The Rescue
Logan Henderson was walking over the bridge one day cause it was so nice outside he decided to go on a walk. He was stopped dead in his tracks when he hears a little girl screaming for help from below
"Somebody help me please" the little cries out from the water
"Hang on sweetie I'm coming for ya" Logan says as he runs down to the little girl
Logan stripes down to his boxers and goes after her
"Please" the little girl says as she was taken under by the current that was sweeping her down the river
"I got ya" he says as he grabs ahold of her and takes her back to shore
Once on shore Logan calls for help and starts CPR on the little girl cause she was unconscious right now and he needed to bring her back
"Stay with me sweetie" he says as he continues to do chest compressions to get the water that went into her mouth out when she went under
Soon the paramedics come to take the little girl to the hospital
"Is it okay if I go with her?" Logan asks the paramedic as they were loading her into the ambulance to be taken to the hospital for treatment
"Yes cause you got to be looked at as well" the paramedic tells Logan
Logan gets in and sits with the little girl as they head for the hospital
"It's okay sweetie you are going to get looked at very soon" he says as he holds her hand
Once at the hospital Logan and the little girl had to part ways, so they could be seen by a doctor. The whole time Logan was in his room he couldn't get his mind off that little girl, and how long she was in that water for before he rescued her from her grave
"Okay Mr. Henderson take it easy for the next few days, and rest" the doctor says to him after he checked Logan over to make sure he was okay to go home
"Can I see the little girl to make sure she is okay?" Logan asks him
"Sure she woke up a little bit ago" the doctor says to him
Logan goes and sees the little girl
"Hey sweetie" Logan says as he enters her exam room where she was at the moment
"Logan" she says weakly
"Take it easy sweetie the doctor wants to keep you for a couple of days cause of all the water that got in your lungs" he says as he sits next to her in the room
She nods as she relaxes
"Can you tell me how you ended up in the river?" He asks her
She starts telling the story of how her birth dad got fed up with her, so he tossed her into the river and kept going no stopping for her as he drove off in his boat
"Okay it's okay I'm right here I'll adopt you as my princess, so you won't have to see your mean daddy ever again" Logan says as he hugs her close
The little girl was happy about that an awful lot cause she was going to have a daddy that will love her
"Do you have a name sweetie?" He asks her
"Emmaline" she says to him
"That's a pretty name for a pretty girl" he says to her as he sits next to her on the hospital bed
"I'm cold" she says as she shivers
"Hang on let me get a blanket for you, so you can keep warm" he says as he leaves the room to go get a blanket for her, so he can cover her up
(Gift shop)
"What blanket should i get her?" he asks as he looks at all of the blankets that the gift shop had
Logan goes for Disney and my little pony blankets so she could keep warm while she was being examined
"Here we go i got you some better blankets, and you can have them when you are released sugar" he says as he covers her up, so she could warm up a little bit
"Thank you" she says as she snuggles under the covers really good cause she was freezing
Logan helped her into her hospital pants to wear cause her legs were cold
"I'll be right back I'm going to get you some slippers and a house coat to wear cause i think you are staying here for a couple of days" he says as he strokes her pretty hair
She nods as he leaves to get the items from the gift shop for her
"Here i got you a stuffed animal, or a doll, and a pillow as well as a nice house coat and slippers for your feet" he says as he get the items out of the bag to show her what all he got for her
Emma accepts the gifts happily from Logan
"I'm staying here until you get released to come home cause i think you are really scared now" he says as he seats next to her
She nods as a nurse come in to put in her i.v, so they could get started on fluids for her since she didn't have a parent or guardian in the room when they came the first time
"Okay sweetie you are going to feel a slight pinch as the needle goes into your hand for the I.V" the nurse says as she prepares the little girl hand for the I.V to go in
The little girl shuts her eys as the needle goes in her hand
"You were so brave" he says when the I.V was in her hand
The little girl falls asleep cause she was nice and warm under her blankets
"Night sweetie I'm going to go get something to eat and be right back" he says as he tucks her in before leaving the room
He shuts the light off, so she feels like she was in her new bedroom, and she can sleep a little better as well
When Logan returns he sees the light was back on, so he shuts it off, so she can sleep peacefully with not much light coming into her room. Soon the little girls starts to toss and turn in her bed
"I'm right here sweetie" he says as he comforts her
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