Back at the base
Logan's prov.
Me and my bro are back at the base. We got away from Rorke. But that doesn't mean he's still not after us. Even though the base that he tried, Hints the word tried, to break me at is destroyed. He can still rebuild a smaller base like that one again. He won't stop till either all the ghosts or hisself drop. No one is safe in either sides paths of distruction. Rorke might think we're still crippled and weak since me and Hesh were rushed over to the medical tents. That's where he's wrong though. We are ghosts for a reason. Our father believed we were the best of the best. And that's how we still keep going. If Hesh were to die then I might think I would have nothing left for me to do. Rorke would become an obsession. Then I wouldn't be able to think things out. I could very much turn out to be the thing that destroys me.
" Hey Logan you doing alright?" asked Hesh. Hes siting on the other bed next to mine.
" Yeah, you?" I ask.
" I'm doing fine." He answered. A smirk began to form on his face as if he was being sneaky.
I just kinda sit here on the medical bed. I've had to stay still since their wrapping my spot where I have a broken rib. It was from the beatings I got because the federation thought it would make me soften up and easier for them to break me. To bad that's not how it works. I'm super borde again though. I kinda feel terrible. Wait a second. I can't feel anything since they used huge amounts of morphine on me. I guess they thought I was in a lot of pain. I honestly couldn't really feel anything. Like I said. Huge and I mean HUGE amounts of morphine. I feel dizzy. But that doesn't stop me from trying to get up.
" Logan?" asked Hesh. He seems super confused. " What are you doing?"
" Well, I want to go for a walk." I reply lifting my nose like I was a British snob. Hesh and I start laughing our asses off. We can't stay serious for one second when we look at each other.
We both stand up from our beds, even though the nurses are beckoning us to lie back down, and we walk straight out of the medical tent. We went on a nice relaxing walk. It sometimes hurt though if I tried to put a lot of pressure on my left side.
After a while we both got borde of walking around this place. We decided to find the other ghosts. When we find Kegan and Merrick their both talking to a girl. She has a mask that only covers her mouth. She wears a skin tight completly black suit of some sort of fabric I haven't seen. She has long brown hair with random light streaks of brown and the under part is really dark brown. Her eyes were a mixture of hazel with a brown ring around the puple. She was also very thin and very stealthy. She said her goodbyes to Merrick and Keagan. Then she runs off to meet with a commander.
" Who was that?" Asked Hesh still looking at her walk away.
" No one you need to worry about." stated Merrick.
The only problem with Merricks answer was that I was determined to find out who the mystery girl is. Even if I was to humiliat myself to get a name out of them or even her.
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