Heaven meets Skylar and shopping for Skylar
"I'll bring your sister Heaven down to see you after" Logan says as he puts Skylar in the crib, so she can lay down for her nap
"Me no sweepy" Skylar says to him
"Okay do you want to rock for a little bit huh?" he asks her as he looks at her as she lays in her crib
"Me see ven" Skylar says to him
"Okay I'll take you down to see her, and maybe you can get to meet Allie a little bit cause Allie is your baby sister, and get to know her as well. I hate to have you not know her cause she is in the same hospital as you are love" he says as he takes Skylar down to the NICU, so she could meet her baby sister who is in there cause she is a little small
Skylar was quite the talker as they head down to the NICU
"Skylar wait I have to see if you can go in" he says to her when they reach the NICU
"Otay" Skylar says to him as he asks the NICU nurses if she can come in to meet Allie, and maybe see Heaven her big sister
Skylar was allowed to come in since she was a patient in the hospital
"Stay close to me okay Skylar?" he asks as they head down to Allie's room
"Otay" Skylar says to him as they continue to head for Allie's room
"Daddy" Heaven says when she sees her daddy come into the room
"Heaven I have someone I like you to meet" he says when he brings Skylar into the room, so Heaven could see and meet the little girl
"Skylar" Heaven says when she sees her little sister
"Ven" Skylar says when she sees her sister that was in the wheelchair
""Mommy and daddy kept Skylar a secret from me, and they had her sleep somewhere like in the basement or the pantry. Then when we went away she will have to ride in the trunk of the car" Heaven tells Logan as she holds Skylar close to her cause she missed her baby sister a lot
Logan got a picture of the three sister together, and couldn't wait to take Skylar home very soon which he hopes is today or tomorrow
"Skylar do you want a crib or a big girl bed to sleep in?" he asks her as he sists down, so the three sisters can reconnect
"I think a crib will do for her, so she doesn't fall out of bed" Heaven says to Logan since Skylar was happy to be back with her sister
"Okay you girls stay here cause I want to get some shopping done for Skylar a little bit" he says as he leaves to go to the baby store to go shopping just in case Skylar was released that day into his care
Logan tells the nurse that he will be right back he is going to go shopping for Skylar since he doesn't have anything in her size at home at the moment
"She is very light for her age, so don't go too big for her" the nurse says to him as he gets ready to leave
"I'll go for the eighteen month range for her in clothing
"That sounds perfect for her since she is so petite for her age" the nurse tells him
"Yeah she is very light for her age" he says when he sees her weight chart
"Get premie clothes for Allie cause she looks naked without any clothes on" the nurse says to him
"I am going to go shopping for both girls cause I want to dress Allie and make her look cute" he says as he heads for the elevators to go to the baby store to go shopping for Skylar and Allie
"That's great cause Skylar can be released to you when you come back" the nurse says to him
"I better call to see if one of my friends can take Skylar crib home and assemble it for her" he says as he makes a note of all he needs to get for the girls
Logan calls Kendall and Kendall agreed to assemble Skylar crib
"Thanks buddy" Logan says to him
"No problem" Kendall says as he hangs up
(Baby store)
"I better go get a car seat for Skylar" Logan says as soon as he enters the baby store to go shopping for little Skylar cause she is coming home from the hospital that day
Logan gets a convertible car seat for Skylar since she is the weight of a baby right now, and he got a fun Cinderella one for when she is older and gains more weight
"Now to get her crib and everything for her room" Logan says as he heads for the beds part of the hospital
Logan gets s convert bed for Skylar cause it will be easier on him when it will be time for her to go to a big girl bed. he also gets a rocking chair as well just in case Skylar wants to rock sometimes when she can't sleep at night
"What kind of crib are you getting for Allie?" Kendall asks Logan
"The same I have for Ava at the house, and the I will work on her nursery when I have the time" Logan says with a chuckle as they continue to shop for the nurseries cause he wants both of them to be different a little bit
Logan gets a crib bedding set for the cribs that he bought for Skylar and Allie
"Skylar will love this" Kendall says when he sees what Logan bought for her
"Yeah she will I can't wait to see what room is getting converted for her" Logan says as he looks at the clothes that will look cute and adorable on Skylar first while Kendall shops for Allie cause she will have cute clothes to wear as well
(Much later)
"Skylar has a closet I can put together while you are at the hospital yet" Kendall says as they look at strollers cause Ava loves her stroller and loves being by herself in it
"I'll get an umbrella stroller for Skylar right now, and then I will get a double stroller for when Allie comes home" Logan says as he gets a cute umbrella stroller for Skylar to ride in when she comes home that day from the hospital
Logan gets bigger diapers for Skylar and anything else that she will need once she is home
"Now to go pay for everything" Logan says after they went shopping for the kids
"Yup then I will go home and get everything assembled for you Logan while you finish up at the hospital. Cause James and Carlos is painting the spare room as we speak for Skylar" Kendall says
"How are they doing it so fast?" Logan asks Kendall
"Spray painting it" Kendall says to Logan as they wait in line at the check out counter
"Makes sense" Logan says as he puts his purchases up on the converyor belt to be rung up
After Logan paid for his purchases he headed back to the hospital to get Skylar ready to come hom fromt he hospital
"Now to go get little Skylar Isabelle Henderson and bring her home, so she can meet her other sisters, and get to know Ava a little bit" Logan says as he loads the van that he brought with him on this huge shopping trip that he was going to do to get everything that he needed to take care of Skylar
"Oh Loges Ava misses you and wants you to come home" Kendall says to Logan
"I'll come home for a little bit, so i can see the room a little bit and tell you where I want everything to go. I miss her too" Logan says when he hears that Ava misses him a lot
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