(turns video camera on in Lizzy's room)
Lizzy: Hello everyone! Today is Wednesday and I don't know what we are doing today! Jaden fell asleep after classes were through and Yugi is out because Joey's birthday was a few days ago and now Yugi's celebrating with him and his friends. Shoutout to Joey Wheeler with a late birthday greeting!! But anyway, it's just me and Yusei here for now. (walks out of her room) Hey Yusei, what are you doing?
Yusei: (yells from his room) I'm working!
Lizzy: Working? But we didn't have that much homework today.
Yusei: Not that kind of work! I'm doing other work.
Lizzy: Oh.......I wanna see!!!!!!!! (runs to his room) Whoa, are you building an engine?!
Yusei: (chuckles) No, I'm fixing one. I wish I had the time to actually build one.
Lizzy: Oh okay. Well, that sounds like fun!
Yusei: It is and it's good to have some extra money too.
Lizzy: Oh yeah, I forgot about that....
Yusei: (laughs) Wow, you're such a good friend for forgetting.
Lizzy: Hey!!!!!
Yusei: (laughs more and keeps working on the engine)
Lizzy: (sticks her tongue out at him and walks to the kitchen) I completely forgot that he works on engines to make money. It's like a side job except to him it's more of a hobby. It's almost the same as me doing the journals but he gets paid.
Jaden: (comes into the kitchen and yawns)
Lizzy: Good evening, buddy! Did you come here to find food?
Jaden: (nods)
Lizzy: How about you wait for a bit and I'll make some food?
Jaden: (yawns) Okay.
Lizzy: All right, I made some lasagna by putting it in the oven. (turns to Jaden eating) This guy's pretty happy right now.
Jaden: (nods happily)
Lizzy: Now let's get some food to the other guy. (gets a plate and walks to Yusei's room) Hey, I made food!
Yusei: (stops working) Thanks! (gets the food and starts eating)
Lizzy: Don't work too hard, okay?
Yusei: I'll try not to.
Lizzy: Okay! (walks out of the room) Anyway, thanks for watching today and I'll see you tomorrow for more fun. Bye!!
(turns video camera off)
Thank you for reading this chapter! I hope this was interesting for you and see you next chapter! :)
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