3 - Unsettling Feeling
A certain melody began to play in my head. It felt like it was on repeat for centuries, it was such a familiar song. One that made my heart flutter with nostalgia of some sort. But I couldn't put my finger on where I've heard it before.
The wind whispers my name as I sit in the heavenly night. The stars share their own sparkle, shimmering with a special light. A smell of sweetness in the air. Puts a wonderful smile on my face.
My mind can't recall where this is from but my heart is saying otherwise. It's a weird feeling to have, it was annoying that I couldn't remember where this was from.
I close my eyes for a moment. Swept off to a magical place. Where lavender and white sunsets paint a peaceful expression on the sky.
For some reason, this was burned into my head.
Where wishes and wings together. Makes me feel like I can fly. Sweet dreams fill my senses, carried away on the melody, of a cherry blossom lullaby.
My eyes slowly began to open, but they hurt for some reason. So I kept them closed and tried to sit up but my body hurt as well. Something didn't feel right, why do I feel like I just got hit by a truck? I tried once more, pushing myself up from the bed with my elbows and nearly screamed from the pain. It was almost unbearable but I finally managed to sit up right.
Now that I've got my bearings, I carefully attempted to open my eyes and after what felt like hours, I could look around without any pain. But the room I was in was practically pitch black, the moon was still up. I wasn't sure what to do, where am I? Who am I?
What's this unsettling feeling inside my chest?
- Lucy -
I jolted up from my sleep, practically gasping for air, terrified. I could feel beads of sweat rolling down my forehead and torso. Something didn't feel right, I clenched my chest in pain. It felt like there was no air around me to breathe, I was scared. "Natsuuuu ....~" I wheezed out, tapping his shoulder with whatever strength I had left.
Slowly, I could feel my vision going blurry but Natsu wasn't waking up. I kept trying to shake him but he was always a heavy sleeper. I didn't know what was going on, what should I do?
One last time, I grabbed a fistful of his hair and yanked it. Luckily, he began to stir in his sleep and his eyes began to flutter a bit. "Natsuuuu .....~" I called out once more. I was starting to run out of oxygen completely so I repeatedly pulled on his hair until his eyes finally opened. But by then I felt my whole body fall backwards and my eyesight went dark.
- Natsu -
"What the hell happened to her!?"
"From what we can tell, she had a very intense anxiety attack. We don't know the cause of it but as soon as she wakes up we'll know."
"Anz ... what? You're not making any sense! What the hell does all that mean?"
"Sir, it means that she's overwhelmed with negative feelings. Needless to say, she's probably been worried or scared of something for awhile now. To have a panic attack this severe and under such odd conditions, I'd like to predict that she has been having nightmares, maybe even night terrors frequently. So she might have had one and abruptly woke up from some reason and because of how terrified she was, she blacked out."
I rubbed my face with stress and groaned out loud, "Is she gonna be okay? That's all that matters."
"By the looks of it, yes. You got her here just in time. But I recommend staying a day or two just in case something happens again."
I nodded and watched as the short - petite and frail old woman walked out of the room, leaving me there alone with Lucy. I pulled up a chair beside of her and watched her chest, rise up and down. It looked somewhat unsteady to me, almost off beat. If Lucy was having nightmares why wouldn't she tell me? How didn't I notice this sooner?
"Mmm .." she softly groaned and shifted a bit in her sleep. I reached my hand out and pushed her bangs off of her face and caressed her cheek, slowly trailing my finger across to her lips. They felt just as soft as I remember —
One wouldn't hurt.
Very slowly, I leaned my face closer to hers, even in this state she looked so cute and vulnerable. But as those words swept across my mind, I stopped and mentally slapped myself. "You idiot ...." What the hell was I thinking? I can't be trying to do those kinds of things at a time like this. How selfish can I get?
Once more, Lucy shifted around in her sleep and soon enough, she called out my name. "Lucy? Are you okay?" I asked, she turned her head, her eyes barely open.
"You're such an asshole ......" she weakly murmured.
"What did I do?"
"You wouldn't wake up ..... I was so scared ...... I thought I was gonna die ....."
My heart ached hearing her say that, she sounded so weak and disappointed in me. Without thinking, I grabbed her hand and frowned, "I'm sorry Lucy. But I got you here just in time."
"Where are we?"
"A small clinic about a mile and a half away from the hot springs."
"How did we get all the way over here?"
I lightly chuckled and grasped her hand tighter, "You owe me big time. I ran all the way here with you in my arms the second you collapsed." She smiled and sighed, "Thank you Natsu ... again, for being there."
Hours went by since Lucy was last awake, she's been sleeping this whole time and the sun is about to set soon. She told me to wake her up before sunset so we could head back to the guild but — the doctor recommended to stay at least a day longer just in case.
I wanna go back to the guild just as much as Lucy but I don't want to risk it. I can't have something happen to her, not again. After hearing how terrified she was, it killed me.
"Will you two stay the night?" The doctor poked her head into the room. I glanced down at Lucy, debating what to say and what was best for her. In the end, I nodded towards the doctor and made myself at home for the cold night to come.
"Wait — do you by chance have a lacrima?" I asked the woman. "So sorry. I'm afraid our only lacrima is temporarily out of service."
I sighed and thanked the woman anyways, I wanted to contact the guild to let them know we won't be back tonight. But as much as I didn't want them to worry, I wasn't about to let Lucy out of my sight. So I laid my head back and began to think about that night — no matter how many times Lucy says not to bring it up I can't help but think of it nonstop. Though, I knew right now wasn't the right time, so my thoughts began to wander over to Luna. My daughter.
Sometimes, I do get a bit annoyed at the fact that I missed her early years as a child. That when she wakes up, she won't know who I really am to her. I've come up with millions of scenarios in my head, like what would she say if I told her I was her real dad? But it's not really what she would say, it's more like what Lucy would say.
"How did things get so messy ..."
- Sting -
My head ached, as I looked upon the guild, everyone was enjoying themselves with booze and laughter. Especially Lector and Frosch, who were playing with Yukino in the pool. As fun as this all looked, I didn't want to go down there and socialize with everyone. I'm still pissed off, so I'm afraid I'd do something I'd regret.
"Sting, you don't want to join everyone else?"
I looked up at Rogue and shook my head, leaning my chin into the palm of my hand. "You don't want to join everyone else? You look more unhappy than usual." He just casually glared at me before sighing, "I miss Lucy ...."
"Oh yeah? Then go see her. As if I care."
Rogue loves Lucy, not in the way I do though. He always loved being a father figure to her no matter how many times I told him it was weird, he still enjoyed being there for her. Rogue hasn't seen her for several months and each day he says the same thing; 'I wanna go and see Lucy.'
"You say that now but, if I were really to go you'd be furious with me no matter the countless times you'd deny it."
Yeah, I hate to admit it but that's how it would probably go. But I just looked at Rogue sternly, "Look, I don't care if you go and see her. Be my guest, I could care less if you went to see her alone. I'm better off without her."
"Itai!" I yelped in pain, rubbing my head. "What the hell was that for?" I glared at him.
"Stop acting like such a child and saying such nonsense. I don't know what happened between you two but you love Lucy and —"
"Shut up. I don't want to talk about her anymore. Just give me some space." I spat. Rogue just groaned out of frustration and headed downstairs with everyone else. So I just watched from afar, thinking about what Rogue said.
- Mirajane -
The next morning I woke up a bit earlier than usual, I had to keep my promise to Lucy and Natsu to check up on Luna whenever I can. Although, Wendy should be there by now, she also wanted to get a head start on the day and give Luna her check up already.
After getting ready and leaving my house, I decided to head over to the store and buy a few things before going to the guild. I greeted the old woman running the small shop and looked around to see what kind of cute snacks they had. Maybe after fifteen minutes of finding absolutely nothing, I thanked the woman and left, making my way towards the guild.
Considering how early it is, there was almost no one else walking on the streets. But I enjoyed it, everything seemed so nice and peaceful as the sun was still rising over the mountains of Magnolia.
Although, when I got to the gates of the guild I could see that the front doors were wide open which was a bit odd. No one besides Wendy should be here and she usually wouldn't leave the doors open like this. So on my way in, I closed them behind me and instantly noticed an odd trail spread across the guild, mainly on the way towards the infirmary.
Some tables had fallen on its side and some things that were on the tables were scattered everywhere, almost like someone walked right into them. "Wendy? Are you here?" I called out. A few seconds passed and there was no response, but there was a very quiet sound. It definitely was movement but I couldn't be too sure where it came from. "Whoever is here, show yourself!"
Then again, there was a louder and more distinct sound, coming from the infirmary room. Fear rushed over me as I began to worry about Luna, what if someone was here and broke in there? I hurried and ran toward the back of the guild, noticing that even the infirmary door was cracked open a bit.
I busted through the doors, prepared to find someone and confront them. But the only person I saw was Wendy, she looked startled. "Jeez, you scared the heck out of me! Why didn't you answer me when I called you?"
"Mirajane - san ...."
"I swear Wendy, you nearly gave me a heart attack!"
"Mirajane - san!"
"What? What is it Wendy?"
She looked up at me, tears falling from her cheeks as she pointed behind her, at the empty hospital bed. "Luna's gone."
Hope you liked it.
Coolio, I already have the next chapter done. I just need to proof read and edit it but I'm not gonna rush the process.
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