Bringing Lake & Bella home
"Okay Paige girl Uncle Kendall is going to watch you and Jazz while daddy is at the hospital getting your sisters, and bringing them home cause they really want to come home, and they don't want to be in the hospital anymore they want to be home with us instead of being there and getting better. They want to be home with me and all of us, so we can start to be a family Logan says when she woke up from her long nap that she had and she was finishing her dinner which was chicken nuggets and apples from McDonald's and sweet tea cause it was a special occasion and Kendall wanted her to experience it for the first time and have her welcome home dinner be special for her since she was as special herself and later that night she was going to have cake
"Okay daddy" she says to him as she continues to eat cause Kendall got her a lot of chicken nuggets and she was enjoying her dinner happily as she ate every last bite of food
"That's my girl" he says as he kisses her on her cheek as he heads over to Jazz and see how she was doing that day
"Okay Jazz daddy is going to go now I will see you soon pudding" he says as he leaves her after he kisses her cheek
Jazz wasn't happy when he left the house cause she didn't like it when daddy left her to go somewhere or do something
"Oh kitten come here and daddy will hold you in his arms" he says as he picks her up and holds her in his arms since she was in her bouncer that was in the kitchen happily bouncing, but when she heard daddy leave as she was playing in her bouncer she got upset and started to cry
Logan rocked her gently in his arms to calm her back down and maybe she might go to sleep in his arms
"It's okay daddy has you Jazz. I love you with all my heart I really do and I won't let anything happen to you have my word" he says as he kisses her forehead and puts her back in her bouncer for the night, so she could sleep a little bit while he heads out to get the twins
Jazz wasn't letting him leave her side for one minute more then what he already did
"Jazz I am not leaving you at all. I am juts going to the hospital to get your big sisters, so they can come home and bond with you is all, and maybe hold you for a little bit once they are home" he says as he gets her back out to hold her once again cause she felt safe in daddy's arms since that afternoon in the hospital cause she knew that was going to be her forever daddy that was going to love her and care for her
"She is probably scared Logan" Kendall says as he heats up a bottle for the baby to have cause it was getting close to her meal time as well that night
"I wouldn't doubt it cause Paige has been protecting her all of these months, and having someone new to take care of her is different territory for her, and it will take her a little bit of time for her to get use to this" Logan says as he feeds Jazz her bottle that night before he leaves for the hospital with her, so she could get her sisters
"Why don't you take the girls with you to the hospital when you pick Lake and Bella up?" Kendall suggest to him
"I think i will that way they can get adjusted to their new sisters a little bit tonight in the car on the way home. Plus i want to get the feel of taking care of the girls on my own" Logan says as he takes Jazz out to the van, so they could head for the hospital that night to bring the first set of twins home cause they did not want to be in the hospital at all they wanted daddy to take care of them, and not the nurse who have been taking care of them
Kendall picks up Paige as she eats her cookie cause she finished her meal that night for daddy which he was proud of
"Daddy look" Paige says as Kendall buckles her in
"You got her a toy?" Logan asks Kendall
"Yeah but don't worry i got one for the twins cause I got them nuggets and fries cause they can't have apples yet" Kendall says to Logan
"I hope you got fruit punch or something healthy as their drink" Logan says to Kendall
"I did" Kendall says as he gets in front to head to the hospital, so they could bring Lake and Bella home from the hospital
"Hang on I got to get a outfit for the girls to wear out of the hospital" Logan says as he goes into the house to get the outfit for that he had for the twins cause they were going to match when they got out of the hospital that night
Kendall waits for Logan to come back to head for the hospital to bring Lake and Bella home
"Okay let's go" Logan says to Kendall
Logan starts tweeting about the girls and how his family has grown so much and the fans have supported him as he was going on this crazy ride with all of these girls
"Okay Paige I need you to ride in the stroller with Jazz as we head into the hospital to get your sisters" Logan says to her as Kendall parks the van and gets ready to get out to get the strollers, so him and Logan can head into the hospital to get the girls and bring them home from the hospital
Paige obeys and gets in the stroller, so they could get the sisters that were coming home that night to join them
"Thank you princess" he says as he pushes the empty stroller that is going to have Lake and Bella in it
Logan was excited as he heads into the hospital to get the twins and brings them home from the hospital
(Lake & Bella's room)
"Dada" Bella says to him as she sees daddy enter the room
"Hey princess are you and your sister ready to come home?" he asks as he goes to Lake's crib and gets her
Bella nods as she sucks on her bottle that she had with her in the crib
"That's good come here and daddy will get you girls ready to go home" he says as he starts to dress the girls to go home that night, so he could hold them in his arms
"Tu-Tu" Bella says to him
"Yes sweetie daddy got you a tu-tu to wear home" he says as he continues to dress her as Lake lays in her crib waiting patiently to go home with daddy and her sister
Logan fixed her up a little bit before placing her in the stroller
"Okay Lake your turn pretty girl" he says as he goes over to her to get her ready to go home that night
Lake was contented with daddy as he got her ready to go home
"Are you sleepy huh little girl?" he asks as he picks her up and she lays her head on his shoulder
She nods as she continues to take her bottle
"Oh princess" he says as they wait for the papers to come, so they could leave the hospital the night cause the girls were tired of being in there
Soon the nurse comes with the papers and the medical info that Logan needed for the girls
"Okay girls come on let's go" he says as he has the girls medicine that they need to take to feel better, so the band can continue the tour
Lake fell asleep on daddy as they left the hospital that night and Bella fell asleep in the stroller as they headed to the van
"Oh night girls" he says as he puts them in the van to go home, so they could sleep in their cribs that were at the house
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