The next morning I was awoken by the sound of Ghost's Cirice playing as my morning alarm. I glanced at my clock "Already 6?" I muttered. I didn't turn the alarm off right away, rather I listened to the song.
"This is certainly better than listening to bards." Sheogorath muttered. "So it would seem you mortals have talented musicians." "Yeah, there's also some mortal musicians who... Well, let's just say if you ask me I'd say their talents could be used elsewhere."
He seemed interested "Why do you say that?" "Well, there are some musicians who don't use instruments. They use technology to make their own sounds, some people like it. Personally, it gives me a headache." "Well, it's good to know some mortals still hold on to my gift of music." He said quietly.
I started to get up "What do you think you're doing?" He asked lowly. "I have to get ready for school." "School, hmm? Perhaps I could accompany you. See what this mortal world is like." "Sure, just please don't kill anyone." He seemed disappointed "Why not?" "Some people at school are dicks, but killing them would just cause more problems than there should be."
"Sounds boring. Is there anything interesting about going to this 'school' of yours?" "Lunch is usually interesting." He thought about it for a moment "Very well, I'll accompany you." He allowed me to get up and get dressed for the day, then he observed my morning routine. Eat breakfast, brush my teeth, grab my computer, then go wait for the bus.
"What are you looking for?" He asked while trying to figure out what it was I was staring at. "I'm waiting for the bus." He nodded and waited with me. After a few minutes he seemed to be getting bored "Mortal, is there anything interesting you do while waiting for this bus?" "I usually listen to music."
He was about to say something when the bus finally pulled up to my house. He followed me out to the bus where he was stopped by the driver, I wasn't quite sure what he did; but he stared at the driver and told him he could be on the bus if he wanted to.
He was then allowed on where he followed me to my seat and sat next to me. "How long are we going to be here?" "Not long, the school is about eight minutes away from the house if you drive there."
We arrived at the school after a few minutes. As soon as we got inside we were stopped again, and once again he stared at the principal and told him he was allowed to be in the school if he wanted to be in the school.
So we went to my first class, nothing particularly notable happened. Actually, nothing really happened all day. Up until my last class of the day, English. Naturally I had to get paired up with an asshole I'd known since Kindergarten. "What's with the hostilities towards the other mortal?" Sheo asked quietly. "I've known him since I was little, he bullied me throughout my whole life."
He seemed to tense up "Perhaps he should be taught a lesson." He growled lowly in rage. At the end of class he approached the guy I'd been paired up with. "I understand you've caused my favorite mortal some problems in her lifetime." He said in a low, psychopathic tone. "Why the hell do you care?" The guy asked with a smirk. "Does the big bad 'god' have a crush on that useless bitch?" The guy asked in a laugh.
In an instant the guy was being held up in the air, grabbing at his throat. "H- how...?" The guy asked. "Telekinetic grip, a useful spell. Oh, and watch your back." Sheo said lowly. Once Sheo released the guy from the spell, he was sent flying into the wall.
"If you ever cause her any harm or grief, I will hunt you down and I will kill you." Sheo growled. The guy nodded then took off running to escape. Sheo glanced back at me with his usual manic smile "That little mortal won't be bothering ye again." "Thanks Sheogorath, I owe you." For a split second I could've sworn I saw him smirk.
He held his hand out to me "Let's return home, shall we?" I nodded and walked with him. He stayed with me until the bus showed up to take us home, the whole ride home we talked and laughed. In all honesty, I never had anyone to talk to on the bus. I sat in the back with a few people sitting behind me, everyone else sat way up at the front of the bus.
But Sheo changed my usual boredom with stories of the Shivering Isles and mortals he'd dealt with in the past. "And then he made the mistake of turning his back on me, so I ripped his spine out and cut him in half with it!" Sheo howled with laughter at his story of a mortal he'd killed for being "spineless" as he described them.
Once we got home he tried to help me with my homework, which didn't exactly go as well as I'd hoped. He tried answering every question with 'cheese' regardless of what the question was. While it was hilarious, I had to be serious about the homework. He wasn't happy about the seriousness, but he allowed me to do my work.
"Mortal, what do you think of having a party with the other Daedric Princes?" "A- a what...?"
(Here's the nonmusic video version of Cirice for those who don't want to watch the video)
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