Chapter Seventeen: Goodbyes
~Delirious POV~
Each step I took my heart beat faster. He was chasing me holding a knife through a green forest. My legs ached and my chest felt like it was about to burst. I glanced behind me and saw him still running. His raven black hair bounced on top of his head and his chocolate brown eyes were filled with anger.
I turned back around and almost jumped over a branch. I fell face first onto the hard ground. I hissed from pain and rolled over. A twig snapped and I heard a giggle.
"Evan please," I said with pain.
"Where's your little new boyfriend now," he said ending it with another giggle.
"I-I don't know," I stuttered out.
"It's a shame he stole your heart," he said with sadness.
"You left and have been gone for forever," I yelled at him. He frowned and walked closer to me.
"No no no Evan stop," I said with panic ripping each word apart.
"I'm sorry but your heart is mine. Forever," he yelled and lunged on me. He sat on my chest holding the knife above my heart.
"I love you," he said before plunging the knife inches away from my heart. I screamed in pain and saw him take the knife out. He pulled it up to his face which had a large grin. He giggled and looked at my then at me.
"S-stop," I wheezed out.
"No," he stated emotionless. I yelped as his weight became heavier on me. I gasped for air and my vision became blurry. I saw the blurry knife blade began to be plunged in my heart.
"Evan stop," yelled a male voice that had an accent. Evan sat frozen in time and the knife inches from my heart.
"Get off the lad and leave," yelled the male voice seeping with anger. Evan nodded and got off of me. I inhaled the air and my vision became less blurry.
"I have a message for you Johnathan now, listen closely," said the male. I nodded and just laid down looking up at the dark sky.
"Good, either you wake up and feel some pain of heart or stay here forever."
"I choose to wake up," I said quickly.
"Okay, good bye Delirious," said the voice.
"Wait whose Del-," I got cut off bye a large object smacked on my head. As the pain faded I opened my eyes and saw Luke hovering over me moving his mouth.
Then I heard his sweet voice "-than Johnathan."
"Hi Luke," I said with a smile. He grabbed me and pulled me up to his chest gently.
"Don't ever do that again," he cried out.
"Do what," I questioned him and looked up at him. His brown eyes were glassy and puffy. He just held me closer and sniffles. I wiggled out of his grasp and pecked his soft pink lips.
"I love you," I whispered to him.
"I love you too," he said with his cheek turning a light shade of pink.
"Hey love birds we're almost to our destination," chirped a voice tucked away from my view.
"Oh okay, thanks Adam," Cartoonz chirped.
"What destination and who is Adam," I asked Cartoonz.
"Your destination is your new place and Adam is our most highly valued spy who will be taking us to said place," Luke said completely happily. It was as if what happened was a stupid dream. I wonder who that was and what the message was about. I won-. I snapped out of my thoughts by gunfire.
"Adam you said that you told them we were going the other way," Cartoonz yelled out with anger.
"I did just calm down. They'll recognize me and stop there gunfire," Adam yelled back.
"No, because what if they recognize me or even Johnathan," Cartoonz yelled. Then a loud boom drowned out whatever Adam yelled back.
"Stop the vehicle right now," yelled a voice with an Irish accent present.
"Hey man I'm just going home," Adam yelled back.
"Sorry but I'm going to have ye get out and any of your passengers," the guy said slowly as if he was reading a sheet of paper.
"Just me passing through," Adam said hopping out.
"Okay I'm going to search the back," said the voice louder as it came closer to our door. I heard a click next to me and saw Cartoonz holding a shiny silver handgun.
"Get to the other side right now," Cartoonz whispered in my ear and pecked my cheek. I nodded and tipptoed over to the side quietly.
~Lui POV~
~One hour before ~
First day of training me and Dathi were pulled to go help a battle along with a few other guys. We were walking in groups close together I was squeezed in between a random guy and Dathi who both towered over me. Off in the distance I saw a bright yellow butterfly in the distance. I tugged on Dathi's hem of his dull green shirt.
"What do ye want Lui," he said with his accent that makes my heart ache for him.
"Oh sorry I got sucked in my thoughts but look at the butterfly," I said with pride and pointed at it.
"Wow it's a real butterfly," he said with a chuckle.
"It's a long way from home but maybe one day this field will have tons of butterflies," I said with a giggle.
"Lui you dream big and hey is that on of those fancy vehicles," he said pointing to cloud of dust in the distance.
"I don't see it," I whined.
"How about if ye get on my shoulders and ye'll see it." I nodded and he grabbed my hand and tugged me out of group of sweaty men. His hands were soft and I didn't want to let go.
"Can we stay like this forever."
"I wish."
"Well Dathi will you be my wonderful b-," I got cut off by panicked shouting.
"What's going on," he said and let go of my hand.
"I don't know, why don't we go see," I said stretching out my hand. He ignored my hand like it was a dead fish and walked over to the panicked people. I sighed and took one glance at the butterfly. It was laying on a rock not moving it was dead.
"Lui are you going to stand there forever," Dathi shouted.
"No I'm coming," I said back and walked over to him.
"Hey you two stop that vehicle and just read off the paper what to say next," snapped a tall lady with her light blonde hair in a tight ponytail. We both nodded and Dathi grabbed the paper.
We walked down the barren landscape not saying a word to each other. Every minute I would glance at the dust cloud growing larger and the trail coming into view. Time dragged on but I made it to our destination with him trailing behind me.
"So ye ready to stop a vehicle," he said with a big smile. I only nodded and looked at the approaching vehicle. It hovered over the ground stirring up the dusty road, it was painted a bright red, and the doors had small black skulls on the bottom of them.
"Can we get one of those one day," I said letting my brain speak.
"Sure but I'm driving, always," he said with a huge grin.
"Speaking of driving you make the driver get out, I'll watch him, and you'll go search the back," I said while looking up at him.
"Sure I'll do that," he said with a nod. Bang. I jumped a little and heard a barrage of shots following that one shot.
"Hey look who look at who finally arrived," he said pointing at the vehicle.
"Say you're lines then," I said and he cleared his throat.
"Stop the vehicle right now," he yelled. As quickly as he yelled the driver stopped.
"Hey man I'm just going home," someone yelled back.
"Sorry but I'm going to have ye get out and any of your passengers," Dathi read from the paper. He finished and looked at me with a goofy grin. I gave him a thumbs up and pointed at the vehicle.
"Just me passing through," the guy said as he was hopping out.
"Okay I'm going to search the back," Dathi said as he walked away.
"So um where you heading man," I said looking up at the guy.
"Just going home," he said looking down at me.
"All alone?"
"Yup," he said and shoved his hands in his pockets.
"You coming back to a special som-," I was cut off by a shot. Dathi body fell backwards throwing dust up. I grabbed my gun out of it's holster and ran over to Dathi. I looked up and saw a bearded guy holding a gun. I ducked and clicked off my safety. I quickly popped up and squeezed my trigger. I shot his head dead center.
"Lui," wheezed Dathi below me. I fell to my knees next him and the tears came one after each other. I pulled his head in my lap carefully.
"Lui don't cry please," he said lifting his arm and stroking my cheek.
"Why your dying," I cried out.
"I'm f-fine," he stuttered.
"No you're bleeding out on the ground."
"At least I'm dying with the man I love," he said trying to smile.
"I love you Dathi." His hand stopped moving and his chest stopped moving. His eyes stayed open and blood still poured onto the ground making a pool of his crimson blood.
"Goodbye my little butterfly."
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