled in. I'm going to be back here tonight to see all of you girls. Plus tuck all you girls in bed for tonight" he says as he looks at his girls and assures them that it is okay and he will be back that night to see all of them before bed that night
"That sounds fair" Scarlett says to him as she nods happily
"Plus I got to make sure the house is ready for when Emily comes home, and Clarity as well" he says as he kisses the girls cause they needed to go back to their room to get some sleep cause it was almost time for their medicine once again
The younger ones didn't want daddy to leave them at all
"Lake and Bella daddy will be back later he promises you that cause this is scary for you guys and daddy will do anything to be in your place" he tells the little girls as he comforts them
Lake and Bella wasn't having nothing of it they wanted daddy and that was the end of it
"Okay you guys daddy will bring you guys home to recover there" he says as he goes and sees about getting the girls released to come home to him cause that is where they want to be
"Yes who do I speak to about getting Lakelyn and Mirabelle Henderson released?" He asks the nurse
"Do you know how sick they are?" The nurse asks him
"Yes and they will get better with me taking care of them. Plus sleeping in their own beds, playing with their toys, eating better will help them get there" he tells the nurse cause he wanted to bring the girls home really bad
"I'm going to have to talk to the doctor about getting them released" the nurse says to him
"Just do what you have to do I want them released to me cause I know they will be better with me instead of in here where there are complete strangers taking care of them" Logan says as he turns around to get Paige and Jazz and take them home to stay
"Okay Lake and Bella you guys will come home tonight cause daddy is getting you guys released to come home" he tells the twins after he got the all clear from them
The girls were happy about leaving to go home that night with daddy to go home and get better there instead of in the hospital
"Paige, Jazz come on let's take you girls home" Logan says to the girls as he picks them up to take them out of the hospital to go home
"Not so fast Logan we got you a stroller for these cuties" Kendall says as he brings Logan a stroller to put the girls in
"Thanks guys" Logan says as he sets the girls in the stroller to go home
Logan felt better when the girls were in the stroller
"Okay let's head home" he says as he pushes the stroller
(Skip car ride)
"Okay Paige girl this is your new home" Logan says as he gets her out of the car and brings her into the house
Paige stayed close to Logan the entire time
"Sissy" Paige says to him
"I'll get sissy don't worry I didn't forget about her" he says as he gets Jazz out of her carrier
Once Logan had Jazz he took her into the house to get the girls settled into their new house
"What do you guys think?' he asks the little girl since the baby can't talk yet
Paige was still scared
"Princess it is going to be alright I promise you want to see your room?" he asks her
Paige nods
"Okay come on I'll show Jazz her nursery too" he says as he takes Jazz up to her bedroom, so he can lay her in her crib to sleep since she was fast asleep like a little angel
Logan laid Jazz in her crib and tucked her in
"Sweet dreams princess" he says as he kisses her and takes Paige to show her room as well
"You will be sharing a room with Sami your sister" he says as he continues to to take her to the room that had a bed her size
Paige was fine with that and she looked at the other rooms as they continued to walk to the bedroom
"Here we are sweetie" he says as he approaches the bedroom with her in tow
Paige was scared as they entered the bright room
"I know it is bright and scary, but Sami is okay with toning the colors down a little bit. If need be" he says as he shows her bed cause he imagines that she is tired and wants to sleep
Paige gets into the bed and snuggles under the covers cause she was tired
"Are you going to go to sleep huh pretty girl?' he asks her
She nods
"That's fine I imagine you didn't sleep good in the hospital at all" he says as he tucks her in the bed
She nods again
"Okay sweetie sweet dreams okay I will be back to check on you" he says as he kissed her good night
"Night daddy" she says to him as she closes her eyes
"Night baby" he says to her as he rubs her back a little bit
Paige liked when daddy rubbed her back to calm her down as she slept. Once she was asleep he went to check on Jazz
"Hey baby" he says as he enters her nursery
Jazz cooed up at him as he picked her up
"Did you have a good nap princess?" He asks her as he takes her to the changing table to change her
Jazz coos at him
"I take it you did come on are you hungry?" He asks her as he continues to change her
She coos at him
"Okay I'll make you a bottle" he says to her as he carries her downstairs for her bottle, so she could eat
Jazz was happy with her bottle
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