Chapter 3: I Get One Too!
Shima: (wakes up feeling sore from yesterday's training and walks into the living area of the place) Morning Konan.
Konan: Morning.
Shima: (Looks and sees another member of the akatsuki there. He has blue skin and sharp teeth with a huge sword that has a white bandage around it) are?
Kisame: The name's Kisame Kid. Partner of Itachi Uchiha. I'm taking my guess that your the new kid he was talking about?
Shima: Yeah, that's me sadly.
Kisame: Sadly? (breaks out laughing) You're lucky to be alive and not in a million pieces!
Shima: Yeah. Guess you have a point there. The name's Shima. Shima Mitsou.
Hidan: The fuck you mean it's my fault we got paid half for his head!?
Kisame: Ugh, he's back already.
Kakuzu: If you didn't cut the bastards face we would've had double the money.
Hidan: The Guy charged at me!
Shima: Is this a regular?
Kisame: Yeah.
Konan: Sometimes I wish I could just shut both of them up.
Hidan:(Looks at Shima and Kisame) What the hell are you two looking at!?
Konan: (sighs) So I just got news that you're gonna be starting a mission today.
Shima: I am?
Konan: Yes. Your mission is to infiltrate the village hidden in the mist for a guy named Niku Yori and eliminate him.
Shima: Okay awesome. My first mission I have to kill a guy.....(sighs)perfect. For what though?
Konan: He stole some information from us and plans on releasing it to the public.
Shima: I guess that's a good reason.
Konan: Since this is your first mission and you don't have an official partner, You'll be paired with Itachi and Kisame.
Shima: Okay is that all?
Konan: No, lastly don't fail this mission.
Shima: Yes ma'am.
Konan: Your cloak is in your room. Wear it to represent the Akatsuki. You leave in an hour so get ready.
Shima: Yes (runs to his room and pack his things) I can't believe I get one of these. (puts on his cloak) Should I wear the collar part over my mouth like Itachi? Or under it?........then again it's always gonna cover my mouth.
*An hour pass as Kisame and Itachi are waiting at the entrance for Shima*
Kisame: Your late kid.
Shima: (Comes running at them and stops) I'm sorry guys but have you seen my sword?
Itachi: I took it yesterday. It had several cracks in it. (Goes back inside and grabs his newly modified sword) Here. (Gives Shima the sword)
Shima: Whoa! This is epic, but it looks different. (Holds it up)
Itachi: I made it so the elements you have can be released into that sword.
Shima: No way (stands in front of a tree and just stares at his sword) can I do that exactly?
Itachi: You know how to concentrate chakra through your sword?
Shima: Yeah of course. (Holds his sword in front of him) Okay here I go! (His sword catches fire) Whoa!! That's wicked awesome!
Kisame: If you don't mind we have a mission to get to.
Shima: O-oh yeah! Coming! (follows itachi and kisame through the woods)
*As night approaches the trio reaches the mist village*
Shima: Hey about my power, what exactly is it?
Itachi: We were looking into that. We've just got information recently about it.
Kisame: Don't worry kid it won't kill you or anything....I think. (laughs)
Shima: That isn't funny....
Itachi: Let's go. (starts walking through the village)
Kisame: Aw come on itachi. Always so serious. (follows him as does shima)
Shima: So what does this guy looks like exactly?
Itachi: (stops and looks straight forward)
Shima: What are you looking at? (looks the way itachi is looking and sees nothing)
Kisame: Just wait Kid.
*All look and sees a man with a long scar coming across his face and a eye-patch as he walks out of an house and into the forest*
Shima: That guys looks scary.
Kisame: Eh, I've seen worse. (shrugs) Okay let's get this over with. (starts to follow him)
Itachi: You take the lead on this one.
Shima: M-me? (points at himself)
Itachi: The reason for you coming is to see how you handle missions.
Shima: I guess your right. (walks ahead of Itachi and Kisame) Follow me I guess.
*They follow the man but has they start to get closer he slowly disappears in the fog*
Shima: What the hell? He was just there a second ago. (scratches his head)
Kisame: He noticed us.
Itachi: Now he's planning his attack or planning his escape.
Shima: Wait a sec, how'd he figure we was following him?
Kisame: You made too much noise.
Itachi: Mhm.
Shima: Oh....I failed in stealth then. However, (takes out a kunai) that doesn't mean I can fail in combat (smirks and throws his kunai across the field as it hits a tree) come out and receive your punishment Niku.
Itachi: You've found his hidden spot. Impressive enough.
Niku: (Dashes out from behind the tree shima threw his kunai at) This info has be released. You guys are a menace to the world, and with this you all will die.
Shima: (Runs in-front of Niku) Sorry pal. If that's the case then I can't have you leaving here in one piece now can I?
Niku: Your not apart of this info. What are you some kind of fanboy or something (Chuckles)
Shima: Oh you got jokes huh? (In an instant takes out his kitana and cuts the man arm)
Niku: (Grabs his arm) Ah! You brat! You'll pay for that one (Takes out his kunai and starts to attack shima)
Kisame: Oh look you got him mad.
Shima: I know right (Dodges the attacks with ease) Are you seriously trying to kill me? With one arm?
Niku: Water style: water dragon justu! (A big water dragon appears and goes towards shima)
Shima: So your done playing I guess. (Holds his sword up) Okay let's give this a whirl. (Slashes downwards as flames comes out his sword and vaporizes this water dragon with one swing) Holy crap that was epic. Now time to meet your maker. (walks towards the man)
Kisame: Don't ever say that again. (shakes his head)
Shima: It was the only line I could come up with! (When he turns to the man he sees him go for one more strike) Nice try but....(Dodges it and grabs his right arm) your done. (Does a hand sign with one hand) Lighting style: 1000 needles (Pierces his right arm through the man's heart and then pulls out letting him fall on the floor)
Itachi: (Grabs the files) Okay let's head back.
Kisame: (follows Itachi)
Shima: Wait! (runs after them) How'd I do?
Kisame: You've got alot to learn kid. But I guess for your first mission I'll give ya a C+
Shima: (Shrugs his shoulders) That's acceptable. What about you Itachi?
Itachi: Could be better.
Shima: Yeah, figured you would say that.
*After a long trip back they hand in the report for the mission*
Shima: So um.....leader. Who is my next teacher?
Pain: Hidan.
Shima: (Stands there frozen for a couple of seconds) B-b-but......he's insane.
Pain: You don't like my decision? (Gives Shima a cold icy stare)
Shima: (stands straight and looks up) I-I highly support that choice Sir!
Pain: Good. You can leave.
Shima: (Walks out fast) Crap, man Hidan's gonna kill me in training. (While walking around the place he sees a man with orange lollipop looking mask on) Great another Weirdo. Ignore Shima ignore. (Tries to walk away slowly but the man notices him and comes charging at him) AHH! (Runs away)
Tobi: Tobi Likes newcomers! (Follows after Shima)
Shima: Get away! (Runs into his room and closes his door)
Tobi: (Whispers in Shima's ear) Tobi is a good boy.
Shima: (Screams again and runs out his room)
Shima: He's chasing me! (runs behind hidan)
Tobi: Hi hidan!
Hidan: Go to hell. (walks away)
Shima: Wait hidan don't leave I gotta tell ya something.
Hidan: I know already. I gotta train your stupid ass tomorrow right?
Shima: How'd you know?
Hidan: He told me this after you guys left for the mission. This is such a pain in the ass but I have no choice. Meet me by the lake at 5.
Shima: In the morning?
Hidan: (Sarcastic) No next week. Of course morning you fucking idiot. Geez I'm leaving. Oy! Kakazu! Where's my money!?
Shima: Oh man.....(Sighs) This is a pain.
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