Chapter 2 : Who Is That Engine?
Michael Brandon : "Thomas and Liy were excited that Sir Topham Hatt had given them the job of working with the Narrow Gauge Engines. By the time they reached the Blue Mountain Quarry, they had almost forgotten about Paxton. And then, Thomas and Liy saw what had happened to the bridge."
Thomas : "Oh my!"
Liy : "Good lord, I'm surprised everyone here is still alive! It looks as if my friend Bomby exploded while he was on it."
Skarloey : *Blows His Whistle* "Hello, Thomas and Liy!"
Michael Brandon : "The Narrow Gauge Engines were much smaller than Thomas."
Peter Sam : "Hello, Thomas and Liy!" *Blows His Whistle*
Michael Brandon : "They ran on narrow rails."
Sir Handel : "Hello, Thomas and Liy!" *Blows His Whistle*
Thomas : "Hello, my friends!"
Liy : "I'm so happy to see you guys, my Summer and my life in general is nothing without any of you!"
Thomas : "Rheneas, what happened? Were you in an accident too?"
Liy : "Looking at the bridge, I'm surprised you're still alive."
Rheneas : "Well, I did get a few extra scrapes and scratches. Actually, I could really use a fresh-"
Skarloey *Knows Rheneas Will Make Any Excuse To Get Off Work* : "It could have been worse. Luckily, Rheneas is still safe and in good working order. Ready for-"
Rheneas : "A fresh coat of paint?" *Rheneas, Thomas, And Liy Laugh At Rheneas's Joke*
Liy : "You have no idea how much I missed you guys."
Skarloey : *Gives Them An "Are You Idiots Even Listening To Me?" Face* : "AS I was saying... Ready for work!"
Thomas : "Okay, Skarloey! I'm ready to huff my hardest! Just show me what I need to do."
Liy : "Well I'm obviously not a locomotive like you guys are, so I obviously come to explore and talk to you guys more than work, but you guys are always so nice to me, and I always love to help people out, so I can definitely do some fine jobs here."
Skarloey : "Of course, Liy. Let's get working!" *They All Smile At Each Other As A Song Starts*
Liy : "Wait, is a Song starting? Oh I love singing! I wanna tag along. It's MY Karaoke turn!"
Liy : "Way up into the mountain
Hear the rumble and chuff
Wheels grinding and growling
And funnels puff, ho!
Got to, got to work harder
Shift that slate
Got to, got to go faster
Can't be late
Here we come, up the hill
There we go, what a thrill!
Rocking and rolling, hey! Lifting and loading, hey!
Pulling and pushing, ho! heaving and hauling, hey!
Clanking into the coupling
Cargo ready to roll
Wheels whizzing and whirring
Pull that load
Working through to the sunset
Every day
Trying hard to be useful
Hey, Hey, Hey!
Here we come, up the hill
There we go, what a thrill!
Rocking and rolling, hey! Lifting and loading, hey!
Pulling and pushing, ho! heaving and hauling, hey!
Rocking and rolling, hey! Lifting and loading, hey!
Pulling and pushing, ho! heaving and hauling, hey!
Rocking and rolling, hey! Lifting and loading, hey!
Pulling and pushing, ho! heaving and hauling, hey!
Rocking and rolling, hey! Lifting and loading, hey!
Pulling and pushing, ho! heaving and hauling, hey!
Fanny : "Fine!" *Walks Away*
Liy : "Okay I think that's enough singing. I need to get back to work or else Skarloey might go crazy, hehe."
Michael Brandon : "Thomas and Liy were pleased with their work at the Blue Mountain Quarry. As night fell, they chuffed happily away to Brendam Docks. That night, Thomas slept soundly at Tidmouth Sheds. Liy slept soundly at the motel she always rented whenever she came to Sodor. And their little friends slept soundly in the hills."
Michael Brandon : "The next morning, Thomas and Liy went back to work at the Blue Mountain Quarry. They were shunting cars. Thomas and Liy heard a rattle from inside the tunnel." *The Tunnel Next To Thomas And Liy Starts Rattling*
Liy : "Um, is anyone there?"
Michael Brandon : "Suddenly, a small Green Engine darted out! An Engine Thomas and Liy had never seen before!"
Thomas : *Blows His Whistle* "Hello! I'm Thomas!"
Liy : "And I'm Liy! I'm sure you know me! I'm BFB's greatest contestant!"
Michael Brandon : "But the Engine didn't answer..."
Thomas : "Cinders and Ashes! How strange!"
Liy : "Why did he just take off like that?"
Sir Handel : *Blows His Whistle* "Good morning, Thomas and Liy!"
Thomas : "Good morning, Sir Handel. We've just seen a little Green Engine racing from one tunnel to another. Who is he?"
Liy : "And it wasn't Peter Sam."
Sir Handel : *Concerned* "Well, now... Um... Uh... As sure as these hills are high... Um... I-I don't know... It was probably a run away car, Thomas and Liy. Um, eh, there's lots of those up here." *Blows His Whistle And Puffs Away Worringly*
Michael Brandon : "Thomas and Liy were even more puzzled."
Thomas : "I'm sure that wasn't a runaway car..."
Michael Brandon : "Later, Thomas and Liy saw the Green Engine again!"
Thomas : "Rheneas!"
Rheneas : *Blows His Whistle*
Thomas : "Who is that little Green Engine?"
Rheneas : "Engine? What Engine? I don't know! Uh very busy! Can't stop. Lots to do." *Blows His Whistle*
Liy : "Something Fishy's going on here... I wonder if my friend Taco is playing a joke on us... She has a Fish in her..."
Thomas : "This is very strange..."
Thomas : *Blows His Whistle When He See's The Green Engine Again* "Hello! Please stop! Who are you?"
Liy : "We come in peace."
Michael Brandon : "But the Engine didn't stop. And the Engine didn't talk. Thomas couldn't follow the little Green Engine along the Narrow Gauge rails. His wheels were too big. And there was no way Liy could run after the little Green Engine. She was too slow."
Rusty : *Honks His Horn*
Thomas : "Rusty, do you know a little Green Engine?"
Rusty : *Tries To Act Stupid* "I think... I'm sure I think... It was a Mountain Goat!"
Liy : *Laughs*
Thomas : "It wasn't a Mountain Goat. It was an Engine."
Rusty : "Oh. I'm afraid I can't help then." *Honks His Horn And Drives Away*
Michael Brandon : "Thomas and Liy were even more puzzled."
Thomas : "Merrick!"
Merrick : *Snores*
Liy : *Giggles Cutely*
Thomas : *Blows His Whistle* "Wake up, Sleepy Crane!"
Merrick : *Wakes Up* "Huh? What? Am I missing something?"
Thomas : "Merrick, do you know a little Green Engine?"
Liy : "Besides Peter Sam?"
Merrick : "No, Thomas and Liy, and uh, oh, I think it's my nap time." *Goes Back To Sleep*
Owen : *Laughs At Merrick's Laziness*
Thomas : "Owen! Can you help us? Have you seen a strange Green Engine that pops in and out of tunnels?"
Owen : *Laughs Nervously* "This Quarry is full of Engines that pop in and out of tunnels. Going down. Next stop, Quarry floor!"
Thomas : "No one wants to talk to us!"
Liy : "Okay, I'm starting to get impatient now. Something is NOT right..."
Michael Brandon : "Then, Thomas and Liy saw the little Green Engine again." *The Engine Stops In Front Of Them And Skarloey Realizes Thomas And Liy Found Him*
Thomas : "Wait! Little Engine! Please! Who are you?"
Liy : "I promise, we're really nice!"
Michael Brandon : "The Green Engine stared at Thomas and Liy... And then... He hurried away again."
Luke : "Ah!" *Quickly Puffs Away*
Skarloey : "Hurry, Luke!"
Thomas : *Desperately Chases After Him*
Liy : *So Desperate, She Jumps Out Of Thomas And Runs After Him Despite Obviously Being Slower Than Him*
Michael Brandon : "But Thomas and Liy didn't want to lose him this time!"
Liy : "You're not getting away from us this time, Mr!"
Luke : *Almost Crashes Into Rheneas*
Rheneas : *Gasps* "I'm sorry, Luke!"
Luke : "Oh my!" *Reverses And Bumps Into Sir Handel*
Sir Handel : "Oh no!"
Luke : *Almost Backs Into Peter Sam*
Peter Sam : *Blows His Whistle* "Hello Luke! You're in a hurry and-" *Gasps When He See's Thomas And Liy* "Oh, help!"
Rheneas : *Blows His Whistle And Creates An Exit For Luke* "Luke, over here!"
Luke : "Oh!" *Hurries Into The Tunnel*
Thomas : *Constantly Blows His Whistle*
Liy : *Pants From Running So Much* "He literally gives you a RUN for your money..."
Michael Brandon : "Thomas and Liy had lost the Green Engine. They were upset."
Thomas : "Skarloey! Who is Luke? Why does he keep puffing away? Why will none of you talk to us about him?"
Liy : "Come on, I've known you guys forever!"
Skarloey : "He's a friend, Thomas and Liy."
Thomas : "We're friends! Why won't you tell us about him so that we can be his friends too?"
Michael Brandon : "The Quarry was still and silent... Owen stopped working. And even Merrick woke up."
Skarloey : "Yes, Thomas and Liy. You are our friends. And so, we will trust you both." *All The Engines Whistle And Honk As A Way To Agree And Trust Each Other* "What I am going to tell you, no one else must know... Luke hides here in the Blue Mountain Quarry, because he is scared."
Thomas : "Why?"
Skarloey : "Because once, long ago, Luke did something very bad. He thinks that if anyone finds him, he will be sent away from Sodor... FOREVER..."
Thomas : "Sent away?"
Skarloey : "That's right, Thomas and Liy. Sent away... So, here in the Blue Mountain Quarry, we make sure that our friend Luke ALWAYS stays hidden... That way, no one will find him and he won't be sent away."
Thomas : "What did Luke do that was so bad?"
Skarloey : "You know enough now, Thomas and Liy. And remember, everything you two have heard, you must keep LOCKED in your funnel and both of your mouths!"
Michael Brandon : "In the tunnel, two eyes blinked and disappeared into the darkness..."
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