Part 3
"Can I talk to my mom before I go to school?" Marie asks him
"Sure, I don't see why not," he says as he was going to set it up cause they could talk as he was doing her hair cause she was dressed and all she had to do was brush her teeth and she was set to go to school
Logan checked to see what Marie's mom was doing right now cause that was going to give him a good window to see how long they could talk right now before they went to school
"Emma go see about your siblings and see if they are awake or asleep cause I need to know if I need to call Kendall to have him come over," Logan says as he was making the call right now
Emma did what she was told and went to check on her siblings as well
"They are up daddy," she says as she was coming down with almost all of the younger ones and she had the babies that could not go down on their own right now
Logan was going to call Kendall to see if he could come over while Logan took the two girls to school and stay with the younger ones
"Emma, can you give the younger ones their breakfast then I will do your hair," he asks her
Emma did what she was told, and she started on the chore chart she had cause she had a lot of chores, and the older-younger ones had a chart as well and they helped as much as well
(Much later)
"Emma, Marie come on" he calls to them
The girls went out to the van so they could go to school
"Buckle up please," he says cause he took Marie's baby sister with them cause the school wanted to see the baby, so he was taking her to the first day and he was going to update the school on what is going on with Marie's mom
Logan parked in the handicap spot so Marie could get out on her own without help cause she wanted to be independent on her first day of school
"Okay girls here we go" he says as he was getting the baby out so they could head in together and see where their classroom was
Logan was going to stop at the office and let the office staff see the baby then he was going to go to the kindergarten class and let the sub see the baby then he was going to make his rounds to all of the classrooms
"It feels weird not having my mom here on the first day," Marie says as they were heading to the classroom
"Marie she will be home before you know it," Emma says as they were still walking cause it was a big school and their classroom was a way away
Marie and Emma approached their classroom and Emma let Marie go in first cause she was in a chair, and she had to find the desk cause of her chair
"Emma we are desk buddies," Marie says as she was looking for Emma's desk
Emma was happy that they were together cause they were friends and were going to be friends forever and ever cause this friendship can't be broken at all
"I'll be there," Emma says as she was going to hang up her backpack and was going to join her friend at the table
Marie waited for Emma cause they had to plan lunch cause Marie wanted to sit by Emma and Emma loved sitting by Marie a lot cause they got along great. Emma joined her friend a few minutes later and they waited for the teacher to start class. Logan came in with Marie's baby sister and Marie was excited to see sissy again cause she was going to be turning a year old
"Marie I'll be here to give you your medicine," he says as he was going to make his rounds
Marie nods cause she had to take her one medicine four times a day, and she could not wait to have lunch with Emma
(Hours later)
Marie was excited to have lunch after she took her medicine cause she would take something before she took her medicine so it could digest in her stomach right now
"Ready for lunch Emma?" Marie asks as the class leaves cause Marie was going to sneak her snack so she could take it when Logan brought her medicine
"Ready," Emma says as she grabs her lunch from her cubby
They stopped at the office where Logan was with her medicine and a drink so she could take it before lunch. When they got there Logan had his glasses on cause it looked like he had been crying
"Emma I'm going to pull Marie from school today," he tells her as he signs out Marie
"Why daddy?" Emma asks him
"Marie's mother was killed in the line of duty after she got done talking to her," he tells her
Marie lost it right there in the office cause her only parent was no longer there for her
"Marie I'm going to be adopting you and your sister your mom has it in her will," he tells her
Emma was a little happy that Marie was going to be her sister
"Marie if you want to eat with Emma, I'm okay with that," he tells her
"Can I?" Marie asks the principal that came in the office at the moment
"Marie just lost her mom and I'm going to pull her but if she wants to eat with her best friend" Logan tells the principal
"They can eat in here girls I'll have your lunch brought to you," the principal says as he takes the girls to a special room
Logan went to get Marie's things and tell the sub that she might have her classroom and get what he needed to get
"Bye Marie, I'll see you later," Emma says as she hugs her friend goodbye cause Logan was taking her to her old house to get a couple of things and ask her what her mom want to be buried in
"Bye Emma, I'll see you later" Marie says as she leaves
Once Marie was out of the school she broke down and lost it
"Marie it's okay to cry sweetheart" he says as he hugs her close as she lets it all out on him cause she needed that comfort right now cause she was going to be on a roller coaster ride after the funeral was over
Logan was going to hold her once they got home and hold off going to her old house until this passes and he has to put it on the market and that won't be for a while cause he has to get everything ready for court and Marie was going to get everything that her mom has and Logan had to make the house more accessible for Marie or he could build a house and have it accessible for her and that was going to be the plan
"Marie want to come with me and pick out a piece of land for the new house?" He asks her
"Why?" She asks him
"I'm going to be building a house and I'm going to have it completely accessible for you" he tells her
"Like how?" She asks him
"You will see" he tells her as he was going to be looking for land cause he wanted to keep this a surprise for the girls for as long as he could cause he wanted to give them the world cause they have been through so much lately and it was breaking his heart to have Marie bury her mom at an early age
Logan found a good piece of land that can be used for the house and the house will be a good size and have space for a big garage cause he was going to need it with Marie's van and when she gets her license that will be for her car cause in time Logan will have to trade in the van for a better one that can fit her needs as she grows as well cause she might want to get in the back of the van or the side like she is now or she likes getting in at the side of the van
"Now to put in a bid for the land" he says as he was going to put a bid in
Logan was hoping he was going to get the land for the girls
The funeral is coming in the far future right now and it will be private, and she will go out with a bang
Planning the funeral is up and the rest of it is coming
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