Prison break!
( new provs!)
Merrick's prov.
We are planing the final phase of breaking them out. We figured out where their keeping them. It's in the middle of the amizon. I am kindof worried about them though. There are a lot of questions racing threw my head. I can feel my heart racing as well.
Are these boys doing alright still? Are they with us still? Did Rorke find a way to break them?
I'm sure their alright. Their both ghosts and their loyal to us. They won't break. If they were to they would have broke with a lot of work. The federation, Rorke, Their wasting their time trying to break them.
" Merrick you about ready to get equiped?" Asked Keagan.
" Yeah I'm ready." I replyed.
The boys are stronge. I'm sure they will make it threw this. We will win this battle. Weather their on our side or not. None of our fallen ghosts will go uninvenged. No matter the cost..... We can still make it threw this. America will be repaired again.
Heshs prov,
We wait there. Now silent since we have nothing else to talk about. It was almost Logan's turn to get taken back out of the hole. We have just kinda been letting them torture us. It doesn't really bother me anymore. It's just the whole coughing up blood after being thrown back in here. But it's super boring.
Before my brother left he said something to me. We decided to make a plan. This was just for fun now. We loved just messing with the guards. Their so easy to trick. That's just the truth. They are super gulabale. One time I said that if you say gulabale slowly it sounds like oranges. They all tried it and we began laughing our butts off. Its the only true fun we have.
Other than that there's nothing else we can do. Sometimes we get that guard who "accedentaly" dropped some food into the hole. This food wasn't poisonous though. Some of their own men felt bad for us. Probley because we never ate their foods they feed us in the trays. Spoiler alert! Their food is mixed with poison! But you probly already knew about that.... Anyways, Logan told me help is coming. He believes in Merrick and Kegan again. I feel like he's getting better now. He was a bit out of the ordinary back then. It was a little scary. Hes still is more fit then any of us ghosts. Rorke really was training him hard. I worry for Logan though. You see when I saw him for the first time in almost a year of him being gone. I saw him flinch when he heard a gun shot. Its super sad if your asking me. Now that I'm by him every night and day I can see him flinch to the gun fire since their shooting range is outside. That's when I heard a helo.
" Logan did you hear that?" I ask quietly.
" Yeah I did." he says very casually.
" You think it's help?" I ask but I began to chuckle.
" You never know." He states " It could be evac for us."
We both heard running soilders above us. Dirt sometimes fell into the hole. That's when we began hearing bombs go off. It made the dirt go flying. We heard more solders drop off their ropes from the helos we could hear. We look up and see sparks. Someone's sawing the medal grate above us. Then someone else picks up the grate and two men come down the rope. It's Merrick and Keagan. They hook us up to the ropes. Soon later we are out of the hole and air lifted out of the place with Merrick and Keagan by our sides.
" Your clear to engaged." Spoke Merrick into his wakee takee.
" Rodger that coming in hot!" Replyed one of the black hawk pilots. Logan and me look off the side and see the whole base praticly disappear before our eyes. It's to bad Rorke isn't in there anymore. I don't think they relize that. All Logan and I know is that we are both getting out of here. Also we are both still together watching over each others backs like brothers do.
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