13 - Lonely (Juvia and Gray Side Story)
As you can clearly see, I take very long breaks in between chapters and I want to change that. So if I'm not really ready to put out a full chapter I'll make these side stories.
Keep in mind that these ARE PLOT RELATED! So skipping these could leave you confused in future chapters for the main plot. So this is BEFORE Luna woke up from her coma.
So enjoy!
- Juvia -
My eyes fluttered open to a faint cold breeze brushing up against my face. I instantly noticed my curtains blowing around from the morning wind as the sun was just beginning to rise. But even though I had forgotten to close the windows last night, I still felt this warm sensation on my backside. I squirmed around in bed and flipped over only to be greeted by his soft and gentle face. He was even cuter sleeping.
I poked his cheeks playfully but only got a groan in response, indicating that he wasn't going to get up anytime soon. So I sighed and sat up in bed, rubbing my eyes to adjust better to the sunlight slowly seeping into my bedroom. But before I could even stretch my limbs out, I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist and yank me back under the covers making me burst with laughter. "H-Hey! Cut it out!"
But he just groaned and yawned loudly, "Don't get up yet .... I wanna cuddle ...." I giggled and instantly gave in to his raspy morning voice, getting close to him under the blankets. "You came home late again. I fell asleep waiting for you ..." I mumbled with disappointment.
"Sorry .... the Magic Council has been requesting me for jobs lately," his hot breath brushed up against my neck, "I came home as soon as I was done so I could see you ... and hug you .... and kiss you —" he gently planted a few kisses on my neck causing an odd sensation in the pit of my stomach. But I was still annoyed, he always comes home late nowadays. "You always say that ...." I argued, pushing his face away and sitting up. Though he sighed and muttered tiredly, "You know I mean it ..... I've been busy a lot that's all ... but I'm free today ... we can do whatever you want ...."
I threw on one of his plain t-shirts laying around and went to the bathroom to get ready, ignoring what he said on purpose. I heard him toss in bed with annoyance before groaning loudly into the pillows because of that. After I was done brushing my teeth and washing my face, I came out and noticed he was still laying in bed. So I went over to him and shook his shoulders a bit, "Gray ...."
"Mm ...?" he mumbled. "Are you gonna get up? I thought we could go and eat some breakfast together. If not, you can stay in and sleep." He rubbed his eyes and sat up, his whole body slouched over towards me, "Yeah we can eat breakfast ... just let me shower real fast ..."
After about fifteen minutes he came out of the bathroom with nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist, but at this point it didn't phase me. We've been together for years so seeing Gray in a towel was childs play. "Where did you wanna eat?" he asked.
"How about that pancake shop? I'm kind of in the mood for some." I smiled, just imagining a nice hot fresh plate of them. He chuckled and finished throwing on some clothes, nodding that we could leave.
While we were walking through the streets, I was daydreaming to myself about the first time Gray had stayed at my house overnight. We all went drinking at some bar for Cana's birthday and he got so drunk, I took him home with me and let him stay over. Nothing happened between us that night but that was the first of many nights we laid in bed together. "Juvia?" I shook my head of my wandering thoughts and looked over to him, "Yeah?"
"Do you want me to stop working with the Magic Council? I can tell you're bothered with my work schedule nowadays."
But I bit my lip, holding in everything I wanted to say. I wanted to shout 'Yes! We never have time for each other anymore and I hate sleeping alone at night' and blab about a million other things I couldn't bare to do without him but that would be completely selfish of me. I know how much he loves going on official missions and helping people out there. So I shook my head and grinned, "No. I mean it does make me sad that we don't spend as much time with each other as we did before but it's fine. I'm happy with what you're doing."
Gray smiled widely and grasped my hand, giving me reassurance. The whole way down to the restaurant, we talked about what we've been doing when we aren't together and such. By the time we got there we both had forgotten about the slight tension between us earlier and just enjoyed our breakfast together.
"So how's Lucy doing?" I asked.
"She's being strong. It's hard but she's pushing through."
I grinned and continued eating, "I'm glad. Her and I haven't had a proper conversation in awhile. I mean -- I just can't imagine what it's like to have something happen to your child."
He nodded in agreement, "Yeah. I barely knew her but the time I did spend with her ... I just couldn't stop thinking about Natsu. That child is his reflection, everything about Luna screams flamebrain." he bitterly joked.
"I'm sure ... I mean, how long has it been? Five? Six months since she's been in a coma? I just can't stand seeing Lucy so down everyday." I sighed. Gray nodded once more and continued eating.
The rest of our breakfast was filled with jokes and giggles as we talked about the last mission we took together. Suddenly we jumped topics and talked about other things that we've done in the past or that we're looking forward to in the future.
When we were done, we left the restaurant happily, hand in hand. I looked up at Gray and smiled, leaning my head on his shoulder. Even though he's working most of the time, the littlest things we do together make up for it. "What do you wanna do now?" He asked.
"I don't know ..... I don't care as long as we're together." I grinned. But he snorted softly and sighed, "Ew. So cheesy." I rolled my eyes and nudged his shoulder.
We walked around town, talking and admiring how nice of a day it was. There were no clouds in sight and the air was cool enough to keep us going. The harbors were packed with fishermen hoping to catch something big, the parks were filled with children giggling and playing in the fields and the streets crawling with merchants wanting to sell everyone the most useless things. Today couldn't be more perfect.
Soon, the sun began to set and the crowds began to disperse. Gray and I were sitting on a bench near the ocean, watching the sunset. Again, I was leaning my head on his shoulder as he wrapped his arm around my neck. "Juvia ....," he called out, "I'm glad we spent time with each other today. We really needed it."
"Tell me about it. I was starting to feel single again since you're gone." I joked. He grasped onto me a bit and sighed softly. After being with Gray for all these years, I know when something was on his mind and something was definitely bothering him. "What is it?" I asked. But he just shook his head silently and kept quiet. So I sat up and turned to look at him, "Tell me what you're thinking about."
"It's nothing."
"It's not nothing if you don't wanna tell me about it."
"I'm serious. You don't have to worry about it. It's just work ......" He explained. I looked him in the eyes and knew that he wasn't telling me everything. But for whatever reason, he was anxious about it. Though I didn't push him and brushed it off, knowing we would talk about it some other time.
When the sun vanished in the horizon, the stars came out and twinkled in the night sky. Gray took his jacket off and rested it on my shoulders, "You wanna go home? It's getting cold."
"Yeah. I'm in the mood for some cuddling." I teased, clinging onto his bare arm. He chuckled lightly as we got off the bench and began walking home. By the time we got there I felt like I was about to freeze to death, tonight seemed colder than usual. I closed the door behind me and immediately decided to take a nice hot shower before getting into bed.
- Gray -
I sat on the couch, the faint noise of Juvias humming and the wind whistling in the night ringed in my ears. It was bothering me to the core of my being but I didn't want to admit it. She's suspicious but she knows I have my limits and didn't want to push me. Though I couldn't help but feel guilty.
I sighed heavily and got up, strutting over to the bathroom and knocked before peaking my head inside. "You almost done?" I asked. She poked her head out of the shower and giggled, "Why? Did you want to join me?"
"Well I was just going to say that I could make something for dinner but that does sound nice too." She rolled her eyes and shut the curtain.
We both laid in bed, my arms wrapped around her waist as she rested her head on my arm. For some reason, we both couldn't sleep. So I kissed the top of her head and mumbled, "You're not tired?"
"No. You?" She asked. But I shook my head as she snuggled closer, muttering something so soft that I couldn't hear her despite how close we were. "What?"
" ..... I've really missed you. You're working all the time and I've just ... I don't know ..."
"I'll always make time for you. I might come home late but at least we get to sleep beside each other."
"But it's not the same ..... I'm so lonely without you sometimes ...." she tilted her head up at me, her eyes were glistening and her cheeks were a bright red, making her look so vulnerable and innocent. I leaned in and kissed her, letting her know that I'm here. She wrapped her arm around my neck, pulling me in. I could feel my heart pumping and my stomach in knots. I rolled over and got on top of her, planting kisses from her lips down to her torso. She grabbed a fistful of my hair and motioned for me to continue.
I missed the feeling of her body against mine, her voice calling my name and how she trusted me. I didn't want her to feel like this again -- even though I might be leaving for a long time.
I tried hard not to make this too sexual and too long. A Gray x Juvia lemon is something I've always wanted to publish. But if you're confused, this was just right after Luna was put into a coma. So again this is BEFORE SHE WOKE UP.
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