2 - Constant Thoughts
"Morning Lucy. Natsu. You guys hungry?" Mirajane welcomed us as we walked through the guild doors. But I just shook my head and politely declined although Natsu, "Hell yeah! Lucy's place doesn't have anything good!" He cheered, boosting himself up onto a stool, his feet dangling and swinging like a child. Though I just giggled and took a seat next to him, resting my chin in the palm of my hand. "Where's Wendy?" I asked.
"Ah, she's already in the infirmary room doing Luna's daily check up."
Natsu butted in, his mouth full of food, "Man this stuff is great, thanks Mira!"
"Where's your manners?" She scolded, pulling the plate of food away from him making him frown. "Aw come on Mira. Just a couple more bites!" They began to bicker about proper etiquette and how Natsu could take a lesson or two on manners. But come on, she should know him by now. Natsu and being proper? It'll be the end of the world if that day ever came.
Luckily though, I noticed Wendy come out of the infirmary, but when her eyes met mine I could see a certain glint in them. A huge wave of anxiety washed over me as I noticed this making me stand up and approach her, "Is everything alright?"
"Huh? Uh yeah, don't worry just — just hope for the best." She encouraged, scurrying away quickly. Even if she says not to worry, I can't help but overthink about my daughter. So I turned my head and noticed Wendy and Mirajane whispering about something behind the bar. What the hell is going on around here?
As I entered the infirmary, I closed the door behind me softly and grinned, seeing my daughters face from afar. Mirajane told me awhile ago that sometimes coma victims can sense things around them that could affect their results of waking up. I remember after she told me that, I never cried nor frowned around Luna ever again.
"Good morning ...." I muttered, opening the curtains a bit to let in some sunshine. I turned back around to see Natsu quietly letting himself in, a wide smile on his face. "Yo Luna." he greeted before pulling up a chair beside her. "You know, she's really starting to look like me." he pointed out.
"Yeah? That's what I was thinking the other day."
For awhile, we just talked about her hair and how it's getting a little messy. Then he began to go on about how Gray's hair was supposedly ugly and dirty looking all the time. "I miss him a lot ....." I mumbled, catching the attention of the dragon slayer. But he just rolled his eyes and sighed, "Well it's much quieter without him."
"Maybe because you have no one to pick fights with nowadays." I added in. No matter how tough Natsu acts, I can see right through him. He misses Gray just as much as everyone else.
"I'm gonna get something to munch on, come out and eat okay? I don't want you starving yourself." He replied with a worried tone.
"Didn't you just eat not too long ago?"
"Hey, I don't judge you if you don't judge me." he playfully retorted before leaving the room. "Whatever ..." I rolled my eyes in amusement.
So I got out of my seat and stretched real quick before kissing my daughter on the forehead, "I'll see you later sweetie ..." I smiled, caressing her hand once more. But as soon as our hands met something didn't feel right.
Is her hand —
No. No, I'm just imagining it. It's all part of my imagination. I shook my head of those thoughts and stood up, hurrying out of the room before I start to exert my bad vibes.
"Yo Luce! Come over here!" Natsu's voice echoed throughout the guild, a train of laughter and shouting followed it. So I smiled and walked over to the bunch, "Good morning everyone."
"What's up? The little one okay?" Gajeel pondered, I just nodded and sat down beside Natsu. Just a few minutes ago, inside the infirmary ..... I don't know if that was all in my head or what. But my gut was telling me to tell Natsu about it.
"Hey Natsu —"
"Damn, it gets a bit boring around here without Gray. I really hate to admit it but I miss having someone to punch." He sighed.
"Natsu —"
"Hey you idiot. Don't be saying his name so fondly, Juvia still gets emotional about it." Gajeel scolded him, gesturing over to the water mage sitting alone at the bar.
Now I wasn't too sure if I should tell him, maybe I'll just keep it to myself for now. Jeez, I can feel the white hair multiplying on my head by the second. I'm stressing out way too much, more than usual! "Agh!" I groaned, catching the attention of everyone at the table.
"You okay Lu-Chan?"
"Yeah .... just .... a lot on my mind." Levy nodded in understanding and rubbed the top of my hand in comfort. As time went on since the incident, things changed drastically in my life. I haven't had real time for myself because I've been worrying about other things. I also haven't had time for Sting, which is why we got into an argument. But I especially don't have time to go on any missions, which means I can't pay rent!
"Hey, you know what? Why don't you take these tickets Gajeel got for me to the hot springs?" Levy grinned widely, slipping her hand into her pocket before showing me two shimmery tickets. But I shook my head profusely and sweat dropped, "No way! I wouldn't accept that, it's a gift he gave to you."
"Oh c'mon Lu-Chan. Gajeel and I know you need this. Plus you can take Natsu. You both need to cool down a bit."
My eyes wandered over the two tickets, the hot springs did sound comforting right now. I did notice that I've been really tense for awhile and I haven't had a day to myself in a long time. Plus, they tend to have complimentary goods laying around just asking to be taken.
"We'll take it!" Natsu cheered, prancing around the table and showing off the two tickets. I just laughed before getting up and excusing myself over to the bar to have another chat with Wendy and Mirajane.
"Hey guys. What's up?"
Wendy seemed a bit startled by hearing my voice because before I knew it, she was already rambling on about so much random things. Like how she accidentally called Mirajane mom and that Laxus still kind of freaks her out whenever he talks. "Woah, chill out." I uttered.
"Yeah Wendy, you seem like you seen a ghost." Mira playfully implied on how odd she was being. Though just as I thought, my gut was telling me that they both knew more than they were leading on.
"So, Levy gave me and Natsu tickets to the hot springs. He's really excited to go but I don't think I'm going."
"What? Why not? It sounds like something you two really need."
I just shrugged and glanced over at the infirmary door, "You guys know why .... I can't just leave for a day. I don't think I could handle it."
"C'mon Lucy. I think this would be good for you. One days not gonna do any harm." Mirajane grinned, ushering me to go home and pack. But she was right, what were the odds of something happening to Luna the day I leave. It was such a slim chance yet —
"Okay. I'll go talk to Natsu about it but, he's really eager to go. So we might leave tonight and come back in a day or two." Both Mirajane and Wendy just nodded and started shooing me away so I could start packing. So I wandered off towards the infirmary so I could kiss my daughter goodbye before I leave.
"Hey Lucy?" I opened my eyes to see Natsu across of me. His eyes looking droopy and dark, "How long have we been on the train?" I asked.
"Not sure. Maybe about three hours." He yawned out loud before leaning his head back onto the window sill. I rubbed my eyes before taking another glance out the window, the sun was already starting to set, giving the sky a beautiful orange tone.
Natsu on the other hand was already fast asleep, his pink locks shifting around on his face from the sudden movements of the train. I had to admit, he looked so cute and vulnerable. Unknowingly, I reached my arm out to touch his hair but caught myself midway and scolded myself. This was supposed to be a getaway trip with Natsu, that's about it. Nothing more and nothing less.
So I leaned back into my seat and sighed, watching Natsu snore across of me for the next several hours.
"Agh! What a long train ride. I'm pooped!" Natsu moaned out as he briefly stretched. I agreed and told him that the hot springs were just over that hill. "So Lucy, you ready to get our soothe on?"
"Our what?"
"Our soothe on!"
"Natsu, why are you talking like an old man?" He sarcastically rolled his eyes and nudged me, "Lighten up Luce. We came here to let off some steam."
"I'm trying. It's just hard not to worry."
But he just looked at me, scanning my face quickly and soon enough, a smile overcame his face. "Don't worry Lucy. She's in good hands."
Once again, Natsu was there to let me know that everything will be fine. That no matter what happens, Fairy Tail is there through thick and thin. Plus, Mirajane promised me that she'll stay late at the guild just to keep a closer eye on Luna until I get back.
"Hey look! There it is!"
I turned my head and seen a cute little building not too far from us, it had a warm welcoming feeling when we walked through the doors. It was definitely more on the traditional side but it matched the rural area it's in.
After we checked in and gave the tickets to the lady, she told us our room was at the end of the hall with one large bath in the back. When we got there I plopped down onto the floor with exhaustion and sighed, "Finallyyyyy — I'm so tired."
"Yeehee! C'mon let's go!" Natsu cheered before openly stripping and running out the back door and into the bath. Even though that was such a typical move from him, I could feel my face heating up with embarrassment. "Natsu Dragneel! Don't you have the decency to strip behind closed doors? Especially in front of a girl!" I scolded, yelling at him from inside.
The room we were in was nice and spacious, two futons were placed on the ground along with the other typical spa room necessities. But I just got up and excused myself to the bathroom to strip and slip into a towel.
When I was finished I went out the back door and seen Natsu sitting in a big hot spring. He had a hot towel resting on his face, it almost looked like he was asleep again. But I just sighed and took my towel off, dipping my toes in first and slowly making my way in across of Natsu.
"Ahhh~" I groaned with pleasure. This is definitely something I needed! The warmth was just so relaxing, I couldn't get enough of it.
I leaned my head and glanced over at Natsu, his broad shoulders were drenched in sweat already. My eyes began to trail down from his shoulders down to his torso and — what the hell am I even thinking?
"Hey Luce, what're you looking at?"
I frantically looked away and stammered, "What? I was just wondering about things ..... nothing much." Though I noticed an odd grin form on his face, it was almost like a smirk. Honestly it kind of irked me cause I knew he was about to say something that was gonna piss me off.
"You know Luce. I've been thinking about things too."
"Oh yeah? Like what?"
"Me and you. That night."
Immediately, I shut my eyes and avoided eye contact, "Natsu. I told you not to bring it up."
"Oh c'mon Luce. You think about it constantly too don't you? I can't be the only one still thinking about —"
"Natsu, I don't spend my time thinking about anything else besides my daughter. If all you're gonna do is interrogate me we might as well go home."
His face softened with a frown, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to press you on it. You're just — constantly on my mind."
As much as I'd love to talk to Natsu about that night, I feel likes it's not only inappropriate considering our situation but I also don't want that extra drama right now. So I just sighed and closed my eyes, enjoying the hot springs like I came to do. But as time went on, I began to think of what happened earlier back at the guild, when I touched my daughters hand. It felt different.
It felt warm.
How was it? Sorry if theirs any errors, I'll have to skim through it later just in case.
Do you guys read manwha? If you do, what's your favorite? I wanna see if any reads my favorite lol.
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