When Worlds Collide
I was sitting in my room playing Skyrim as per usual. I was exploring around the Reach when I came across a Forsworn camp, I snuck up to them and sneak killed them then dissected the bodies. "Maybe I can make some poisons from the dissections." I muttered to myself.
You may say to yourself "but dissections weren't a part of the original game!" I say you're right. I play using mods though, I find it makes the game much more enjoyable.
I looked around to see where my followers had gone off to; Cicero was fighting a briarheart, Sheogorath, Sanguine, Nocturnal, Eola, Aela, Ugor, Borgakh, Sinding, Lydia, Serana, Valerica, Miraak, Umbrel(a Death Hound), Kharjo, J'Zargo, Jyggalag, and Patrick the chicken had all ganged up on the remaining Forsworn. Then, naturally, a legendary dragon appeared.
I used Dragonrend to force it to land, then started slashing at it with my daedric sword. After a few repeats of the aforementioned technique, the dragon was dead and I got its soul. I glanced at the clock by my bed to check the time "Already 11:30?" I said to myself.
I turned off my Xbox and placed the game back into its case then went to bed.
Time skip of a few hours
I had been sound asleep when I had the distinct feeling that something or someone was watching me. I pretended to be asleep while I kept my eyes barely open, searching the darkness for a sign of life. At first I thought it was just my cat, but he was sound asleep next to me.
I happened to glance next to my bed when I came face to face with a pair of gold, cat like eyes staring at me from the darkness. Before I could make a sound, a hand was covering my mouth and muffling my screams. My heart was pounding in my chest, just who was this and why the hell was this person watching me sleep?!
"Shh, don't make a sound or else mortal. I wouldn't want to have to hurt ye." That voice... I recognized that voice "S- Sheogorath...?" I asked in fear. He stared at me "How do you know who I am?" How the hell do I tell the Prince of Madness that I know who he is because I'm a fan of the video game series he's from.
Taking a big risk, but maybe I could just tell him I've heard of his work. "I- I've heard of your work." He seemed to smirk "Well, you know who I am. Now tell me who you are, or do I have to use some force?" "T- the force won't be necessary, m- my name is Shark."
He studied me like he was questioning himself on what he would do to me. "Next question, where am I?" "Y- you're in my house, in 2017." He looked at me in disbelief. "How in Oblivion did I end up here? Did that blasted thing go off again?" He muttered to himself.
I was curious as to what he meant. But I preferred to keep my tongue still attached, so I stayed silent. He glanced at me "You're a quiet one, aren't you?" I nodded. He smirked "Perhaps this will be easier than I thought." Do I even want to know what he's planning to do to me?
"How about a deal, mortal?" He suggested with a smirk. "What kind of deal?" Normally making a deal with a Daedric Prince isn't exactly a wise decision, especially when they're known to turn the odds in their favor. But at this point, what other choice did I have? If I didn't accept the terms of his deal, he'd probably kill me.
"It's very simple, mortal. You allow me to stay here until I can go back to the Shivering Isles and keep it to yourself that I'm even here, and in return I won't hurt you. Who knows, if you prove to be useful I may allow you to come back with me. Deal?" He asked with his hand outstretched. "Deal." I took his hand and shook it.
He smirked "Excellent. Now that that's settled, do you have any cheese?" "Yeah, if you want I can go get you some." He grinned "Excellent." I set off to go get some cheese for him. Maybe if I kept enough cheese for him, I'd get on his good side.
Once I got to the kitchen I checked the refrigerator for cheese. Thankfully we had a few string cheeses and some slices of swiss and American cheese. I quickly returned to my room with the cheese "Here's the cheese you asked for." He gladly accepted the cheese and wasted no time in eating it.
"You seem out of it, mortal. Get some sleep." I obeyed him and quickly fell asleep. Hopefully this arrangement doesn't end too horribly.
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