Sam's P.O.V
"What the fuck are you staring at?" I growled at the man standing at the door, watching all of us. He chuckled and I glared at him.
"Something funny?" I asked, tugging at the ropes, trying to get free but it was no use. The guy just smirked as he looked at the others in the room.
When we first arrived at this place, we were aloud to move around but after ten minutes, the men tied us up. I don't know why they did but I just want to burn everything.
And I'm dying for a cigarette.
Suddenly, Phillip walked in and thats when the females lost it, expect for Emmaree.
"What the fuck is wrong with you! Let me out of this room you dumb peice of shit!" My mom yelled, trying to move her arms.
"Oh your so lucky I'm strapped to this chair because I would smash your face into the concrete!" Kelly screamed through gritted teeth.
Phillip walked over to my mom and rose her chin up to look at him. "Now, honey, we wouldn't want to duct tape your precious little mouth, would we?" Phillip smirked and my mom glared at him before spitting in his face. Literally, spitting in his face.
"You wouldn't fucking dare!" She narrowed her eyes at him and Phillip wiped the spit off his face with a tissue that was in his pocket. He walked over to Kelly and tapped her nose.
"So, how's your baby, Kelly? Is she good?" Phillip looked into Kelly's eyes. Kelly just glared then suddenly, she lifted her leg up and kicked him in the shin. I smirked and Kelly did the same.
"You'll pay for that." Phillip said in a low tone before walking to me. He clicked his fingers and the men walked up behind him. Phillip nodded to the men and the two guys started to undo the ropes. I still had my smirk on my face.
"Gave up?" I asked, clenching my fists when they started to undo the ropes on my wrists. Phillip shook his head slightly, a little chuckle escaping out of his lips.
"You'd like that won't you. Sadly, no, I'm only using you all for bait. Winter should know where I am sooner or later." Phillip said and I stood up once the ropes were off.
Phillip turned around and started to walk towards the door. "Come." He ordered and I walked over to where he was. I heard the females yell again once the door was closed. I looked around and noticed this place actually looked like a house.
There was a couch in one room, a kitchen, stairs leading up to the second part of the house and there was even a back yard. I furrowed my eyebrows when my eyes landed on a picture of a blonde and a brunette. I walked over when Phillip was talking to his men and picked up the photo.
It was Winter and I think that was Kyle... I knew because Winter's smile was the same but it didn't seem to be a casual smile. She seemed sad, frustrated, disappointed... alone. I suddenly knew Phillip took this photo because the tree in the backround was the same tree at the backyard. I looked at Kyle and noticed he looked sort of different but you could tell they were related. They may of had different hair colours but they had the same bright blue eyes and the same nose. They looked like twins a little but I didn't like of it that much. I looked back at Phillip to see he was still talking and grabbed the photo out of the frame and folded it and placed it into my pocket. This doesn't belong to him...
"Sam, follow me." Phillip calls me and I turn around and follow him upstairs. We entered a room and I noticed it as a study... Phillip's study, I'm guessing.
"Sit, don't talk till I ask you." Phillip said as he took a seat in his black chair. I sat down and noticed that there wasn't any body guards or men in suits with us in the room. It was only Phillip and I.
"She told you, didn't she?" He suddenly asked and I rose an eyebrow.
"What the f-"
"Winter told you. The story. Her childhood. Her brother. Everything." Phillip said and I narrowed my eyes at him.
"Yeah, why? She had a right too! I never knew that you were a goddamn murderer! You treated her like shit, you know."
"I'm aware of that." He smirked and I stood up, not bothering to do this anymore.
"You know what? Whatever sick plan you have in your mind which involves Winter, drop it. Your going to go where you belong soon, just wait." I say before turning around and walking towards the door. I opened it and walked out. I was confused when he didn't stop me. I shook the thought away and walked down the hall. No body guards were up here so I decided to look around, then I will go back down to that room.
A door caught my eye and I saw a pink love heart with a name made with pink glitter and sparkles. I took in a deep breath and traced over the name, a small smile forming onto my lips.
I pushed the door open and I felt my cheeks starting to hurt when I smiled some more. Her room was beautiful. She had a pink bed and a wall full of pictures. I walked over to it.
There were pictures of Winter smiling and pictures of Kyle tickling her. I couldn't help but run my finger over Winter's face. So beautiful.
I turned around and looked at her desk that had a small purple book on it. I picked it up and walked over to her bed, sitting down and opening it.
Dear Dad,
I haven't seen you yet but I can already imagine what you would look like. You would have beautiful blue eyes, just like me and blonde hair, I know, just like me. I can imagine your smile being as bright as the sun, thats probably why mom fell in love with you.
I wish I could know what love is... just like you and mom. Even though I haven't seen you two together yet, I can already see you acting all lovey dovey when you would see each other. I want to meet my prince charming just like in the books... but sometimes I wonder if that actually happens. You and mom probably would be laughing at this right now if I showed you but that isn't going to happen. I wonder if I am ever going to see you.
Uncle Phillip doesn't treat me well. He hits me when I do something bad. I spilled the milk last night and I cleaned it up but he still hit me. I wish I could go home with you... I don't like this place.
I want to see you so bad, daddy. I love you so much! Maybe if I don't meet my knight in shinning armor, you could be the person I could count on. The man that would make me smile and laugh, that would make me feel loved and the person that could show me what it actually felt like to have someone so special to you show you how life is meant to be lived. I may be only ten but I just want you to know that I miss you heaps and you never leave my mind. I pray I meet you, I wish you could see me. I can already see you liking me... I am of course your daughter.
From the bottom of my heart, I love you, Daddy. Don't ever forget me.
I smiled weakly when I finished the first page. I don't know why but this got to me. I never knew how it would have felt for Winter but I could understand how hard her life was.
I closed the book and decided to leave it on the table. I walked out to see one of the guys looking at me, glaring actually.
"Your not aloud to be in there. Your coming with me." The man said and I instantly knew I was going back to where the other were.
When I arrived, the guy was still dragging me to my chair. Just when I was about to pass Kelly, I took the picture out of my pocket and threw it the Kelly. It had landed on her lap and I knew it might make her upset but that picture didn't belong to Phillip. They were her children, she deserved to have it.
When the guy tied me back up and left, Kelly called my name. I looked over at her to see tears running down her face as she looked at the picture.
"Thank you so much, Sam. You don't know how much this means to me." She croaked out. I gave her a small smile and I nodded my my mom smiling at me. I sighed but smiled anyway.
Hayden, Cole, Alec and Emmaree all looked at the photo and I noticed Cole was smiling weakly at me, knowing how much that photo triggered Kelly but he knew it was the right thing to do. I nodded at him and laid back in my chair.
The only thing that was in my mind was Winter's letter to her father. I knew when this was over, I had to make her feel happy. And I knew what just to do.
Winter's P.O.V
"Okay, we are here. Do you want me to come with you?" Bradley asked and I hopped off his motorbike and shook my head.
"I've got this." I say and Bradley nods. When I made my way down the side of the warehouse, a memory appeared into my head.
I walked over to his side and looked down. This is going to end really bad. Then suddenly Sam gripped at my hand, making me look up at him. I saw him smiling. "Everything is going to be fine. Just be prepared." I noted Sam's words and smiled slightly as we started following the direction Kate was walking.
We walked slowly with Sam infront...but he never let go of my hand. I smiled and looked aat our hands.
'His hand is so big!' I thought to myself and smiled some more. Wow, if he keeps on foing this, my heart is going to melt into nothing soon.
I looked up and noticed that we were so close to the edge where Kate disappeared. I took in a deep breath and Sam let go of my hand. I frowned a little but remembered that i had to be prepared for anything.
"Ready?" Sam whispered and i nodded. Then Sam walked around the corner with a frown while i stood against the wall so whoever was there, they couldnt see me. Sam looked over to my direction and i could tell by his eyes that he was signaling for me to come over. Without hesitation, i walked over and stood next to Sam only to notice that nobody was here. I furrowed my eyebrows then looked at Sam but he was just looking straight like he knew someone was going to pop out of somewhere.
I shook my head and walked to where I remember I had passed out. I heard a few cries from inside the building and my eyes widened. I ran inside the building and looked around. It was dark but I could see a table and a chair.
"Winter!" I heard Kate yell. I ran over to the voice and saw Kate sitting in a chair, her hands tied up to a chair as a guy held a gun to her head. I noticed her phone was smashed on the floor, probably from the dude stepping on it.
I took a few steps forward until I saw a girl appear out of nowhere and tackle me to the ground. I closed my eyes from the pain but reopened them and anger filled my eyes.
"Look who decided to come?" Sally smirked and I pushed her off me and straddled her.
"I remember everything you did to me!" I screamed and punched her face. Sally smirked and grabbed my fist when I was about to punch her again.
"About time." Sally said and punched my stomach, causing me to groan. I covered my stomach with my left hand and punched her jaw with my free hand.
"I never liked you from the start, Sally. You may say the same thing but you only didn't like me because Phillip brainwashed you. Something happened that day... you lost it and crashed." I growled and put my hand to her throat, strangling her.
"Nah, I just d-didn't want you to... make me get forgotten." Sally forced out and I pushed my hand onto her throat more forcefully.
"Lies." I say. I saw Sally's eyes slipping shut and took that as my cue to get off her. I didnt want her to die, I just wanted payback.
She started to cough and I pointed a finger at her, glaring into her green eyes. "You ever put me through that again and I will make sure you won't be that lucky." I say through gritted teeth and I watch as Sally nods slightly. I nod and walk over to Kate.
"Hector, I know that's you." I say and Hector looks at me, a small smirk on his lips.
"Let me guess, your boyfriend taught you how to fight? Lovely." Hector said and I rolled my eyes.
"Hector, drop the gun." I say and I watch as Kate let's her tears fall. I look back at Hector to see him still holding the gun to Kate's head. I narrowed my eyes at him and put my hands behind my back.
"Now!" I shout, hoping I didn't have to hold one of these things again. I didnt know why I was sparing Kate's life, I just guess, my innocent side was still there.
Hectors eyes were still on me, a smirk on his lips. I knew that his look that was in his eyes were testing me. He was trying to see what I would do. Well, Hector, I guess you didn't know me at all.
I grabbed the gun from my back pocket and pointed it at Hector. "I warned you." I mumble and Hector chuckles.
"Your not going to shoot me." Hector smirks and I nod slightly.
"Your right, but I know they will do it in a blink of an eye." I say and whistle. Then I turned around and watched Hectors old girlfriend's stood behind me, a gun in each of there hands.
Hectors smirk slowly fainted and I knew he knew I was right. Since Hector decided to go for some crazy girls before he dated me, he should've known not to cheat.
Okay, so this is how I done it. Since Kate has messaged me, I knew Sally and Hector would be there. How? Oh, Kate sent me another message after saying they were there. That's probably why the phone smashed. He was trying to make the message not sent but I guess he didn't do it fast enough. Since I figured Hector would have a gun, I planned it all out so I decided to call his ex's that he had cheated on and told them to meet me at the warehouse. Since only a few of them were in London, I had three girls who decided to help me with my plan. I was obviously not going to make the girls shoot him but how knows? They might do their own thing and shoot him anyway... I couldn't care less what they did to him.
"Hector, you remember Catlin?" I ask, making Catlin stand next to me. Catlin had long brown hair and green eyes. She was definitely model material.
"Uh..." Hector mumbled, his gun slowly dropping from Kate's head. I smirked and pulled the other girls to the side.
"How about Danielle and Scarlett?" I asked, completely amused that this was actually working.
Danielle had black hair and brown eyes that made her bad girl personality look more effective. Scarlett had blonde curly hair and blue eyes like mine. They were definitely both pretty.
"L-look, I'm sorry..." Hector mumbled and I give Kate a small smile.
"Let Kate go." I say and he does what I say. When Kate was free, I nodded at the girls and they smirked. I realised Sally had been in the corner of the room, watching the scene unfold. I chuckle to myself and walked out of the building and towards Bradley's bike. I turned to Kate and held her shoulders.
"They shouldn't bother you anymore. Oh and you should go back to Cambree. It's better there." I say and Kate smiles at me and attacks me with a hug. I hug her back awkwardly and she wipes the rest of her tears away.
"Thank you so much!" Kate smiles and I nod at her before getting onto Bradley's bike. I watched as Kate started to walk away and wrapped my arms around Bradley's waist as we drove off, back to the house.
We entered the house and walked back up the stairs to where all our planning and clues were. I sit down in front of the paper and look at the suggestions again.
"Maybe, it's somewhere were you might not remember." Bradley suggests and I look at him with an eyebrow raised.
"How is that supposed to make sense?" I chuckled and Bradley shook his head and looked at me.
"I mean, what if Phillip took them to a place where you might not think they will be, like something that you might not remember but have an idea of. He might of took them to somewhere random... but somewhere you know." Bradley explained and I nodded in understanding.
"Okay..." I say and close my eyes, trying to remember something. Anything, basically.
"Is this the only house you have?" I ask out of curiosity. Uncle Phillip grins but shakes his head.
"No, there is one in London. It's the exact same... but it's near the beach. Your favourite."
"Oh my god! Bradley, I think I know where they are!"
So what do you think of this chapter? What about when Sam reads Winter's letter? How about the photo? What about the fight between Sally and Winter. Do you like the part when Hectors ex's come into it? I think Winter was pretty smart in this chapter.
Please vote and comment in this chapter! I want to know if you liked it! I know this chapter may seem confusing but I'll edit it soon.
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