°^☆A what?..☆^°
(Random note: I'm obsessed with the pics of hugh/logan with the little pink bows)
Description: You match with logan on tinder and you decide to have a date at your apartment but you forgot to mention you have a little add on (that add on being a child)
Also in this reader is half french.
Mentions of: abortion, pregnancy, breakups, infidelity, near miscarriages
Your POV:
My eyes slowly squint open as I feel a sudden weight on my chest and light breaths on my face, I rub my eyes a bit and in a few seconds my eyes have adjusted to the darkness enough to see that the weight is Lola, lying on her tummy whilst staring at me with her big Hazel puppy eyes,
"You little rascal," I say with a slight chuckle which makes her bounce slightly and she reaches her two small hands out towards me
I pick her up as I move to sit up against the headboard of my bed, after I've sat up I place Lola on my lap, just for her to crawl further up and snuggle into my chest, "You're never usually this cuddly in the mornings baby girl, you okay?"
Lola has gotten to the stage where she can answer basic questions such as me asking if she's okay, what she wants to drink or eat e.t.c,
"No wanna go t' auntie f's hose mama.."
She whines quietly as she nuzzled her face into my neck and holds her tiny chubby hands to her chest.
"Awwh honey~," I say with a slight jut of my bottom lip, "why do you not wanna go to auntie fionas? Is it Jacob?" Jacob is my sisters son who's a couple years older than Lola, for some reason he's always a bit mean to her.
She's let's out a muffled sob and I feel tears starting to drip onto my neck as she begins to cry.
I hate it when she cries, okay keep it together y/n..
I hold her against my chest and lightly rock my torso side to side as I rub her back and repeat quiet shushes and it's okays.
After a few minutes of rocking, hushing, back rubs & pats Lola's crying ceases and I pull slightly away and support her by the butt and rub her head comfortingly, that method was the one my mum always used on me and my sister when we were babies to help stop is crying.
"How about you stay here today instead of going to auntie fionas hmm? But you will have to be a good girl for mummy cus' she's got a guest coming over, okay?" I say as I wipe some hair out of her eyes.
Her face lights up and she nods quickly and as best as she can and I let out a slight giggle at her adorable-Ness
(A/n: that's a word so shut up-)
"Me be good girl mama!" She says sweetly
Sweet as sugar oh my gosh! This girl is so cute!
"Let's go get ready then!- wait....what time is it?" I say the question more to myself than to Lola, i grab my phone off my bedside table turn it on and practically get flashbanged by my locksreen.
Once my eyes adjust to the very sudden brightness the clock reads:
04:30..am..this child..
"Baby, it's half past 4 in the morning...how did you even get on the bed?" I ask Lola as I look up from my phone, I know my bed is pretty low to the ground but she's only been able to walk for since 2 weeks ago, let alone climb!
"Uummm..." Lola hums with a small cheeky smile which shows off the dimples identical to mine in her chubby rosy cheeks, "Lola.." I say a faux warning tone which luckily Lola can differentiate from my actual warning tone.
"I jus' jump Maman! S' not hard!" She says with the same cheeky smile, I roll my eyes with a chuckle which again makes her bounce slightly as she's still snuggled up to my chest.
"I'm impressed honey! Now let's get ready for the day bubs!" I say with a wide smile as I pick her up properly and get out of my bed.
It's 5:45 now and Lola is sat in her high chair eating a plate of blueberry pancakes and every so often taking sips of the blueberry smoothie I made her, she's learnt how to drink out of a regular cup now without spilling it on the first sip but I put it in her toddler mug just in case.
"Oh non.." I hear from behind me, I turn my head from the bowl of pancake batter I was mixing to see Lolas mouth, cheeks, chin and the tip of her nose covered in blueberry smoothie,
Well she has somewhat all of control of her hands now but this does happen from time to time..
"Oh bébé," I say with a small sympathy smile as I place the bowl and whisk down and grab the baby wipes from the fridge and walk over to her and wipe her mouth, "fille en désordre~ (messy gir)"
After I've wiped her face clean she continues to eat as I finish making and eating my own pancakes.
As I'm eating I message my best friend kera:
Gremlin (kera)
Me: Gm beautiful bitch!
Kera: Gm slag!
Me: really?
Kera: yes ;)
Me: do you wanna hear an update on Lola?
Me: ok ok! Calm your tits! Anyways she managed to climb up onto my bed this morning and woke me up by lying on her tummy on my boobs
Me: lol! If she does it again I'll send you a picture, but she did wake me up at half past 4.
Kera: Hahahaha!
Me: hey don't be laughin! When you have one that'll happen to you to, and it doesn't just happen when they're babies, Lola is 1 and still does it.
Kera: GURL- yk my disfunctiontional arse wouldn't be a good mum
Me: hey no, you'd be an amazing mum and if you had one you wouldn't have to deal with 1) parents kicking you out 2) having to be a single parent...
Kera: about that...
My heart sinks into my arse as I see that message pop up..
Me: kera.
Me: wtf is going on.
Kera: um..y/e/n showed up at my apartment last night...
Me: your jokin- you've got to be...
Kera: Me and Dan ended having to call the police because he started to get aggressive and took a swing at me, he kept screaming about how you were whore and shite like that..
Kera: I'm so sorry..
"Mére? (Mother?)"
Me: I'll message you later.
"Yeah bébé? êtes-vous d'accord?"
(Are you okay?) I say as I turn off my phone and look up to see Lola staring at me with a worried expression, her bottom lip jutted out in a sad pout.
"Why you look triste?" She says softly, this sweet girl is only one years old but already so observant, "I'm okay chérie I was just messaging auntie kera, she wanted to know how you were doing, she was proud of you climbing onto the bed this morning!" I say, making it so she couldn't see my anxiousness, she's too young to understand the issues with her prick of a father just yet.
"Really?!" Lola says gleefully.
"Oh yeah she was so proud of you! Said your really starting to grow up now, were your pancakes good amour?" Kera didn't actually say that but she definitely thought something like that, and she must've enjoyed the pancakes AND smoothie because both her cup and plate were empty.
"délicieuse mama!" She says with a cute giggle, I chuckle a bit with a smile and grab her plate and cup along with mine and place them in the dishwasher, which is a godsend when you have a little one.
Once I cleaned up I sat Lola down on her bean bag infront of where I was sat on the couch as I started to do her hair whilst she watched Peppa pig, Lola got the thick hair gene from me and its already really long and thick even though she's still young, so I always put her hair in space buns or braids so I don't have to worry about her getting food e.t.c in her hair during the day.
As I'm brushing through her hair my phone rings and I look over to see its the guy I set up a date with on tinder last night.
OH MERDE! I forgot to tell him Lola would be with us, the whole reason she was originally going over to my sisters was so our date here could be just us, cus' no offence to Lola but its not a good first impression to have 1 year old sitting in on your 1 on 1 date, I did put mother of one in my profile but still-
I pick it up and use my shoulder to hold it up against my ear so I can still brush lolas hair,
Me: hi- um- Logan?
Logan: yeah that's me, I'm just calling to ask which apartments yours? I forgot..
Me: apartment 306 but logan I have to tell you something really important...and I'm hoping it won't put you off our date..
Logan: uuh okay? What is it? You got two heads or somethin'?
I chuckle slightly before replying
Me: no no, don't have two heads...but..um..you know how in my profile I said I'm a mum of one? Well..
Come on, THINK Espèce de salope stupide! You can't just say your daughter didn't wanna go cus her cousin is mean to her!
Me: my sister isn't able to babysit my daughter whilst we're having our date so she's gonna be here, I would take her to her grandparents but they kind of...want nothing to do with me OR her..
It was silent for a bit and my head starts to gonna bonkers as I comb an anti frizz product through lolas hair.
Me: I'm so sorry, I can reschedule..logan?
Logan: how old is she?
Me: one, her names Lola..
At the mention of her name Lola turns around and shouts "HI! THAS ME!"
I hear logan chuckle down the phone and I chuckle along with him as she turns back around to continue watching the episode of peppa pig.
Logan: she sounds sweet, and it's fine don't have to reschedule, anything else?
Me: do you wanna say hi? The only thing she knows is that a "guest" is coming over
Logan: uuhh..sure? I've never been around kids before though..
Me: that's okay! Lola's got the mind of a 3 year old basically, don't know how though her dad's a douchebag- lemme put you on speaker.
I put logan on speaker and place the phone on my lap.
Logan: hey bubs!
"Hello Monsieur! I'm Lola!" She says happily as she swings her legs back and forth.
I hear logan chuckle quietly to himself.
Logan: I'm Logan! You bein' good for your mom right now?
"Yeth I am! I always am, right mama?" She says, tilting her head back to look at me with her big Hazel eyes. "Oui chérie~ always a good girl for mummy!"
Logan: raising your kid to be bilingual?
Me: Oui! Yeah I'm half french and her dad is fully french, her french is still slightly limited though.
Logan: well i don't know a word of French apart from bonjour, I'll be there in around 20 minutes, some as- idiot is holding up traffic infront of me.
Me: okay, I still need to get dressed anyways, I'll seen you soon, say bye-bye Lola!- BYE BYE MONSIEUR!
Logan: Haha! Bye bye Lola! I'll see you soon.
And with that the call ends, I've finished Lolas hair and ads are now playing on the TV so I pick Lola up and walk to my bedroom "chérie bébé can you help mama pick what to wear?" I say to her as I plonk her down on my bed, "o' course mama!"
I smile softly and go over to my wardrobe, opening it up by slide the door over to the right.
Lola ended up helping me choose:
(Minus shoes & bag)
I put my hair into two plaits and by the time I've finished that and put a bit makeup on aswell as perfume me and Lola hear the doorbell ring, and I managed to pick her up before she makes a run for the door, and I carry her in one arm as her pink knitted jumper covered arms are wrapped around my neck tightly.
I open the door to a rugishly handsome logan stood wearing:
"Hi.." I say softly with a warm smile, "hey.." He replies with the same level of softness in his tone along with a bit of gruffness which makes him sound like he smokes cigars, although he looks like the type of guy that would, "mama why does he look like so grumpy-" "l-lola!" I exclaim in shock "I'm so sorry she has no filter, you'd she wouldn't cus' she's one but nope- again I'm so sorry" I apologise as I feel heat rise to my cheeks in embarrassment.
"It's alright, not the first time I've heard somethin like that," his gaze moves from me to Lola who's still in my arms, "hey bubs, it's me, logan." He says softly, although he doesn't show it on his face, I can hear the nervousness in his voice. Lola smiles excitedly "bonjour!" She says with a slight giggle, and I see Logan's visibly untense, just slightly though; I move out of the doorway so he can walk in, he sits down on the stool by the door after I've locked it and takes off his shoes and places them on the shoe rack.
"Sorry in advance if you step on any toys, I didn't have time to clean up before you got here, was traffic okay?" I say as I set Lola down and she waddles over to Logan, she doesn't say anything, just stands there staring up at him, arms by her side, "No worries, and yeah it was okay," he must've felt Lola's eyes on him as he looks down at her, I watch them both as they practically have a staring match with eachother.
After a couple minutes she's lifts her arms up and starts to do grabby hands and says "can you I have uppies?" He looks up at me as if to say 'is it okay?' And I nod with a small smile and he carefully and hesitantly picks up, one arm under bum and the hand of his other arm supporting her back, she squeals in glee and starts to play with his mildly profound sideburns, and he looks at me again, this time as if silently saying 'what the fuck is this child doing?'
and I can't help but laugh at his expression, he looks at Lola and says sarcastically "havin' fun there kiddo?", and Lola just nods rapidly with a big smile still plastered on her face because she doesn't understand sarcasm yet.
"Mama hith hair is s' soft! Like a cat!" She's says with - again- zero filter and I can't help but laugh harder to the point where I start wheezing because her words combined with logans dumbfounded expression is sending me.
"I-i'm- BAHAHAA- I'm- hehe- so sorry, like I said she has zero filter and-" I move closer to him whilst still giggling slightly and I run the back of my hand across his other sideburn "your hair is quite soft, so she's right about that," I move my gaze to Lola "but chérie remember not everyone likes physical touch as much as mama does" I say, softly reminding her that not everyone is okay with being petted 24/7, as a mum you have to get used to that, but from the way Logan has been these past few minutes it's clear he doesn't have children of his own.
"Ooh Oui, I'm sorry Mr.." she apologies with a slight sad pout as she stops petting his sideburns, "i-its alright, just uh..not used to so much attention I guess...don't have kids of my own you see.." He says and apprehensively starts to stroke Lolas hair that's in a low bun, slowly becoming more comfortable as she snuggles into his broad shoulder.
We walk over to the couch and sit down next to eachother after I grab a tray of snacks and drinks from the kitchen, of which include two glasses of apple juice and a sippy cup of apple juice, popcorn, crisps, strawberries, various chocolate and some toddler snacks for Lola, "So I'm guessing you live by yourself?" Logan asks as I put on netflix on the TV, "yeah, it's just me and Lola, my bestfriend lives about 20 minutes away but she's a doctor at the local doctors office so she's always busy, and my other friends are regular people in their 20's who don't have to worry about kids either.." I say, hoping he doesn't ask about my parents, but it's just my luck when I hear logan say "and your parents?"
"My parents and I don't exactly get along...i got pregnant when I was 19, I was a freshman in college and when my parents found out they said to me that I can't get an abortion because they see it as a sin, even though they aren't religious, and that I was a disgusting w-word and needed to leave their house, thankfully my aunt helped me out and let me stay with her, she helped me through my whole pregnancy and helped me get a job and a place of my own...I haven't spoken with my parents since I told them.." Lola plonks herself on my lap when she sees my sad expression and lays her head on my breasts in an attempt to comfort me, and it works, I look up at Logan and he has an unreadable expression on his face, I may be good at reading people, but he was impossible to read.
Logan places a hand on Lolas head and starts to stroke her again and the hand of the arm behind my head that rests on the back of the couch begins to stroke my hair aswell, "That's cruel of them to treat you like that, I'm guessing it was unplanned?" He says sincerely, "yeah, but I couldn't have asked for a better baby, and when her dad found out he...well he..h-he.." I start to tear up and I blink to try and push back the tears, "don't cry mama, i's here!" Lola says sweetly as she snuggles into my chest more, and in her defence it does help because a small warm smile spreads across my face, as logans moves his hand to rub my shoulder, and still continues to pet Lola's hair, "yeah don't cry, I'm guessing he hasn't exactly been the best dad...".
Damn this guys gonna make me melt!
"Mhm, I've mainly been raising Lola alone, with the help of my aunt and bestfriend...thank you for being so okay with the whole, having a kid thing and said kid being here on our first date...most guys go to message then see the mum bit and then bugger off...", I say, It's true though, most guys I get matched with won't even message if I match with them.
Logan offers me a gentle smile before saying something that has me utterly shocked "why would they do that? You'd think guy's nowadays would want a Milf.."
Oh. My. Giddy. Aunt.
Did this handsome hunk of a man just call me a MILF!? I mean I'm flattered but putain de merde!
"Mama what's a Milf?" My jaw drops as my head rapidly turns to Lola who's now looking up at me with her cheek squished against my chest with an innocent smile.
oh mon Dieu!
"I'll tell you when your older amour.." my gaze turns to logan who's sat there with a cheeky smirk on his face, that actually looks similar to Lola's oddly enough, "I...I don't know what to say- I mean I'm flattered! Definitely I just...I've never had anyone refer to me as that before.." I say, still flabbergasted, "well...its tr-" Logan doesn't even finish his sentence because Lola decided to crawl over to him and stand inbetween his legs on the couch like she did earlier, just staring at him blankly, and he does the same but for him it's out of pure confusion, it's kinda weird...like when two cats look at eachother.
After a minute or so Lola is laying on Logan's chest watching the movie she chose 'the Willoughbys' snuggled the same way she was this morning and I remember the promise I made to Kera this morning that I'd send her a picture if it happened again so when they're both not looking I pull out my phone and take a picture to send to Kera:
I send the picture to Kera before turning off my phone and lean my head on Logan's shoulder, but not before grabbing a couple pieces of chocolate, eating one before feeding Logan the other.
It's now 5pm and since it's winter is almost fully dark outside and Lola is sat watching peppa pig again as Logan helps me cook dinner, I said I could do it by myself but his response once 'I know you can, I don't doubt that but I want to help.' And so now he's making the cheese sauce to go with the pasta and I'm putting the garlic bread in the oven, it's basically silent apart from Lola's occasional giggle and honk from the TV until logan breaks the silence, "could I stay the night? As long as its okay with you obviously....I just think that if I go home...I won't be able to not worry about the little one."
He just referred to Lola is 'little one', I think I might die of cuteness overload, he's such a gruff rugid masculine man and yet he's such a softie, who would've thought?
"Yeah sure! But be warned if you wake up to toddler morning breath and Lola asleep on you at 3am I won't be giving sympathy...but definitely a bit of empathy- also she drools..like alot," I say the last part with a giggle and on cue me and Logan hear the adorable pitter-patter of Lola's small fluffy sock covered feet get closer and closer to us until she's standing between us and looking up at us both with a sad pout, "mama will Mr logan have t' leave after din' dins'?" She says, her tone melancholy, "actually baby Mr logan is gonna be having a sleepover tonight!" I say cheerfully, and she let's out an excited exaggerated gasp as her eyes light up in joy, she starts to jump up at down and squeal happily which makes both me and Logan chuckle at her adorable-Ness, "EEEEE! YAYYY!" He Logan picks her up and she nuzzled her head into his neck affectionately, "Awwh~ but like I said she does drool-" "I don' drool mama!" Lola says with a gasp "Oh yes you do chérie!" I say with a giddy smile as I stir the past that's boiling in the pot as Logan does the same with the cheesy pasta sauce.
All three of us are now sat at the coffee table on the floor leaned up against the couch eating the cheesy pasta along with garlic bread, but for Lola, her garlic bread its cut up into small pieces so it's easier to chew, "tell me why you let your one year old watch a cheesy romcom?" Logan says before shoving a piece of garlic bread into his mouth, whole, "It was the only thing I could stand watching when I was pregnant with Lola...that and weirdly action movies, also Lola loves them and who am I to deny my child the right to watch a cheesy romcom", I say shoveling a fork full of pasta into my mouth, "bu' is gross when dey kiss!" Lola says in a disgusted tone "Oh really bubs? So what would happen if I did this?" And before I knew it I felt Logan's lips on mine in a gentle apprehensive kiss..
Ooh, mon dieu!
We both pull away after 5 seconds of pure bliss when we hear a disgusted "EEWW!", from Lola, me and Logan giggle and go back to eating the pasta, except now one of Logan's large veiny hands rests on my left thigh and his thumb rubs small comforting circles on it.
"So...is it okay if I ask about uh..her dad?" He whispers the last two words cautiously, well here goes nothing, "his names y/e/n (your ex's name), and we got together in high-school senior year, my parents always hated him, it's a real Gilmore girls situation, and well...when freshman year of college started, he started to become more....how do I say it?" Thankfully Logan answered for me "toxic?" With a sigh I reply "yeah..and then one night when we were both drunk...one thing led to another and the next morning my best friend was holding me as I sobbed holding the positive pregnancy test...when he found out when I was around 3 weeks pregnant....it went south- and quickly...long story short I nearly lost...Lola. And I was in the ICU for nearly a month, and during that time I found out he had been cheating on me.."
Logan stays silent and so do I, Lola has finishes her food by now considering she had a way smaller portion, she climbs into my lap and just continues to watch the movie, after a while Logan speaks up, "....I'll make sure to make up for all of that pain you went through...this little one is gonna be my add on aswell, I'll make up for all that lost time.." my eyes start to fill with tears of joy and Logan kisses away the ones that I'm not able to hold back.
Lord help me I've fallen already.
The dishes are now done and put away, Lola is in her Pj's and so am I, Logan is in his boxers and one of my huge oversized shirts that I wore in my 3rd trimester because everything else was mega uncomfortable, but somehow it looks like a regular shirt on him, if anything a bit small.
The room is dimly lit, the only light illuminating the room is the TV and the fire that's roaring in the fire place, engulfing the room in a warm cozy glow.
All three of us are sat on the couch watching 'to all the boys I've loved before' and I'm doing Lola's hair for bed whilst she drinks a bottle of warm milk and honey whilst I have tea and logan black coffee, apparently he can still sleep fine after drinking it which confused me, "mama are you and Mr logan boyfrien an girlfrien'?" Logan nearly chokes his coffee whilst I sit there gobsmacked, jaw dropped and eyes wide in shock, "Um...yeah? Yeah we're boyfriend and..girlfriend. yep."
"Otay!" Lola says cheerfully before sinking back into my lap and watching the movie, me and logan look at eachother he kisses me on the temple.
Me, logan and Lola are tucked up in my bed, Lola started to nod off at around 7:48 which was past her bedtime but unfortunately because of the stubborn Ness she got from me, she kept resisting the sleepy urges but passed out eventually. Right now Logan has Lola asleep - and to no one's surprise - drooling, and snuggled against his broad chest, and I'm the other side of the human sandwich, the back of Lola's head pressed against my chest, my breathe mingling with Logan's as his arm is wrapped over us both protectively.
"Were you serious when you said...that..you'd take care of Lola? Like..
Co-parenting?" I whisper softly, looking into his enchanting eyes, "Yes and yes...I've only known this little add on for less than 24 hours and I'm already attached as hell...and you won't have to worry, never again.."
"Our little add on and you chérie.."
We share one more warm loving kiss to officially end our day and fall into a dream filled sleep about eachother with
Our little add on.
A/n: So this took me like over 3 hours to write and also the translations for all the french is here:
Chérie: sweetheart
Mon Dieu: oh god
Merde: shit
putain de merde: Holy shit
Bébé: baby
Maman: mum
And you can't tell me that logan wouldn't be a big softie when it comes to babies, he's such a gruff masculine buff guy but would be so gentle and caring when it comes to kids, and also I'm putting a little face claim that can be an idea of what Lola looks like:
Hope you enjoyed reading this!
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