The Party
(In order the Princes are: Molag Bal, Boethia, Azura, Clavicus Vile, Sheogorath, Nocturnal, Malacath, Mehrunes Dagon, Hircine, Mephala, Sanguine, Hermaeus Mora, Vaermina, Meridia, Jyggalag, Peryite, Namira)
"A- a what?" "A party with the Daedric Princes, you're interested aren't you?" I had to take a moment to think. The Daedric Princes weren't exactly known for being gentle with the mortals they dealt with.
"Nervous, eh? No worries, I won't let any of the Princes lay a finger on you to hurt you. Just stay close to me and you'll be safe, alright?" "Alright." Sheo grinned happily "I'll get the word out to the Princes. Oh, and before I forget, you'd do well to remember to stay away from Molag Bal and Mehrunes Dagon." I knew why they were dangerous. I mean, Dagon is the Daedric Prince of Destruction and Molag Bal is the Daedric Prince of Enslavement. Not to mention Molag Bal is the King of Rape....
"Why them in specific? Other than the fact they're the Daedric Princes of Destruction and Enslavement and Molag Bal is the King of Rape." "Weeeell, see what happened was I got into a sort of disagreement with them. They both said they'd find something precious to me and do everything in their power to crush it. I can't let them do anything to you, so just stay close to me." I nodded. But... Did Sheo just indirectly say I was precious to him? It seemed like it...
Time skip of a few hours later
I had just got back from the store, Sheo wanted me to get some snacks for the party. Though when I got up to my front door I could hear yelling and loud music blaring. It's times like this that I'm grateful that I live in the country.
At that point I set off to go find Sheo. Hopefully he's not doing anything too outrageous. While I was looking for Sheo I couldn't help but happen across a drunk Molag Bal and Sanguine arguing. "If anything I should get Lady GaGa's soul, I mean her songs are damn perfect for a party! ETERNAL LADY GAGA CONCERT!" Sanguine exclaimed. "I called dibs on her soul the moment I saw that mortal. I mean, I could find some... Use... For her." "YOU WILL NOT LAY A FINGER ON LADY GAGA'S SOUL, IT'S MINE FOR THE ETERNAL CONCERT!"
I tried to sneak away but Molag Bal had already seen me and dragged me over "Mortal, you're going to settle this argument. Who should get Lady GaGa's soul, Sanguine or me?" I gulped. Dammit, where in Oblivion is Sheo when you need him.
I mean, Sanguine didn't seem like he'd hurt her. He just liked her music. "Sanguine should take Lady GaGa, and you can take another pop artist. There's plenty to pick from." Sanguine did a little drunk victory dance "Thanks for settling that, friend." Sanguine said before going to go sing along to Alejandro.
"What other mortals should I take?" Molag growled. "W- well, you could do the mortal world a small favor and take Justin Bieber. What you do to him is up to you." Molag seemed interested, probably because he was getting a mortal's soul. "Where can I find this mortal?" "Los Angeles, California. I think." He gave me a blank look.
"Here, I'll show you where it is on a map. Then you can disguise yourself as a mortal bodyguard and ask around for his house, if anyone asks just tell them you're new to the area. Then as soon as you get the chance, boom. His soul is yours." Molag smirked "I may have some use for your plots, mortal. I shall return once I have the mortal's soul." With that he vanished.
Another Daedric Prince approached me, this time they appeared to be female. That ruled out a few, and she had some sort of insect following her. Maybe this was Namira? The Lady of Decay. "Greetings, mortal." "Hello." I greeted politely. Sheo taught me proper etiquette when speaking to a Daedric Prince, usually don't speak unless spoken to. Do as they instruct, don't do anything to piss them off, etc.
"You are the mortal companion of Sheogorath, yes?" I nodded "Yes, that's right." "He's spoken quite highly of you, impressive for a mortal. Ah, you're probably wondering who I am. I am Namira, the Lady of Decay." "Pleasure to meet you, m'lady." I said politely.
"A polite one, uncommon with most mortals I've met. Unfortunate, really. They didn't care about what I was saying at all. They only cared about what was in it for them, what reward they would get for doing my bidding." "That's common behavior for mortals here, if you ask me, it's irritating." Our conversation carried on for a while before Sheo found me.
He excused me from Namira and carried me over to the make shift bar area he'd made. "So, what has my little minx been up to?" Sheo asked in a drunken slur. "Not much actually. I met Sanguine, Namira, and got dragged into an argument between Sanguine and Molag Bal."
He tensed up "What was the argument about?" "Who gets Lady GaGa's soul." "And.... What did you say?" "I said Sanguine should get her soul and Molag Bal can get Justin Bieber's soul." Sheo sighed in relief. "Thank the gods. Molag didn't threaten you, did he?" That was the first time I'd seen Sheogorath dead serious and ready to go kill a bitch if necessary. Frankly his seriousness was both terrifying, yet oddly alluring. What the hell am I saying here? He's a Daedric Prince, a god. It's not like he'd think of me as anything more than a pet.
"No, he didn't threaten me at all. Actually, he said he may have some use for my plotting." Sheo growled lowly "That bastard." He muttered. I wasn't sure if I should say anything, or just keep quiet.
After a few moments Sheo allowed me to meet the other Daedric Princes, and surprisingly Jyggalag had shown up. He'd been trying to keep the peace whenever the Daedric Princes got into a fight. Which was usually Molag Bal and Boethia getting into a fist fight.
Almost immediately after Sheo took me back to his make shift bar, Sanguine said he had an idea for something fun to do. Once everyone was quiet he began to explain "Why don't we play a fun little game of 7 Minutes in Heaven? Buuut, 7 minutes is soooo boring. So, why not raise the time limit to an hour? Every male put an item in the enchanted hat. Then the ladies will pick who they end up with."
Sheo was hesitant, but complied and put an item in the hat. First Namira was up, she had picked out the Masque of Clavicus Vile. An hour later Clavicus walked out of the closet with a mildly horrified expression.
Azura refused to participate, saying the game was stupid and something that a mortal was more likely to play. Vaermina had picked out Mehrunes Razor. Then Nocturnal, while glaring at Sanguine, said she wasn't going to pick. Meridia ended up picking the Mace of Molag Bal and started freaking out. She was apparently terrified that Molag Bal would turn her into a vampire. Personally, I would be more concerned with what he'd do to me than if I became a vampire.
Boethia(before anyone says anything, Boethia has been described as either male or female depending on the game. For now, Boethia will be female) got the Ring of Hircine. Mephala got Volendrung. Peryite didn't want to participate. That just left me. From what I could tell all that was left was the Sanguine Rose, the Oghma Infinium, Jyggalag's Sword of Order, and the Fork of Horripilation.
I took a deep breath and reached in. I felt around to see if I could get the fork, at least I'd be with a Daedric Prince I knew as well as I possibly could. For a moment, everything seemed to slow down. Then I felt a hand guide me to the hilt of a sword.
When I pulled the sword out I studied it, the sword looked like it was made of some kind of stone. But the Fork of Horripilation had found itself stuck to Jyggalag's Sword of Order. Sanguine smirked at me "Looks like it's you, Sheo, and Jyggalag. Have fun you three."
Sheo led me into the closet and kept me close to him. Once we were all inside the closet it seemed to expand so there was plenty of room for all three of us to stay in it comfortably. Jyggalag was the first to speak "I know you sensed the small change made in your item selecting." "Yeah, so?" "That was me. You were reaching for the Oghma Infinium, I'm sure you'd rather be with us than Hermaeus Mora. Yes?" I nodded. "Why did you make the fork and the sword stuck?" "I only had a few seconds before the other Daedric Princes caught on to what I was doing. I stuck the fork and my sword together and guided your hand to the sword. That's the only reason I chose to partake in this game at all."
That certainly explained a lot. Jyggalag didn't seem like the type to want to participate in a game like this. "So... You don't have any interest in this mortal, yes?" Sheo asked lowly. Jyggalag nodded "Indeed. The only interest I take in this mortal is acknowledging her, what you do with her is your decision Mad God."
Sheo nodded "Good. Glad we got that settled." "If you wish to do anything, I would advice you to rush. It's been ten minutes. I'll be taking my leave, but before I go..." Jyggalag bent down to my level. "Take great care, the Mad God has taken a particular interest in you. This interest is beyond me, but I have seen great death and destruction caused due to the Madman's interest in you. The other Princes are well aware of it, they call it an obsession. Before I go, a word of advice mortal, tread carefully around the Mad God. You never know what he'll do to you." I nodded "Thank you, Jyggalag." He nodded in acknowledgement. He then teleported himself out, probably off to go wander around Oblivion.
"Now then, where were we? Ah, yes." In an instant I was pinned to the wall of the closet with both my wrists locked in the steel grip of the Mad God. He was smirking at me, but it was obvious he was still drunk.
"Be a good little minx for your master." He growled in my ear. I had no other choice but to obey him. He kissed me aggressively, holding me firmly against him. I was stunned at first, but then I started to kiss him back, but no where near as aggressive as he was.
"I plan on making the most of this, pet~" He growled seductively. He trailed bites along my neck, leaving mutiple red marks along my neck. It felt like it had only been a few minutes, but it had apparently been almost our entire hour. Sanguine knocked on the door "The door's going to open in a couple minutes. Either get dressed now or keep fucking. Your choice."
Sheo stared at me intensely "I'll have you, one day soon. Mark my words, pet. I'll have you all for myself." He growled in that low, psychopathic yet seductive voice he frequently used around me. It's like he knew I loved that voice.
A few moments later Sanguine opened the door, Sheo carried me out. He held me on his lap for the rest of the evening, never letting me out of his sight. That is, until it was time to head off to bed. But even then he stayed at my side, refusing to leave me for anything he deemed pointless.
Once I'd started drifting off to sleep I felt him wrap his arms around me and whisper "Pleasant dreams, love. I'll protect you while you sleep, I promise nothing will harm you." I smiled to myself and finally fell asleep, feeling safe and sound in the arms of the Mad God.
Short description of each Daedric Prince, WARNING: SOME LORE ABOUT THE DAEDRIC PRINCES CAN BE TRIGGERING *cough* Molag Bal *cough* READ AT YOUR OWN RISK
Azura: Daedric Prince of Dawn and Dusk, considered one of the "good daedra" by the Dunmer(Dark Elves), Daedric artifact is Azura's Star/the Black Star(reusable soul gems that will trap the souls of slain victims if soul trap was used on them), rules over Moonshadow
Boethia: Daedric Prince of Plots, considered one of the "good daedra" by the Dunmer, rival of Molag Bal, Daedric artifact is the Ebony Mail(ebony chainmail armor that muffles the wearer and does poison damage to enemies who get too close), rules over Attribution's Share
Clavicus Vile: Daedric Prince of Pacts, known to make deals with mortals that they later regret, has a talking dog named Barbas, Daedric artifact is the Masque of Clavicus Vile(a mask that increases speechcraft abilities), rules over an unnamed realm
Hircine: Daedric Prince of the Hunt, father of Manbeasts, created werebeasts(werewolves, werebears, etc), werewolves are his chosen hunters, Daedric artifacts are the Ring of Hircine(if the wearer is a werewolf it allows them to transform at will and control their transformation) the Savior's Hide(armor made from the skin of a slain werewolf, grants some protection against magic), rules over the Hunting Grounds, once got into a battle of beasts against Sheogorath. He created an abomination known as the Weredaedroth (a daedroth afflicted with lycanthropy) which was pit against a small bird Sheogorath had brought. The bird flew around as the Weredaedroth tired itself out until it was unable to move, thus making Sheogorath the winner. NEVER mention the Weredaedroth to Hircine, it's a sore point
Hermaeus Mora: Daedric Prince of Knowledge and Fate, the slowest talker in the history of slow talkers(like seriously dude, it takes him ten freaking minutes to give you simple instructions), known to seduce mortals into his service by tempting them with dangerous knowledge(like The Lusty Argonian Maid vol 3 that can be found everywhere in his realm. You ain't fooling anyone Mora), in the events of the Dragonborn DLC for Skyrim the Last Dragonborn battles the First Dragonborn Miraak(Miraak was a Dragon Priest but turned traitor and went into the service of Hermaeus Mora to gain more knowledge and power), Daedric artifact is the Oghma Infinium(a book made from the flesh of every elven race, contains the knowledge of the universe), rules over Apocrypha(or as I call it, the hentai realm. There's fucking tentacles EVERYWHERE)
Jyggalag: Daedric Prince of Order, was cursed by the other Princes to become the thing he hated most therefore creating Sheogorath, at the end of each era an event known as the Greymarch would occur and Jyggalag would be allowed to take on his true form and bring Order to Sheogorath's realm known as the Shivering Isles, after the events of the Shivering Isles DLC for Oblivion the Greymarch no longer occurs as the Hero of Kvatch defeats Jyggalag and becomes the new Sheogorath, only Daedric Prince without an artifact so the closest he has to an artifact is his Sword of Order, it doesn't say if he has a realm or not
Meridia: Daedric Prince of Life, HATES undead of any kind, tries to eliminate undead and necromancy wherever it appears, arguably the most morally good of the Daedric Princes, Daedric artifact is the Dawnbreaker(a sword that does sun damage to undead and has a chance of burning them), rules over a collection of realms called the Coloured Rooms (my personal least favorite Daedric Prince, she's way too bossy for my liking)
Mephala: Daedric Prince of Sex, Murder, and Lies. Founded the Morag Tong guild of assassins, considered one of the "good daedra" by the Dunmer, Daedric artifact is the Ebony Blade(a two handed katana that is strengthened by the blood of deciet)
Molag Bal: Daedric Prince of Domination, also known as the King of Rape, father of vampires, said he created vampires by raping a woman who later gave birth to the first vampires, rivals with Boethia, considered one of the "bad daedra" by the Dunmer, a part of the Four Corners of the House of Troubles by the Dunmer, Daedric artifact is the Mace of Molag Bal(a mace that does stamina damage to its victim), rules over Coldharbour
Mehrunes Dagon: Daedric Prince of Destruction, attempted to invade the mortal world in an event called the Oblivion Crisis (we'd be here a while if I went into detail about it, google is your friend), favors natural disasters, has severe anger issues, Daedric artifact is Mehrunes Razor(a dagger that has a chance to instantly kill its victim), considered one of the "bad daedra" by the Dunmer, a member of the Four Corners of the House of Troubles by the Dunmer, he rules over the Deadlands
Malacath: Daedric Prince of the Cursed, protector of the ostracized, known as the God King of Orcs(Orsimer), unknown if Maulach the Aedra is the same entity as Malacath the Daedra, Daedric artifact is Volendrung(a warhammer forged by the Dwemer(Deep Elves, not much is known about them) that does stamina damage to its victim, considered one of the "bad daedra" by the Dunmer, a member of the Four Corners of the House of Troubles by Dunmer, he was onced tricked into murdering his own son by Sheogorath. His son murdered his daughter who was also a follower of Sheogorath, Sheogorath gave Malacath Neb-Crescen to which Malacath killed his son due to the murderous frenzy brought on by Neb-Crescen, he rules over the Ash Pits
Namira: Daedric Prince of Death and Decay, patron goddess of all things considered repulsive, created the frostbite spider, her followers are typically cannibals, Daedric artifact is the Ring of Namira(a ring which gives the wearer thoughts of cannibalism, grants health regeneration if the wearer feeds on corpses), rules over the Scuttling Void
Nocturnal: Daedric Prince of the Night, patron goddess of thieves, within the Thieves Guild three highly skilled thieves will make a pact with Nocturnal to become Nightingales(thieves who have greater access to the luck provided by Nocturnal), unlike other daedra she doesn't care about having shrines and being worshipped, Daedric artifact is the Skeleton Key(a key that can open any lock and can tap into the hidden potential in any individual), rules over the Evergloam
Peryite: Daedric Prince of Pestilence, despite having the appearance of a dragon he is the weakest Daedric Prince, Daedric artifact is Spellbreaker(a dwarven shield that blocks more damage than any other shield, is actually the best shield in Skyrim), rules over The Pits (not to be confused with Malacath's realm the Ash Pits)
Sanguine: Daedric Prince of Debauchery and Sin, known for throwing completely outrageous parties, however he once attended a party thrown by one of his more well known drinking buddies but left because he got uncomfortable(no one alive knows what happened at the party except Sanguine, however the only other way of finding out what happened is to somehow obtain a Book of Madness from Sheogorath. Even then it's extremely unlikely you'll get the book, if you're lucky Sheo will tell you the story), Daedric artifact is the Sanguine Rose, rules over the Myriad Realms of Revelry
Sheogorath(aka my semi innocent murderous cinnamon roll, also known as the Mad God): Daedric Prince of Madness, it's said to avoid thunderstorms as they belong to Sheogorath and can cause madness, he is a master of manipulation(he tricked Malacath into murdering his own son jn cold blood, he beat Hircine in a contest of beasts, and he beat Vaermina at her own game), he has the most Daedric artifacts out of all the other Daedric Princes, he has a sort of split personality going between his manic and demented sides in a matter of seconds, he has an extreme obsession with cheese, he has a curious interest in tearing out the intestines of his victims and either strangling them with their own intestines or jumping rope with the intestines, he enjoys making mortals do tasks that can be seen as silly, trivial, dangerous, or just nonsensical in general, he rules over the Shivering Isles, he is known as one of the "bad daedra" by the Dunmer, he is a member of the Four Corners of the House of Troubles by the Dunmer, it's theorized that the Sheogorath encountered in Skyrim is the Hero of Kvatch(the player character in Oblivion), Daedric artifacts are the Wabbajack(an ebony staff with a randomized effect), Gambolpuddy(a magical glove that depletes the wearer's magic reserves), Sheogorath's Signet Ring(a magic ring that enhances the wearer's magic reserves), Neb-Crescen(the sword Malacath used to murder his son, a sword that causes the weilder to want to murder everyone around them), the Staff of the Everscamp(a magic staff that summons four Scamps to constantly follow the holder, the holder can never put the staff down unless they can find someone else to take it or if it gets returned to Sheogorath), the Fork of Horripilation(which he affectionately refers to as Forky, a magic fork which causes a magical affliction called "Fork's Wound" which tampers with the weilder's magic reserves, Sheogorath is fond of forcing mortals to use the fork in battle), the Folium Discognitum(a book filled with the insights of Madmen, gives the reader an dramatic increase in their skills), the Staff of Sheogorath(the symbol of office for Sheogorath, a staff seemed to be made of wood with an eye in the center, can stop enemies in their tracks), he has a Chamberlain named Haskill(a pretty cool dude really), not even the wisest mortal can truly know Sheogorath's intentions, he is known to either help or hinder any mortal who has the luck of meeting him, never ever EVER allow Sheogorath to become bored.... It never ends well....
(above: the Wabbajack)
above: the Staff of Sheogorath)
(above: Gambolpuddy)
(above: Fork of Horripilation)
(above: Sheogorath's Signet Ring)
(above: Staff of the Everscamp)
(above: Neb-Crescen)
Vaermina: Daedric Prince of Dreams and Nightmares, mistress of dreams, she once made a bet with Sheogorath that he couldn't drive one of her followers insane. So she cut off her follower from all contact with her which gradually drove them insane. Upon confronting Sheogorath she learned he didn't have to do anything to her follower as her action of severing ties with her follower was all that was needed to drive them to insanity, Daedric Artifact is the Skull of Corruption(a staff that does additional damage to sleeping victims), rules over Quagmire
(I would add in more pictures but Wattpad wanted to be an asshole and will only allow the ones I have so far -_- sorry guys)
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