Bonding day with Heaven
Logan decided after the holidays that he was going to bond with Heaven, and get to know her a little better cause she didn't like to fly or anything that goes for that matter
"Hey Ava" he says as he comes into her nursery to see about her that morning
Ava was a happy camper that morning, and Logan was grateful for that
"Today we are going to bond with your big sister a little bit, and get to know her more cause she seems scared" he tells the baby who was really happy that morning
Once Ava was dressed Logan picked her up and took her down for her bottle
"After daddy feeds you he is going to wake your sister up, so we can get going" he says as he grabs a bottle from the fridge for Ava
Logan plays with her and sings to her while her bottle was being warmed for her
"Daddy can't wait until he does fun things with you" he says as he gets Ava bottle out for her
Ava drinks her bottle happily for her daddy that morning, and let out a few good burps after her bottle
"Now daddy is going to put you on your activity mat while daddy sees about sissy" he says as he lays Ava down on her mat
"Heaven sweetie it's time to wake up today me and you get to bond today" he says as he comes into her room to wake her up, so they could get going
Heaven slowly wakes up cause she had a rough night last night
"Here are your glasses baby doll" he says as he hands her glasses, so she can see a bit better that morning
Logan helps her into her wheelchair, so she could go potty, and after he got her dressed he took her down for breakfast
"Here Heaven daddy made you breakfast" he says as he serves her breakfast
Heaven was still scared, so Logan fed her breakfast
"Sweetie it's going to be alright I'm going to adopt your baby sister too, and you can be with Ava your other baby sister" he says as he strokes her pretty hair between bites that morning
After breakfast the family went to the toy store, and Heaven's eyes go big when she sees how big the store was
"Would you like to get some toys to play with sweetie?" He asks her
"Yes please" she says to her
"Alright where are we going first?" He asks her
Heaven takes off towards the book aisle, and she picked out some books to read
"Where to now?" He asks her
Heaven goes all over the store, and gets anything that she liked, and wanted to play with
"After we drop your toys off I'm going to get you your haircut cause you look like you need it" he says as they head to the video game aisle to go shopping for games
Heaven gets a 3DS, and a wii u, so her and daddy can play together when Ava is asleep
"It is all for you cause i love you, Ava, and your tiny sister who I am going to see later" he says as they head to check-out to pay for the purchases
Logan gets the girls in before he puts the boxes and the bags in the van with the girls, so they could go home, and get everything out
"Daddy will put the toys together during downtime" he says as he puts the boxes in the house
Heaven was excited to play after downtime
"Now to take you to get a haircut and maybe get your nails done baby girl" he says as he closes the door to the van
Heaven was excited for that
Heaven comes down on her own while daddy gets sissy
"Daddy will hold the door for you baby girl" he tells Heaven
Heaven wanted to get her nails done first before she got her hair done
"I want her hair straighten up a little bit and if she has too many knots then cut it short enough. I want her to be really cute" he tells the stylistic
Logan couldn't wait to see his little girl with her new look
"Heaven you look amazing" he says when he sees her
"I love how short it is daddy" she says happily
"I'm glad you like it, and now to get lunch, and you and your sister will go down for downtime. While you guys nap I'm going to be assembling your toys" he says as he heads to the Cafe in town for lunch
During the ride Logan got a call about another two year old that was in a wheelchair, and the orphanage didn't want her in their care, so he was going to give Heaven a playmate
"Well Heaven you are going to get another sister" he says as they head home
Heaven was excited for that, so they could play wheelchair tag
"Tonight I will see your baby sister to see how she is doing" he says as he pulls into the garage, so Ava could be put in her crib cause she was getting cranky in her car seat
"Heaven your sister will be next to you in the van" he says as she goes into the house and to the elevator cause she was exhausted from rolling around so much that day
Logan tucks Ava in and goes helps Heaven into her bed for sleep time that afternoon
"Sweet dreams Heaven I love you" he tells her
"Love you too daddy" she says happily
Logan starts assembling the toys that Heaven picked out to play with
"Tonight is dinner and shopping that's for sure" he says as he continues to assemble the toys that he brought in earlier
After each toy was assembled he put it in her playroom to play with when she woke up from her nap that day
"You are going to be one happy camper that's for sure" he says as he starts working on her playhouse that is going to go in the playroom for her to play with
Logan opens one of her dolls and puts it with her, and he sees that Heaven is wide awake
"Hey baby girl did something scare you?" he asks her
She nods
"Come on we can go outside and swing on the glider until you fall back asleep" he says as he picks her up and takes her outside to swing on the glider
"Heaven would you want a playset to play on down the road?" he asks her
She nods as she wipes the tears from her eyes
"When i see sissy later I will take pictures of her, and you can see them when i get home tonight from visiting her in the hospital" he says as he rubs her back as she starts to drift off to sleep
Logan could wait for the other little girl to come into the picture, so he could do this with the both of them to make them feel better when they have bad dreams, and are to scared to fall back asleep cause they are afraid to have that dream again
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