Chapter Twenty Two: Consequences are coming
~Delirious POV~
I awoke with a another headache and rubbed my eyes. I looked around my new surroundings and saw I was only a few inches away from a small bed. It had faded blue blankets draped over the side and a fluffy white teddy bear sitting in the middle of the bed. I stood up and approached the teddy with a big black smile sewed on expertly that was warm and inviting. I picked the bear and saw behind the ear was stitched on sloppily was I love you John. I dropped the the bear and backed away from it.
"Adam," I screamed out and fell onto my butt. I scooted away from the bear until my back hit a icy cool wall. I screamed and heard a door crash open. I looked at the feminine figure, bruises decorated her fragile thin frame, her brown hair was put up in a ponytail, and her brown eyes were looking around the room until she saw me. "J-john can you see me," she stuttered out. I only nodded and kept on looking at her. "Johnathan that teddy bear is from Evan. I was suppose to give it to you in the morning but you had left. I wanted to give it to you sooner but things happened....." she just trailed off.
"So why now!" I screamed at her and balled my fist up.
"Because John I was dying so I brought it here," she said softly.
"Wait what do you mean dying?"
"Well you see I was dying but now I'm dead," she said even softer.
"Then how can I see you," I cried out and put my hands on my aching head.
"Calm down," she said walking towards me.
"No I'm sick and tired of all of this," I yelled. She flinched and stepped back to her original spot she stood at. "I don't want to see you. I want to be normal for once. Have him here next to me and we could be cuddling. Not dealing with seeing your ghost, killing innocent people, and everything else!"
"Things happen for a reason though," she said with a smile.
"No. None of this should have happened at all. It was fate that me and Evan met then fell in love with each other. But it was him who ran away from fate and hid from it," I said with anger dripping and stabbing each word. Her smile became a frown and she looked down at the floor.
"John I just want to say sorry," she said with her voice cracking.
"For what," asked her as I stood up.
"Evan never wanted to leave he wanted to stay. He never wanted leave your side. I forced him to come and led him to a place I thought was safe. Instead I caused all of this," she said with her voice cracking.
"No, maybe there is a reason for this to happen. Like you said. So don't blame yourself, please. It was a good thing to do at the time before I ruined your plans," I said as I sat back down.
"John I ju-."
"Shhhhh. Anna think of people lives as books. Sometimes they are joined by the best person ever and have the happiest ending. But others are forced to live with the opposite kind of book. Until an amazing person joins that horrible story and rewrites the ending to make the fairytale ending. Then others that are unlucky die because no one rewrote their endings. I already had my story rewritten by Evan so I will have my happy ending. I will have my fairytale kind of ending with my Evan," I finished with a big smile.
"So your not mad at all for me basically taking Evan away?" I only nodded and looked over at seeing her now smiling. "John you are an amazing person. I bet other people would enjoy just listening to you," she said with a giggle. I only shrugged and leaned against the wall.
"So Anna I have a small question. Did you come here alone?" She looked confused for a second then nodded.
"I have to go now John. It was great meeting you again," she said with a big smile. I waved as she ascended up through the ceiling. Then darkness was my vision as I felt my body being shook repeatedly.
~Tyler's POV~
I listened to Evan as he read a short little poem thingy.
"Then there was three, oh dear, oh me, oh my. Two birdies were killed by each other's stones. Will you be next?"
"That was so completely pointless to read," I complained.
"Maybe there's something we're missing," he asked as he held the note up to the setting sun.
"We are missing nothing it's very obvious what the note is telling us. We are going to die by eating fried chicken," I said with a laugh. He chuckled and stuffed the note in his back left pocket.
"It's getting late out fast want to crash here," I asked.
"There is dead bodies in the house so of course I would love to crash here," he said with sarcasm oozing from each word.
"Fine then let's get going," I said as I began to walk out the doors.
"Wait are not looking for anymore clues?"
"No, it's getting late out so why not go now."
"What's wrong with the darkness?"
"Nothing at all but can we go now," asked him. I heard footsteps steps walking towards me and a quiet yup from Evan. We walked down the steps and began a quiet walk back to our houses. I looked up at the sky and saw the fluffy white clouds surrounded by beautiful shades of purples, pinks, and oranges. But as time dragged on the colors faded and darkness swallowed them. Stars twinkled and the moon shined brightly in the dark mass around them.
"Wow, Tyler look at the beautiful night sky," Evan said snapping me away from my thoughts I had lost myself in.
"It is beautiful but I would prefer the sun and fluffy white clouds over this," I said as we slowed our walking speed.
"I disagree with you the night sky reminds anyone that even though darkness is everywhere. Light is always there to help guide you," Evan said with a small smile.
"Whatever you believe dude." He nodded and kept on looking up at the night sky. I looked around and saw fireflies dancing around flashing there lights. Maybe Evan's right, night isn't that bad.
"Looks like your house is coming up soon," Evan said softly. I only nodded as I took in the beauty one last time as my house came into view. "It is shame that we are leaving this beautiful place," Evan said softly.
"Yup, but don't worry we'll come back to this," I said with a small smile.
"What do you mean we," he asked.
"Oh nothing, hey here's my house see you tomorrow morning," I said quickly as I retreated into my house. I heard a faint goodbye through my door and I walked into my bedroom. His scent remained wrapped up on the blankets.
I missed him.
I wanted him.
I needed him.
I thought to myself as I drifted off to sleep in the blankets we shared.
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