bad hangover = good hook up
You wake up after a night out that ended with you hooking up with logan and you wake up with a hangover
Mentions of: vomiting, implied s€x, slight sshmut (in a flashback and it's only a little and not super graphic
This also reader has emetophobia
Have fun :)
Your POV:
My eye slowly start to open only to immediately close again when I feel the nausea hit me like a freight train, I feel a strange warmth on the left side of my neck.
Oh no..
I rub as much of the sleep away from my eyes as I can and I look over to left to see probably the most handsome man I've ever seen in my entire life
The duvet is covering me up to just above my chest and it's covering him up until his hips,
Hot damn!
This man is absolutely Ripped! And yet at the same time has a bit of a dad bod, oh he probably looks so luscious and yummy in a tank top
And even though he's asleep his brow is still slightly furrowed, but he still looks so peaceful; I turn onto my side, careful not to wake him up, I raise a finger to his face and start to trace his features, first his nose, then his jaw, his cupids bow and as I start to lightly trace his brow, they unfurrow, all his features relax in fact
All of a sudden he rolls slightly on top of me, his head resting on my duvet covered chest, wrapping his arms around me and nuzzling his head face further into my neck
Just like my cat does..
I copy his actions and wrap my arms around him, one across his back and the other cradling his head and neck, "someone's a cuddle bug in the morning~" I whisper as quietly as I can, but my whisper must've been too loud because he nuzzled further into my neck and groans as he starts to wake up...shit.
He grumbles a bit more and he pulls back a bit and looks me in the eyes, his head and neck still willingly rests in my hand, "Good are you feeling?" I say softly, gently petting the back of his head; his only response is another grumble
Looks like I might not be the only one hung over.
I slightly chuckle as I continue to pet his hair, "don't worry your not the only one don't by any chance remember what happened last night cus' the only thing I remember is...well..."
His hips were rutting into mine so hard it felt like I was gonna collapse, the room stunk of sweat and sex, but neither of us cared, "Yes! Please!" I begged.
Logan's POV:
my eyes nearly rolled into the back of my head at the feeling of her around me, I take from my cigar as she squirms and screeches in ecstasy below me, can't blame her, this is fucking incredible.
"I wanna ride you! Please let me ride you!" She begs, "is that what you want baby girl~? You wanna ride me like a cowgirl?~" I coo in her ear after I wrap an arm around her middle to hold up against my chest, "Yes yes yes!" She pants desperately, I flip us over in one swift move and I hold my cigar between my lips so my hands are free to hold onto her constantly moving hips.
She plants her hands on my chest for support but ends up falling onto my chest once she climaxes along with me..
Your POV:
"The sex?" He bluntly replies in a gruff sleepy morning voice,
"Uuh...yeah, yeah the sex.." I sheepishly reply, "and don't take this the wrong way but...I don't know your name, what is it again?" I say, dear God I'm never drinking tequila again! "Logan, and you don't remember because I didn't tell you." He says.
Ooohhh that makes a lot more sense
"I'm y/n...and I need to puke..but I really really don't wanna," I say pinching the bridge of my nose to try and take away the nausea, "why?" He says gruffly yet softly, "I have emetophobia, fear of throwing up..that probably makes me sounds like such an idiot.." I say.
He doesn't respond with his words, but instead pushes a peice of loose hair behind my ear, "You're not a wimp, ya' wanna know who's an idiot? The guy who I call my roomate...that numbnut is always complaining about something..he once blamed the toaster for burning his toast, but was the one who turned it all the way up to max and thought it toasted it faster. So don't worry, you're not an idiot."
His words make me sigh in relief, most guys I've been with basically said 'well that's what you get for drinking' and in their defence they're right, but I'm too much of a people pleaser to say no when my friends ask me to come out to a club with them.
We stay snuggled for a bit longer since we both agreed it would be easier to fall asleep together if we were holding eachother, his head is resting on my chest and his hands are layed on the area just below my breasts, his arms layer flat on the bed, and his thumbs rub soft circles; it was around 4am and since it's winter it's still really dark outside, I - and most likely logan aswell - could hear the faint sounds of cars, people and more sounds of the city coming from outside my apartment.
I was about to try begin another conversation when we both heard the sound of rain start to get louder every second that went by, "well there's my other excuse for calling in sick to work arriving at the perfect time," I say with a small chuckle, "what is your job?" Logan says curiously, "I work for a architecture firm, luckily my salary means if I take a day or two off I don't have to worry." I say "nice." We stay quiet for a bit longer, basking in the gloomy weather outside.
The weather was what some could call melancholy but for me and logan it was wonderful, it added to the peacefulness of the morning; logan is almost half asleep when we both hear a quiet yet curious chirp coming from the doorway, "the fuck is makin' that sou-" logan stops mid word when coco hops up effortlessly onto the bed and walks her way up to me and a dumbfounded logan, "this is cocoa, my precious little baby kitty," I say in a baby voice- not really to logan, more to coco,
"Cocoa?" Logan says, tilting his head and starts to stroke her, "I was drinking hot cocoa when I saw her in a box by my favourite café a month or two ago, poor thing had been abandoned and I'd been looking for a furry feline companion; and you know you're lucky as hell because she usually hisses at every guy she's sees.." I say, me and logan begin to show coco copious amounts of attention since she was outside the room for most if the night, which she was not used to.
Coco moves and walks further up towards us and cutely flops down on her side infront of me, her facing logan the same way I am, "I don't think she'll mind an early breakfast, what about you? I can make some good scrambled eggs," I hum, looking logan in the eyes as I speak, "as long as you've got bacon, some OJ, and some toast that sounds delicious."
"Well you're in luck because I've got all three; I don't think I have anything to can put on other than a spare bathrobe.." I say, remembering that we should probably not walk around naked, logan confirms that's okay so I get up and grab a baggy t shirt and a pair of black lacy comfy panties to wear, aswell as a bathrobe for logan.
(Your clothes):
Me and logan were now in my kitchen and I was cooking us up some bacon & eggs whilst he sat at the kitchen island drinking his black coffee, 'black like my soul' as he said when I asked how he liked his coffee; coco was sat on the kitchen island and they were having a staring contest.
"Still having your staring match you two?" I pipe up as I flip the bacon over to cook on the other side, when logan doesn't respond I look my shoulder to see: cocoa, sat there, completely unbothered and then logan who looks like coco has just disgraced his entire bloodline.
I roll my eyes playfully and continue to cook breakfast; as I'm making making omelette (requested by Logan because apparently that man could eat 3 plates of scrambled eggs and still not ne full) when I feel a pair of arms wrap around me and a head placed in the crook of my neck, leaving soft feather like kisses, "smells delicious bubs," logan purs in my ear, I let as a small giggle and flip the omelette before saying "are you talking about me or the food honey?" I pur softly back, it's his turn to laugh now.
After a few minutes of being warm in eachothers embrace the food is done, I put cocoa's breakfast in her bowl and all three of us starting to eat as we listened to the sound of rain, city sounds and eacother. Logan manages to finish his breakfast before me even though he had a bigger portion.
Me, logan and coco are now all laying on the couch watching a trashy show that was the first channel I flicked onto after the TV opened on the news. Logan's head was resting on my stomach and cocoa rested on my shoulder.
I wasn't aware I was the new favourite pillow
As I'm petting Logan's and coco's hair we hear a knock at the door, coco immediately goes to investigate and me and logan look at eachother in pure confusion, "it's a Monday morning and it's only 6:30, whoever that is, is gonna get my foot up their ass," I say as we get up; when we get to the door logan protectively wraps his arms around my shoulders, and so he looms over me behind me, coco stays sat on guard by the door and when I open me and logan come face to face with a man in what looks to be a....superhero suit? Before I can ask who this man is and why he's here logan speaks before me, "what. The fuck. Are you doing here you jackass?"
Oh...okay? Apparently the guy I hooked up knows people who dress up like superheroes but also..ninjas?
"Oh don't be such a grumpy cat! And- oh my! hello gorgeous, you're looking stunning~" the man in the doorway says to me, with a perturbed expression I say, "who are you? What are you doing here? And how do you know who logan is?" I say before i pick coco up and cradle her like a baby.
The man just let's out an over exaggerated faux gasp and places a gloved hand over the left side of hie chest; logan looks at cock and then me as if to say, 'can we get the cat to kill him?', "I am heartbroken! You didn't tell her about me?...seems like someone thinks they're above everyone else now hmm?" Logan just groans in response, "my name is deadpool to strangers but since you've done the hanky panky with my friend you can call me wade, I'm here to sew why Mr hot potato didn't come home last night," I nod in understand-
"How the fuck did you found out where I live?!" I slightly shout, wade, just shrugs and says, "I have my of them being your big hunk of a man there, forgot to turn his location off on his phone."
What the fuck.
I nod softly, I go into the kitchen as logan and wade argue and grab the box of leftover donuts from yesterday when I got home from the office before going out; I walk back to the door, coco still being cradled in my arms and I hand the box of donuts over to wade.
"Oooo! Yummy. Well I will leave you two to your sex bye - bye!" And just as he steps into the elevator he says, "cute cat by the way!" And with that he leaves.
Me, logan and coco head back to the couch and get comfy again.
"I never understand why they can never make hookups turn out to be a good thing in if for story? Because they can do that in a bunch of other ways." I comment as an AD for a new rom-com movie comes on; "I don't know bubs." Logan says as he leaves heavy slightly sloppy kisses on my neck.
Conclusion? Bad hangover = good hookup.
A/n: writing tye mini smut part actually made me cringe so much but oh well- it took basically 3 days to finish writing this cus I've had school and schools not been the best either so writing has helped.
Let me know what you think of this by commenting! As always please vote and hope you enjoyed reading this!
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