Okay, so every role play has it's rules. I'm going to make this as short and sweet as possible, but please, by an honor system, I'm counting on you to read it. Don't just go digging for the password. (I see you...)
General Rules
No godmodding. That means, no controlling anyone's character except for your own, INCLUDING their thoughts. Your character should have no idea what another character is thinking about something, even if the admin puts it right into the text. Maybe you know, but Susie doesn't. Okay? RP in third person. *cringe*. That's what I do when I see someone trying to roleplay in first person. It's kinda creepy to think you're your own character, don't you think? And you probably won't be able to accept it when nobody likes them or they aren't perfect, because that's a reflection of you. Just Ew. No perfect characters. Everyone has flaws, if they didn't, the world would be a weird and boring place. Maybe the Hollywood elite look perfect, but we all know....they are not! Be active. Since this happens to be a roleplay that you may need to reserve a specific roll, it's not really fair to take a good one and then POOF. you're gone, so NO ONE ELSE can have it. Be courteous to others and only take a role if you will be active.
Application Rules
Be descriptive. If you haven't noticed yet, this is a literate roleplay. That means that your writing skill needs to be substantial if you want to participate. Writing is more than actions...it's thoughts, feelings, backstory, foreshadowing....hell, this isn't a writing workshop. You get it. Be creative. Your characters? I want them to blow me away. Like, so different from one another. Think of yourself - you are not a one dimensional human being, and neither should your character. Add layers of personality. Not everyone can be everyone's best friend - some people have to be brooding, or cocky, or even a little annoying. Female to male ratio. You may have multiple characters, but it must be one female and one male. As in...you can't have two female characters in play at once. Try a male character, they're always needed. Be true to your OC. HOLY CRAP, I can't STAND when someone makes their character react to something TOTALLY DIFFERENT THAN HOW THEY WOULD USUALLY ACT because they don't want to be the bad guy, or they don't want the other admin character to not like them. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, how you write your character is how they MUST be. You can't have a scowling, unapproachable chick suddenly be the belle of the ball because you want her to have a boyfriend. Pfft. Real human face claims only. It's real life, and all.
In Roleplay Rules
500 character MINIMUM per response. See that little counter in the bottom right of your text box? Yeah, that's keeping track of how much you write. I expect you to be able to complete around 500 characters per response, MINIMUM. that's about 8 lines. If you do more, great, and it's encouraged. A little under is okay, maybe within 50 - 75 characters. Add drama. Please, I know that I'm the admin and all, but 20 heads are better than one. So feel free to add in your own bits of drama to keep things fresh - I'm okay with people adding in some details or even characters for this purpose, as long as it's cleared through me first via pm. Smut. We're all creepy and stalk chains to see what's going on with other people. But, keep any smut private in PM. Random Occurrences. Yes, I've decided that I may institute some random occurrences in this rp that many very well effect your character. If you're not okay with some spurts of randomness, then this isn't the RP for you.
Misc. Rules
No fighting. If you have a disagreement with another person, I can mediate via a private thread somewhere else, or be a third person over pm. If you can't settle your differences, just stay away from each other, it's that simple. STRIKES. If I have to remind you to refer to the rules (which means your not following them) three times, you will be put on probation from the roleplay until I can figure out if you are able to come back for another chance. Do not spam. give a partner ample time to respond, which is at least a day before tagging. Password. Your password should be what your character's favorite breakfast food is and three tags as well. Have fun. If you're no longer enjoying this rp, well, feel free to leave. I want everyone to have a really grand old time while we're all here and that's the bottom line :) I'm not a tyrant, I swear, just been through lots of bs on this website xD Haven't we all!
Slayton24 is also an admin here so please listen at all times.
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