Chapter Fifteen: Love?
~Vanoss POV ~
"I've got a few minutes so let's get this over and done with," I said bitterly.
"Okay," she said trying not to grin. I closed the door and we walked into the living room. She plopped onto the white plush couch and I leaned against the wall.
"So are you going to talk or not," I said looking at her.
"Okay so let's begin with your little sister. Anna," she said with a serious tone.
"Okay, I'll listen," I stated.
~Delirious POV ~
My eyes fluttered open and looked around my dark room. Little sunlight poking through the curtains let me know the sun was setting. I groaned and stood up with ease.
"Dabria are you back yet," I said into the room. My voice echoed back and heard no one.
"Come on Dabria don't hide. I'm sorry about this morning," I said as tears welled up.
"Shut up I'm trying to concentrate you little brat," she hissed she said inside the bathroom. I wiped my eyes as little drops fell.
"What are you doing?" I whispered.
"Nothing, just stay put in there," she said with slight concern. I rolled my eyes and walked over to my dresser. I pulled out random clothes and threw them on my messy bed. I then walked over to my closet and grabbed a blue suitcase with a white rose embroidered on the right side. I dragged it over to my bed and tossed it next to my mountain of clothes.
I opened it and looked inside of the suitcase. Inside nicely folded clothes stacked on top of each other, a map lay folded on top, an owl feather was stitched to the top of the inner suit case, and the shirt lay on top of a corner of the map. I picked up the shirt held it close to me like a teddy bear. Although some of his scent has mostly faded away I could still smelled him.
"I thought you stopped doing that," said a gruff male voice behind me. I dropped the shirt and spun around. Leaning against the door way was a bearded male with a tux that didn't suit him at all.
"W-who are you," I stuttered.
"Your worst nightmare," he said keeping a straight face.
"Go ahead and kidnap me. Maybe being kidnapped is better then staying in this house," I said boldly. He slowly clapped and then fell into a fit of laughter.
"What's so funny," I questioned.
"I'm not here to kidnap you I'm here to take you to your new place," he wheezed.
"Ha ha ha so funny. I can see why you're a mess of laughter now," I said with anger seeping each word. He stopped laughing and looked me. His brown eyes looking at me a smirk grew on his face.
"What now Mr. Tux guy," I yelled at him.
"Names Cartoonz," he said as he got closer to me. My heartbeat began skip and a blush crawled onto my face. In front of me he slowly leans foreword. I felt time slow down even more the closer he got. A few inches away from my face he reaches behind me. My face is now a bright red and I shut my eyes waiting for a kiss to be planted. His hot breath near me slowly moves away and I open my eyes. He's no longer in front of me but walking away with my suitcase.
"Where are you going," I asked as my face slowly turns back to pale. He turned around with a huge grin.
"You're cute Jonathan," he winked and left out the door.
"Cartoonz get back here," I yelled as tears fell down. I fell down on my knees and just sobbed. My heart has yearned for Evan for so long. No one could make my heart beat that way he made it until now. Maybe it's been too long since Evan has been here. Or maybe this Cartoonz guy could be the one.
I felt strong warm arms wrap around me and pull me close. Soft circles were rubbed into my back. I couldn't help myself and buried my head into the crook of his neck. All I felt was love and so safe. I smiled and sleep tugged at my eyelids.
"Sleep Johnny. You've stayed up countless nights hoping for his return but I'm here for you to help you move on," he cooed. "I love you Cartoonz," I mumbled as I snuggled closer to him. Darkness fell upon me faster than these five years.
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