8 - Tell Me Everything
- Sting -
"You're dumb! I don't like you!" She shouted angrily before she ran away and disappeared into the room. Though I rolled my eyes and slowly followed behind her. As I walked into our bedroom, I seen her legs poking out from under the bed. "You're not very good at hiding from me."
Quickly, she pulled her legs under the bed with a sassy, 'hmph.' But I couldn't help but laugh at her before getting on my knees and poking my head under the bed with her, "Why are you mad at me?"
"Get out!! You're annoying and dumb!! Don't talk to me!" She yelled as her soft little feet began smooshing me in the face as an attempt to get me to go away.
I grabbed her ankles and yanked her out, making her squeal with delight. "Luna, why are you mad?" I asked one more time. Instantly, her smile turned into a frown as she looked away with a pout, "You!"
"What did I do this time?"
"You didn't want to play with me! You promised that we could play together once you finished working."
"Did I? Sorry, I must've forgot. But I'm still working, can we play tomorrow?" I smiled. But she glared at me and wiggled out of my grasp before running out of the room yelling, "You always say that!"
I heaved out a sigh and followed behind her again, watching as she jumped into Rogues arms so carelessly. "What is it Luna? Did the big fat meanie do something to you again?" He baby talked her.
"Big fat meanie...?" I muttered.
She nodded and stuck her tongue out, "Dad never has time for me."
Although I rolled my eyes and snatched her out of Rogues arms, no matter how many times she yelled at me to let her go. "I don't want to go with you! You always break promises!!" She cried. But I smiled down at her and patted her head, "Why don't you come and work with me? You can boss everyone around."
"Really? You've never let me work with you before!" She cheered.
"We could be partners from now on."
Luna gave me a weird look before nodding cockily, "Yeah but you're gonna hold me back."
I clenched my fists in anger and looked over at Rogue, "So whats the plan?" He asked. I shrugged and sighed, "Why do you think she was so scared of me? I didn't do anything to her."
"Well have you seen yourself?" Rogue joked, but I was in no mood for laughing. So many memories of Luna couldn't leave my mind and it was slowly killing me. I need to see her but there was no way Lucy was going to let me get near her any time soon.
"She's not being fair. Does she even realize that I'm Luna's parent too? I should get a say in this."
"No you don't. From what you told me, Lucy's right. You can't just show up out of nowhere. If you wanna see Luna then you have to talk to Lucy first." Rogue explained but there was no way in hell that I was gonna talk to her.
Even though ignoring Lucy is killing me just as much as not seeing Luna, I couldn't help but be furious with her every time we meet. She acts as if that night never happened and that it was no big deal.
- Lucy -
I let out a loud laugh, clasping my stomach from how funny that was. But Natsu didn't find it funny whatsoever, he just glared at me before mumbling, "So me getting hurt is hilarious?"
"Well you face planted right into the ground, so yeah. It was pretty entertaining." I laughed, wiping the tears away from my eyes.
It's been a couple days since Sting last came around. Even though Luna's back and Natsu and I are hanging out more, I couldn't help but still feel anxious about him. I know that I'm being just a bit dramatic but he doesn't understand how stressful this is and what kind of position I'm in.
I peered over my shoulder to see Luna sitting with Asuka and the exceeds, giggling every now and then. "They seem to have hit it off pretty well." I smiled.
"Yeah, not to mention that the exceeds love having her around too."
Though I really hated to admit it, I felt like having Luna here at Fairy Tail was a bad idea. She was telling me the other day how much she loves it here but she also wants to go to the other guild, Sabertooth —
"Luna, are you okay? Wipe your tears hon." I smiled, trying to comfort her. But she wailed even more into my chest saying that she just wants to go home. So I rubbed her back in circular motions and whispered soothing things in her ear. I wasn't too sure why she even started crying but I didn't wanna ask just yet.
A few minutes went by and she finally started to calm down a bit, "Mama ..." she looked up at me, tears and snot running down her face. She seemed so scared, it nearly broke my heart. "What is it baby?" I caressed her cheek and wiped her face a bit. But there was a brief moment of silence before she spoke up, each word she said made my heart clench more and more with anxiety. "That man was daddy wasn't it? I know he was. I remember."
But I was at loss of words, I had no idea what to say or how to react, "If you remembered him .... why were you so scared?"
"Because ...." she muttered, softly trailing off to the point where I couldn't hear her. So I told her to speak up and she nodded in response, "I had a nightmare ... I seen you crying and someone was chasing me and ..... when I looked .... it was daddy ..."
I frowned deeply and kissed her forehead since that's all I could do. I still wasn't sure what to say, I was just as shaken up as she was at this point. So she looked up at me and cried a bit more, "Is daddy a bad guy?"
"What? Why would you ask that?"
"He made you cry ......and you guys were yelling at each other ....." she explained. But I shook my head vigorously, "Your dad isn't a bad guy, we were just having a talk."
"That was very loud talking ..." Though I couldn't but giggle even in this situation. "Okay Luna, we'll go visit daddy soon." I promised her, making her cheer happily.
But since that day, I've been avoiding that promise and hoping she would just forget about it.
- Luna -
"Woah! Your gun is awesome!" I cheered, admiring the fact that Asuka is a couple years older than me but she's so talented with her magic. Thanks to her, I was able to learn more about being a wizard even though I'm not allowed to use my magic.
"Thanks! My mom and dad taught me how to use one when I was a bit younger than you."
"Really? I wonder why my mom and dad haven't taught me ..." I pondered. But Asuka gave me a reassuring smile and looked over at my mom, "Your mom was so cool back then. Her and Natsu-san were on a team with a few others and so, they were Fiore's strongest group."
"No way! Who else was on their team?"
"Well of course there was your mother, Natsu ... Erza and Gray. Don't forget Happy. Plus, Wendy and Carla would tag along as well."
Gray? Where did I hear that name before? Why can't I remember?
"Asuka, who's Gray?"
"Huh? You don't know? He was Aunt Juvias boyfriend. Also, one of your moms best friends as well. I'm sort of shocked you don't know much considering he was also your dads best—" though she stopped mid sentence and started laughing hysterically out of nowhere. "Jeez Luna .... you're s-so f-funny! Erm, I gotta go use the bathroom ....." she stammered before rushing away.
So I looked over my shoulder and seen Happy sitting on table with Carla, "Hey!" I scrambled over the chairs and tables before sitting next to them.
"Mornin' Luna!"
"Good morning little one." they both greeted.
"How come everyone is acting weird nowadays! Every time I ask about my mom they end up being strange about it ...." I muttered of annoyance, sitting back in my chair with a frown. But they both looked at each other then at me, "Well we're all still adjusting to the fact that you're here. For some of us this is the first time we've met you so give it some time child. Don't get frustrated over the littlest things, you're still young." Carla explained. Though I agreed with her, it still bugged me.
"Hey Luna." I looked up and seen Natsu taking a seat beside me, so I turned my head and didn't see her anymore, "Where's mom?"
"She has to go run a few errands around town. So I'll watch you till she comes back."
"Hmm, okay." I hummed, swinging my feet under the table in thought. Nobody ever tells me anything. Asuka didn't tell me much about Gray and she was about to say something about my dad. Maybe Natsu can help me out, "Can I ask you a question?"
He peered down at me and grinned before nodding his head encouragingly. "You guys said I was in a coma. What is that?"
"Oh — it's well, I'm not sure hehe. You just got .... sick .... and you were asleep for awhile."
"So I took a nap? For how long?"
"Boy your filled with questions today." He muttered nervously.
"Well I'm just wondering. Plus there's nothing to do around here."
He slowly stammered and stumbled upon some of his words but soon, I could feel a bad feeling in my stomach after that. I frowned and clenched my chest, "My tummy hurts now .."
"I know it's a lot to take in but — AGH!"
- Natsu -
I stared down at my lap in disgust, looks like she had a big breakfast. So I slowly scooted out of my chair and told her to follow me to the infirmary so we can clean ourselves up.
She propped herself up on one of the beds and hung her head low with shame, making my lip curl into a grin. "You okay over there?" I chuckled, taking my shirt off and throwing it to the side.
"I'm sorry .... I didn't mean to. I just felt sick all of a sudden."
"Don't worry about it. Everyone pukes every now and then, it's natural. Here -" I chucked a towel over at her before wetting a cloth and scrubbing my pants a bit. She mumbled a soft thank you before wiping her face with it, "Do you need help?"
But I shook my head, "No I'm okay. What about you?" Though she shook her head as well and looked at the ground with disappointment. So I smiled and walked over to her, patting the top of her head for comfort. "It's okay."
"I know .... I would help you clean yourself up but —"
"No. I'm not talking about this."
Luna looked at me oddly, cocking her head to the side a bit with curiosity. "Then what are you talking about?"
"It's okay. I know you're worried about everything right now. But it's okay. So don't take what I said to heart cause you've got me and your mom. Right?"
Although she stared up at me for a good couple of seconds, her lip grew into a wide smile after taking in what I said. "Thanks Natsu."
"Yeah, don't mention it. You feeling better now?"
"Wayyyy better. You're pretty cool. I see why mom likes you so much."
- Luna -
Natsu laughed a bit and took a seat across of me, lounging back into the chair. There was a strange feeling I was getting by looking at him, something was burning in the back of my head. It was almost as if something like this has happened before. But I also couldn't forget what he had said earlier:
"You were asleep for about three years after you got sick. That's why everyone missed you so much ..."
"Hey Natsu?"
"What's up?"
"Can you tell me stories about you and mom? Asuka says you guys were one of the strongest teams!"
Instantly, his eyes lit up with excitement, "We are the strongest team of Fiore! And of course, but I'm not sure where to start. Me and your mom go way back, there's too much to tell."
"Well start from the beginning! Also, don't leave any details out! I wanna know how you guys met, the fun adventures you guys went on and more!" I cheered ecstatically.
"Jeez, this could take years to tell. I had the best memories of my life with your mom."
I sat there, pondering about what to do. Until it finally hit me, "Take your time. Tell me some today, some tomorrow and the day after that. Okay? I don't wanna miss a thing."
He grinned and nodded, "You got it kid."
sorry for the wait, if you read my note then you know why. this was a more chill natsu & luna chapter. i hope you enjoy my beautiful readers.
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