Marie & Emma starts 1st grade
(Time jump)
Logan couldn't believe that Emma was in first grade already it seemed like yesterday she started kindergarten, and now she was so grown up, and a totally changed little girl from what she was when he found her in the river trying to save her own life cause her dad pushed her overboard, and didn't care what had happen to her and if she would of drowned or not in those waters
"Emma wake up it's the first day of first grade, and you're going to be late for your first day of school princess" he says as he comes into her room to wake her up, so they could get going to school that morning cause he had to find a place to park and the girls had to find their rooms, and get settled in
Emma slowly wakes up a little bit cause she was up late the night before reading and getting ready for the first day of first grade as well
"Breakfast will be waiting for you in the kitchen princess after you have gotten ready for school" he says as he heads to see Marie and get her up a little bit since she needs up getting up in the morning
"Okay daddy" Emma says as she gets up on her on to get ready for school that morning cause it was a big day for her
Emma put out her clothes that she had picked out the night before which was one of her favorite one direction shirts that had her favorite one on it and she thought it was perfect to wear to school on the first day
"Marie sweetie it's the first day of first grade I know you don't want to get up this morning, but you have to sweetie, so you can meet the students who are going to have your mom as their teacher this year for kindergarten" Logan says as he tries to get her up, so they could leave on time cause the babies were up before the big kids which was a shock for Logan
Marie slowly opens her eyes
"Hey Marie do you want me to help you into your chair?" he asks her
She nods
"Okay I will put you in your chair, and you can get ready for school by yourself" he says to her as he helps her out of bed and into her chair, so she could get ready for school that morning
Marie was glad that Logan was going to let her be a big girl as she got ready for school
"Breakfast will be on the kitchen when you are done" he says to her as he goes and gets the babies that morning, so they could take their big sisters to school that morning
Before school started Logan got the double stroller for the babies, so it would be easier on him to push them, and Bella since she was getting to be a little mobile now she had a different stroller, and if he had to take all three babies with him he had the triplet stroller that was easier for him to push, and it folded up easy as well
"Morning Lily girl are you playing this morning?" he asks the baby that was on her little blanket playing away that morning
Lily just smiles up at him
"Bella are you having fun in your bouncer huh pretty girl?" he asks as he came over to the baby that was happily jumping up and down in her little bouncer and playing with her toys that were on her bouncer
Bella smiles at him and coos at him happily cause she loved her daddy a lot
"Okay and the other baby is sound asleep still" he says as he thinks about Marie's baby sister who was up half the night cause she wasn't feeling so good at all, and Logan tried to take care of her the best that he could right now
Logan got started on breakfast and making the girls their lunches for the first day of school since Emma hated school food she packs her lunch and he was giving Marie the option of buying her lunch if she wanted to the first day of school or have her lunch packed as well like Emma, so she could eat with Emma during lunch on the first day of school
"There's the two newest first graders" he says when he sees the girls come out in their identical outfits that they had bought cause they were going to be in the same class they wanted to look like twins on the first day
Emma and Marie both spin around ad they head for the table that morning for breakfast cause they were hungry and wanted to get the new year started on the right foot completely
"Marie would you like to buy your lunch today or have it packed?" he asks her
"Packed please" she says to him as she takes her medicine that she needed to take as she started to eat her breakfast that Logan had made for her that morning for breakfast
"Okay I will pack a little extra something for you for later if you get hungry today" he says as he packs an extra lunchbox for Marie since she has a feeding tube in her she will need to have something to go through that and to her stomach
Marie started to have bad digestive problems over the summer, and after the fourth of July she had to have a feeding tube put in to help her with her digestive problems that she has going on
"Okay Marie you are set for school this morning" he says as he closes the extra lunch box for her cause she was going to need it while she was in school that day cause of her digestive system that the school knows about
Marie was grateful that Logan was taking good care of her and watching out for her and her baby sister
"Once i get the babies buckled in we will head to school, so we can get to your classroom" he says as he looks at the clock that was on the wall and sees that it is getting later and later and the girls needed to get going to school
Emma and Marie continue to eat breakfast while Logan took care of the babies and getting them buckled into the van for school that morning
"Girls rinse off your dishes and load them into the dishwasher, and grab your backpacks and your lunches and we are off to school" he says as he comes in to get the last baby so they could head to school t hat morning
"Can i see mommy's room?" Marie asks him after they pull up to the building and Logan lowered the ramp on the van for her
"Sure you can and I will be there soon to get you" he says as he gets into the back to get the babies and get them into the stroller, so the family could head into the school and get the girls into their classrooms that morning
Emma goes with Marie
"Here we are Marie your mommy's room" Emma says to her as they approach the classroom that had the name Ms. Marigold on the door
"Yes it is I want to put something inside cause I got something from the hospital where mommy is and she wanted me to welcome her new students for her until she comes home" Marie says as she enters her mom's classroom to see who was teaching it since her mom was still at war, and she might come back sometime
"Yes are you one of my students?" the teacher asks Marie when she sees Marie come into the room
"No this is my mommy's room Ms. Marigold her name is on the door out there" Marie says as she fights for her mom cause her mom wasn't there right now
"So?" the teacher asks her
"She wanted me to welcome her new students with some gifts" Marie says as she passes out the gifts that said welcome to Ms. Marigold's classroom
The teacher didn't know which classroom she was subbing for, and was shocked when it was a soldier who was away fighting the fight overseas
"I'm so sorry" the teacher says as she lets Marie pass out gifts and was going to greet the new ones that were coming into the classroom cause Marie wanted to tell the new ones that were starting kindergarten that her mommy was going to come back and was going to be their teacher
Emma stood by her friend cause she could see that was scared of what the kids were going to say when they come into the classroom
"Thanks Emma" Marie says to her
"Welcome Marie friends for life" Emma says as they do their best friend handshake hat they made up that summer
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