Heaven sees Allie part 1
Logan decided after Cassidy and Evie were settled in their new lives he was going to take Heaven to see her baby sister that was still in the hospital getting stronger. Since Allie got moved from the serious part of the NICU to the part where she could have family relatives cone to see her, and Logan thiught this will be the perfect opportunity to take Heaven to see her baby sister, and get them to bond a little bit
"Kendall thanks for watching Ava, Cassidy, and Evie on such short notice" Logan says when his friend comes into the house to watch the girls while he takes Heaven to the hospital to see her baby sister who has grown a lot since he saw her last
"No problem I got Allie some presents from me, and you have to stop at James and Carlos house too cause they have presents for Allie as well to make her feel welcome into the big time rush family" Kendall says as he comes in to hear what Logan had to say about the girls scedules, what they eat, and what time they go down for their nap, and everything else that he needed to hear cause him and Heaven was going to be at the hospital for a while, so she could ond with her baby sister whi she hasn't seen yet
"Thanks Kendall" Logan says as he takes the presents out to the van, so him and Heaven could get going to the hospital to se Allie
"No problem" Kendall says as he picks up Ava who wanted to be picked up by her favorite Uncle who came to visit her
"Heaven come on sweetie we got to get going cause daddy has to stop at the craft store to get more fun stuff for your sister for her room" Logan calls upstairs to her
Heaven comes out of the elevator a few minutes later
"Ready daddy" she says as she comes out of the elevator
"Hi Heaven" Kendall says when he sees the little girl
"Uncle Kenny" she says as she rolls over to him, so he could hug her
"My you have changed a lot since i have saw you last" Kendall says as he picks her up and spins her around
"Yeah she sure has changed she is more happier here then at the orphanage with that wicked witch" Logan says to Kendall
"Yeah can i have the keys just in case my surrogate goes into labor, and i have to go to hospital?" Kendall asks Logan
"Sure they are over there, and everything is out all ou have to do is put Ava in her car seat, and put your little girl next to Ava" Logan says to him as he leaves with Heaven, so she could see and meet her baby sister for the first time in many weeks
Heaven gets into the van as Logan raised the ramp, so they could head to the craft store, so she could make more decorations for hr sister room at the hospital and at home
"Daddy do you have my tray?" Heaven asks him
"Yes i installed it behind my seat, so you can lower it and work at the same time as we go down the road to see your baby sister
"Are my supplies here too?" she asks him
"Look below" he says to her
Heaven was quite happy when she saw all of her art and craft supplies in the van
(Craft store)
"Where are we going to daddy/" she asks as she gets out of the van
"Wherever you want to go, and whatever you think looks good in the room" he says as he pushes her into the craft store to get everything that she will need to make Allie's room fun and bright until she comes home from the hospital
Inside the craft store Heaven goes crazy with the fabrics and everything for her sister room cause she wants to make her sister room fun at the hospital, and start to work on her bedroom at the house
"Okay I think we are good for a while" he says as he wheels her back out to the van, so she could get to work working on Allie's name on everything cause Logan didn't know how to go about this, and Heaven was going to make some blankets, and clothes for her sister cause she was very crafty since she came out of her shell
Logan put on her favorite CD, so she could listen to it as she continues to work on Allie's decorations, and her bows for her hair since she started to get some hair on her little head
"How you doing back there princess?" he asks as he continues to head to the hospital that was quite a ways away from where he lives
"Good daddy" she says happily as she continues to write Allie's name and working on decorations, and blankets for her room
"That's good let me know when you are getting thirsty, so i can get you something to drink" he says as he gets on the highway that goes to the hospital where Allie was
Heaven got quite a lot done as daddy continues to drive to the hospital, so she could see her sister
"Daddy can you pull over?" she asks him
"Why princess?" he asks her
"My back hurts" she says to him
"Sure sweetie" he says as he pulls over, so he could lay her down on the seat that he keeps in all the van that he has for the girls
Once Heaven was comfortable once more she went back to making a blanet for her baby sister
"Here we are Heaven" he says as he parks in one of the handicap spots that they had available
Logan gets out and lowers the ramp, and goes in to get her cause she wanted to be carried by daddy into the hospital
"Can you carry me daddy?" she asks him
"Sure i can" he says as he picks her up, and gets out of the van with her and everything that she made for her baby sister to go in her hospital room
Heaven lays her head on Logan the whole way into the hospital
"I think it's almost sleepy time for you Heaven" he says to her when he sees her eyes start to drop cause she has been working non-stop on the decorations for the room
She nods as she puts her thumb in her mouth cause that was her comfort item when it was almost sleepy time for her
"We won't stay long sweetie" he says as he boards the elevator with her to go up to where Allie was in the hospital
"Yes can Heaven see her sister Allie?" he asks the nurse at the nurses station that afternoon
"Sorry Mr. Henderson we can't hospital rules" the nurse says to him
"Heaven is Allie's only blood sister that she has left from the crash, and she is her only family" he says to the nurse at the desk as he tries to keep heaven awake, so she could see Allie
"Okay and then there was one last sister that was brought in that was part of that crash, and she woke up" the nurse says as she let's Logan in
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